microwave photonics; external amplitude and phase modulation, optical generation of radio frequency signals; generation of poly-harmonic optical signals with microwave frequency components
Keywords: microwave photonics; external amplitude and phase modulation, optical generation of radio frequency signals; generation of poly-harmonic optical signals with microwave frequency components
The article examines not only the issues of ensuring mutual understanding and interaction of subjects of innovative engineering, but also the need for creative development of their consciousness. Attention is paid to the increasingly popular in the invention, in the technological business and innovative engineering of critical thinking and the possibilities of its constructive use. In the final article, the authors derive an algorithm for searching for creative solutions.
Keywords: dogmatism, criticism, creativity, constructivism, search for creative solutions
The article deals with the problems existing in our country that arise in the construction of buildings and structures using new materials and engineering technologies. As shown by the analysis, one of the most significant problems in this area is the violation of production technologies using new materials. To overcome this situation, it is proposed to set the technological normal at the design stage by developing technological maps that take into account the composition and sequence of operations taking into account the properties of energy-efficient materials in detail. In Donskoy State Technical University (DGTU) is developing an intelligent management system that provides organizational and technological and information integration of the stages of design and production through the creation of a single database of technological maps, volumes of work and resources
Keywords: integration, database, the resource classifier, engineering, life cycle of construction products
The non-continuous beam on which the concentrated masses are located on the elastic supports is subjected to seismic action as a stationary random process with latent periodicity. The eigenfrequencies of the oscillations are determined and the reliability function is found in time. The theory of emissions beyond the design resistance is used.
Keywords: Beam, concentrated mass, elastic support, correlation matrix, natural frequency, effective frequency, random process, latent periodicity, reliability, time
One of the most important strategic tasks, the solution of which is aimed at the development of the construction complex, is to improve the quality and competitiveness of construction products. In work the technique of an estimation of competitiveness of building production with the account of the criteria characterizing the basic properties and cost of considered objects is offered. The application of this methodology allows us to obtain not only reliable results of assessing the competitiveness of products, but also to determine the degree of improvement for each of the analyzed criteria after the corrective and preventive measures taken to improve the quality of products.
Keywords: quality, competitiveness, plastic window construction, profile system, weight ratio, integrated priority
The questions of mathematical interpretation of results of trajectory measurements are discussed in terms of increasing the accuracy of identification of bearings of unmanned aerial vehicles during their movement in a "swarm" - a group. Variants of identification of horizontal and spatial bearings are offered. For each of the variants, criteria are proposed for identifying the belonging of the measured values to the same object in the group and the conditions for achieving them. The situation of false positives is shown. It is determined that additional identification measures are needed to eliminate false bearing triads and uncovered ambiguities, including the use of combinatorial exhaustive search algorithms. For their study, it is necessary to develop an experimental statistical model with an algorithmic description of cause-effect relationships, which is a further development of this work.
Keywords: " unmanned aerial vehicle, group of objects, bearing identification, horizontal bearing, spatial bearing, identification criteria, false notch"
The problems of studying the mathematical interpretation of the results of trajectory measurements in terms of increasing the accuracy of identification of bearings of unmanned aerial vehicles during their movement in the group "swarm" and "system" are discussed. The variants of identification of horizontal (IHP) and spatial bearings (PPI) are proposed both separately and in a complementary application. Identification of bearings of similar objects in the swarm type group is expedient to be carried out according to the IGP-IPP algorithm. However, it is only partly operational at distances of 3 km or more. As the main algorithm for identifying bearings of similar objects in the "Story" group, it is advisable to use IPP. Although these algorithms achieve high identification efficiency under favorable conditions, with tougher conditions, they drop rather sharply. Therefore, to maintain a high level of probability of "pure" identification, it is advisable to use additional measures to combat false triads. For the removal of problems, it is necessary to develop and apply combinatorial algorithms for exhaustive search, which is the direction for the development of further research.
