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Development of the educational and research laboratory stand based on the programmable logic controller SPK110


Development of the educational and research laboratory stand based on the programmable logic controller SPK110

Korneev P.E., Ignatyev A.A.

Incoming article date: 02.07.2024

The laboratory base in higher educational institutions should be equipped with modern stands with equipment that corresponds to the technological level of the real equipment of industrial enterprises. Practical training of highly qualified engineering personnel in the field of industrial automation is one of the key factors in the technological development of the material production sectors of our economy. The formation of students' skills required by the real sectors of the economy is possible only during practical and laboratory classes using laboratory stands based on modern domestic equipment. The article discusses the issues of designing and constructing a mobile multifunctional laboratory stand for the industrial automation based on the programmable logic controller of the national production SPK110, provides a functional diagram and wiring diagram of the laboratory stand, provides a complete list of electrical components used to create the stand. The performed economic assessment of the manufacture of the laboratory stand gives grounds to conclude that it is economically feasible to produce such stands by the staff of the departments of industrial automation. The article also shows the experience of introducing this laboratory stand into the educational process of bachelor's degree preparation in the direction of 15.03.04 “Automation of technological processes and productions". The laboratory stand based on the SPK110 is a multifunctional, mobile stand designed to implement multi-level tasks of industrial automation, which can also be used as a visual aid when conducting career guidance and exhibition events in extracurricular premises. The project to create the laboratory stand can be scaled up in other higher educational institutions of our country without spending time on the preparatory and research parts.

Keywords: programmable logic controller, laboratory stand, industrial automation, automation of technological processes and productions