One of the main advantages of digital imaging - the ability to create highly informative models of studied objects and terrain , which is achieved by the use of vector graphics primitives , as in the image plane and in the space of the stereo . Digital photogrammetry is available for many sectors of the economy , as does not require expensive equipment. However, the accuracy of the decided tasks affects the fact that the digital photographs have lower depictive properties and informativeness, with their comparison with the photographs, furthermore for their working large computational power be required. Under the contemporary conditions ground-based stereophotogrammetrical survey, with the smaller cost of operation, allows rapidly, and also in the regime “real time”, to obtain the large volumes of information about the object being studied .
Keywords: Photogrammetry, digital image, digital cameras, ground-based stereophotogrammetrical survey, the calibration
In article mathematical formalization of concept of a lag effect of system as a whole, and in particular a lag effect of the social and economic system arising at studying of processes and the phenomena of a labor market is considered.This property allows to consider a problem of a temporary gap between operating impact and result of change of system of a labor market on this influence.
Keywords: Labor market, lap effect, optimizing tasks, economic-mathematical modeling,operating influence, social and economic system
A comprehensive analysis of the trend indicators moving averages (simple – MA, exponential – EMA moving average convergence-divergence – MACD). Used data from the site of Forex (FX) for the period from 21 July to 21 October, 2013. Computing scheme is implemented in the mode of conservative scalping trading system unveils new profitable intraday trading system for the forex market Forex.
Keywords: Trend indicators, moving Average, simple average, exponential Moving Average, moving average convergence-divergence, trend, short-term trend, period, a short period, long period, conservative scalping.
The intense strained state analysis results of the ""Kirovets"" KPP-16(20) portal crane trunk solid-state model are given in this work by a finite element method. Model operation of certainly element model in the program environment the Compass 3D v.14 is executed and results of its calculation in the form of the card of tension and the time-temperature chart for two cases of a loading are presented.
Keywords: finite element method, solid-state model, metal construction, portal crane, trunk, card of tension, time-temperature chart.
Only innovative activity is able to unite all aspects of science, equipment, economy, business and management. The current state of the innovative sphere of Russia speaks about serious contradictions in its functioning. Considerable scientific and technical capacity of the country was lost in the period of economic reforms. Now often it is impossible to predict precisely succession of events in economic life of the country generally and each organization separately. In modern conditions scientific and technical progress represents innovative development which is defined by the state as the most important priority of economic policy. Innovative potential of any managing subject needs to be estimated as difficult social and institutional system. To encourage managers and the production personnel competently developed motivational strategy is necessary to conduct work on search of innovations. Achievement of the put indicators of innovative development of the Rostov region and the country as a whole has to become result of an offered method of interaction of science, business and authorities.
Keywords: innovative activity, scientific and technical potential, economy, business, ideas, effect, development
The article deals with contemporary technology of decorating the front surface of the ceramic brick - the coloring of the polymer powder coatings, as well as the ability to create on the surface of the stretcher and degrade the visual effect of variations of the original brickwork of the brick.
Keywords: Brick, powder paints, degrade, design, polymer coating
"This article is devoted to the development of the method for modeling elements of microsystems technology(MST) of membrane type. In this paper perforated membranes are considered and the impact of perforation on the mechanical properties of the membranes is examined. In numerical simulations of the elements it is proposed to use the equivalent mechanical parameters of perforated membranes obtained at the initial stage of the simulation. This will allow to obtain find the optimal parameters of perforation, reduce the time and resource modeling of MST elements. To test the technique numerical experiments were conducted for the two square membranes with sides 1.5 and 3 mm fixed on the contour of the same thickness. We studied the influence of the size of the perforation on the equivalent Young's modulus of the perforated membrane. "
Keywords: microsystems technology, numerical modeling, perforated membrane
Cylindering logs are increasingly being applied for construction of houses. Log production are expensive to and is costly application equipment. The article describes the technical and technological solutions allowing to get round the log on the cutting area and at lower cost.
Keywords: cylindering, through technologies, forestry, functional technological analysis
The stated task is development of planning system of energy-efficient trajectories for stratospheric airship. Different intellectual approaches for this task were analyzed. Genetic algorithms were chosen. Results of application of genetic algorithms were considered.
Keywords: MAAT, high-altitude airship, control system, planning, genetic algorithm
We consider the relevance, peculiarities and the main stages of composite developments in the technology of production of finishing materials based on glass and ceramics. The description of technology of production of universal fragments, making the block-transformer. As basic materials for the development of applied chamotte ceramics and glass sheet.
Keywords: composite development, design, manufacturing technology, unit transformer, fireclay, glass
The article discusses issues related to the strength of the normal sections of reinforced concrete beams in which the steel reinforcement is completely or partially replaced by a carbon fiber rod arranged in two rows. Found that the strength of these beams is only 13% higher than that of the reference.
Keywords: concrete, steel, composite reinforcing, test samples, strength, failure modes, load level
The problem of formation of assortment of wood plants for the South-West of Rostov region. Proposed main and additional assortment of wood plants, including 159 species. In ассотимент included the most sustainable and eco-efficient exotic plants. The assortment includes species not damage the disease of family Betulaceae, toxic and invasive species (Amfora fruticosa, Ailanthus altissima, etc.).
Keywords: green building, assortment of woody plants, Rostov region, introduction
The article consider the problem of managing the operational reliability of thermal energy complex enterprises. To improve the efficiency of the organization of repair and reconstruction work will form the organizational and technical building systems. Simulation of complex organizational and technical building systems allows to find effective organizational and technical solutions, as well as to predict their possible development in a variety of situations, the probabilistic nature.
Keywords: operational reliability, organizational and technical building systems, modeling.
Article is devoted to strength calculations of compound designs. The deformed condition of a design from the blocks consisting of the basis in the form of a hexagonal plate, circular cylindrical cover rigidly connected with the basis is considered intense.
Keywords: plate, shell, the strength, the composite structure.
Article is devoted to strength calculations of compound designs. The deformed condition of the block under the influence of the external forces operating on a design, consisting of the basis in the form of the hexagonal plate which has been rigidly connected with the basis of a circular cylindrical cover is considered intense.
Keywords: plate, shell, the strength, the composite structure