The theory of calculation of the main parameters of the cable system of a transport and cargo balloon
The theory of calculation of the main parameters of the cable system of a transport and cargo balloon
Incoming article date: 24.06.2024This article presents the results of theoretical research in the field of methods for determining the forces arising in the traction return ropes of the balloon system used in transport, cargo and construction works. The emphasis is placed on the accuracy of the swivel positioning when exposed to a wind flow on the balloon. Theoretical calculations of the main parameters are given, such as: high-speed head, resultant lifting force, rope span, rope force, rope deflection, swivel movement and others. A technique is proposed that allows for a relatively simple and rapid calculation of rope forces in the process of performing cargo operations by an aerostat crane on a construction and installation site.
Keywords: balloon system, balloon crane, traction and return ropes, rope forces, drag, aerial construction and installation work, swivel