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+7 961 270-60-01


Engineering Journal of Don

Publication schedule 12 issues per year
Language Russian, English
Founder Rostov regional department of Russian Engineering Academy
Publisher North-Caucasus scientific center of High school, Southern Federal University
Editor-in-Chief Panich, Anatoly E. – Ph.D. in engineering, professor, Southern Federal University

Registration information

ISSN International Centre ISSN 2073-8633
Key title: Inženernyj vestnik Dona (Rus)
Abbreviated key title: Inž. vestn. Dona

Mass media registration certificate № ФС77-75410
(April, 01, 2019)
State registration ФГУП НТЦ «Информрегистр» 0421100096
(Order of Ministry of Information Technologies and communication № 428 October, 20, 2010)
Russian science citation index (РИНЦ) Registered in РИНЦ (Russian science citation index), main reference database of science publications of Russian researchers
List of Higher attestation commission (ВАК) The journal is in the list of HAC, (the leading reviewed journals and issues where main research results of dissertations in candidacy for the degree of doctor of sciences and Ph.D (year 2021).
Ulrich's database Ulrich's Periodicals Directory, the main international catalog for serials (Id: 747030).