Keywords: unmanned aerial vehicle, group of objects, bearing identification, horizontal bearing, spatial bearing, identification criteria, false notch
the article presents the ways to implement the concept of using the secondary energy potential suitable for a less energy-intensive system. The positive aspects of the use of waste gas heat for heating the premises, as well as methods of optimization of processes, in order to improve the efficiency of the system and the preservation of temperature and gas conditions that meet the conditions of permanent residence of a person in the service area
Keywords: energy saving, energy resources, wasteful consumption of resources, energy sources, heating, ventilation, efficiency, loss minimization, utilization of flue gases, optimization, engineering solutions
Nhe proposed method save energy, including the classification of cars according to the power consumption and algorithm of measures whose implementation at the industrial enterprises will reduce the energy consumption
Keywords: the method of the power saving algorithm of measures to reduce energy consumption
Laser tracking locators have certain drawbacks, among which there is a strong influence of the atmosphere on their energy and precision parameters, the process of aiming a narrow beam at the object, etc. High requirements for locators (the error of measuring the range to a few centimeters) lead to the need to take into account the state of the atmosphere on the route for application Corrections in the measurements. In particular, the phenomenon of refraction leads to a significant distortion of the signal. To reduce the error of distance measurements it is advisable to use methods to compensate for the effect of refraction or to take it into account and use the correction coefficients. The article shows that the effective solution to this problem in the absence of the possibility of obtaining operational and accurate information about meteorological parameters is the use of parallel laser probing of the atmosphere. More promising in this case is the use of laser methods for controlling atmospheric parameters, which we described and experimentally investigated at the Chauda, Feodosiya, and the Republic of Crimea provinces. The obtained atmospheric data were used to create a mobile laser-television locator for external-trajectory measurements of the descent of the aeroelastic systems "Kafa" and were installed both on the ground and on an air balloon. The trajectories of the descent of balloons and cargo parachute systems were studied.
Keywords: Laser tracking locator, ranging channel, atmospheric effect, refraction, model compensation method, laser probing
Refraction has a strong influence on the accuracy parameters of the range-finding tract of laser tracking locators and the process of directing a narrow laser beam onto the object. High requirements for locators (the error of measuring the range to a few dozen centimeters) lead to the need to take refraction into account for making corrections to the measurements. Significant distortion of the signal leads not only to the phenomenon of static refraction, but also dynamic. To reduce the error of distance measurements it is advisable to use methods to compensate for the effect of static refraction or to take it into account and use the correction coefficients. The article shows that the most effective solution to the problem of refraction in the presence of a dynamic component is also the use of parallel laser probing of the atmosphere, but it must be carried out at two different wavelengths. In this case, the main method of calculating the correction factors is the dispersion method, which makes it possible to reduce the relative measurement error to 106. The use of laser methods for controlling atmospheric parameters, including two-wave and two-frequency ones, was described by us and experimentally investigated at the Chauda, Feodosiya, and the Republic of Crimea fires on YAG: Nb3 + IZ-25 lasers and continuous lasers . The obtained atmospheric data on the LT-5Z laser were used to create a mobile laser-television locator for external-trajectory measurements of the descent of the aerial systems "Kafa +" and were installed both on the ground and on an air balloon. The flight trajectories of balloons and the descent of cargo parachute systems were studied.
Keywords: Laser tracking locator, ranging channel, atmospheric effect, static refraction, dynamic refraction, dispersion compensation method, laser two-wave probing of the atmosphere
in the article the questions of modeling of thermal effects in vortex tubes with application software, for example, CFD-complex is Studied. Discusses the practical applications of thermal effect in vortex tubes, is proposed using the process of refrigeration in vortex tubes for climate control in vegetable stores with the aim of improving the safety of the products. This article is of interest to a wide circle of readers, dealing with issues of simulation software packages.
Keywords: heat effect, cooling, heating, microclimate, modeling, CAD software program, 3D model. CFD-complex is Studied, FlowVision
The article presents a technique for designing and assigning the composition of the molding mixture, which is based on the calculation and experimental approach to determining the composition, taking into account the quality of raw materials used and the requirements for the properties of concrete products produced.
Keywords: Hard pressed concrete, cement, water content of the mixture, two-factor experiment, rotatable composite simplexummable plan, regression equation of the experiment, quasi-factor analysis
Investigation of the stability of rectilinear rods, determination of critical loads, determination of eigenvalues and forms using numerical methods and modern software.
Keywords: The stability, critical force, differential equations, square matrix, distributed load, rod of variable cross-section, bending moment, lateral force, moment of inertia
The request from authorities and the public for receiving a sociological portrait of students of system of secondary professional education in the conditions of market economy assumes use of complex innovative and evidence-based techniques of its creation. The article presents theoretical-methodological foundations of sociological research whose purpose is to receive evidence-based portrait of applicants, students and graduates of secondary professional education. It proves that the comprehensive description of social and status lines, career expectations and the educational strategy of this social community has to be based on the heuristic potential of resource, valuable and motivational and functional approaches and be carried out within a neoclassical paradigm of scientific research. The social research which being built on these conceptual bases, would promote adequate identification of the problem parties of development and transformation of students of the system of secondary professional education. It will create a possibility of updating of training programs according to the current inquiries as labor market and students, and will become a basis of improvement of the policy of the secondary professional education organizations directed to development of methods of involvement of entrants.
Keywords: system of secondary professional education, complex sociological portrait, students as social group, educational strategy, professional installations