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  • To the question of the use of high-strenght concrete in compressed of tall buildings

    The article deals with the effectiveness of high-strength concrete for the design of concrete columns on the example of 20-storey residential building in Rostov-on-Don. The results of the ground floor columns calculations for different types of concrete strength are presented. The columns are presented in two variations. The first variation is 600x600 B25 from the second underground floor to the tenth floor and 500x500 B25 from the eleventh to twenty-fifth floor. The second one is 500x500 B60 from the second underground floor to the seventh floor, 400x400 B60 from the eighth to the eleventh and 400x400 B25 from the twelfth to the twentieth floor. The analysis of the study results showed the technical and economic efficiency of the use of high-strength concrete (in particular, concrete class B60) due to increasing the strength characteristics of the compressed elements. This is also due to reducing the cross-sectional size and weight of the columns, saving reinforcement, causing a reduction in the cost of elements as a whole.

    Keywords: high-strength concrete, compressed elements, construction of tall buildings, columns, Lira-SAPR, calculation of structures

  • Conceptual model of geofiltration near the mouth of the river Temernik in the city of Rostov-on-Don

    The low-Thickness aeration zone in the loess soils of Rostov-on-Don is favorable for underflooding. Active civil engineering in the groundwater discharge zone generates a delayed geological risk of seepage and underflooding. To increase the reliability of hydrogeological forecasts, the materials of engineering and geological surveys have been analyzed and summarized, and a conceptual hydrogeological model of the near-river part of the Temernik River has been developed. The model describes the geological structure, boundary conditions of geofiltration, ranges of changes in soil filtration properties. To refine the hydrogeological parameters and reduce the uncertainty of the model, multivariate numerical modeling is planned.

    Keywords: underflooding, geological risk, subsidence ground, modeling, conceptual model, hydrogeological conditions

  • Features of the organization of construction of objects oil and gas industry

    The oil and gas industry is life-supporting for almost all branches of the national economy and forms the basis of the country's economy, while forming the volume of construction production, depending on the amount of oil and gas produced and consumed. Construction in the oil and gas industry has a specific nature, and the arrangement of oil and gas fields differs from industrial construction by a number of features.The main features can be considered: significant volumes of construction and its duration, the scattered nature of oil and gas field facilities on a large territory of the country's regions, linking oil production facilities to oil and gas fields and settlements, and high energy costs for oil and gas fields. Generalized in this study, the organization of construction of oil and gas facilities are aimed at identifying opportunities to use rational and efficient methods of conducting work, increasing the pace of organization of construction of oil and gas facilities in extreme conditions and improving their technical and economic indicators.

    Keywords: organization of construction, oil and gas facilities, climatic conditions of construction, technological processes of construction

  • Approbation of experimental devices for visualization of blood vessels

    In the article results of approbation of the experimental devices designed for visualization of blood vessels developed by the authors are presented. Experimental device number one is an emitter of infrared light, the experimental device number two is a emitter of visible red light. Devices can be recommended for use in patients with no factors impeding vascular imaging and in patients with elevated body mass index.

    Keywords: infrared radiation, optical pair, photodiode, LED, introscopy, visible red light, vascular detection, complicated intravenous access, peripheral vein

  • Mathematical modeling of the magnetic field distribution in the vicinity of the erythrocyte

    Erythrocyte, when moving through a narrow capillary, stretches out and rolls like a tractor's caterpillar. Charges located on the surface of the erythrocyte, move together with the membrane and generate a magnetic field in the vicinity of the erythrocyte membrane, which can affect both elements of blood flow outside the erythrocyte, and its contents, in particular, the iron atoms that make up the hemoglobin. A three-dimensional model of the erythrocyte is constructed. The shape of the erythrocyte is approximated by a truncated cylinder of radius r with generators L1 and L2. It is assumed that all charges on the surface of the erythrocyte are the same and evenly distributed over the surface of the erythrocyte. Charges move along with the membrane along closed curves (trapezoids). Moving charge creates a magnetic field, the strength of which depends on the magnitude and speed of the charge. On the erythrocyte membrane there are several charges and each of them at some selected point creates a magnetic field. The total strength of the magnetic field is defined as the vector sum of the strains created by each of the charges. The following parameter values ​​were used in the calculations. The charge of the erythrocyte is 20 million elementary charges. The number of charges on the erythrocyte membrane is 38594. The rotation frequency of the erythrocyte membrane is 20 revolutions per second. The erythrocyte radius is 2 μm. The erythrocyte volume is 94 μm3. The erythrocyte surface area is 135 μm2, the lengths of the truncated cylinder forming are 3.4 μm and 11.5 μm. The erythrocyte speed is 100 μm / sec. The step along the space is 0.1 μm. The performed calculations of the magnetic field strength H have shown that the rotation of the erythrocyte membrane with the charges placed on it leads to a significant redistribution of the magnetic field in the vicinity of the erythrocyte. And with an increase in the frequency of rotation of the erythrocyte membrane, the heterogeneity of H increases significantly and can lead to a change in hemodynamics in the microcirculation system.

    Keywords: mathematical model, erythrocyte, narrow capillary, magnetic field, microcirculation

  • The power divider based on 4 slavnogo quadrature bridge

    The article studies the power divider of 10-centimeter range. A description of the scheme and design of the power divider on the air-strip transmission line. The analysis of the amplitude-frequency characteristics of the power divider in the forward and lateral shoulders with the help of the Microwave Office package is carried out. The model of the power divider is experimentally studied, the following results are obtained: in the band from 2.4 to 3.7 GHz, losses do not exceed 4.3 dB, and the unevenness does not exceed 1.7 dB.

    Keywords: power Divider, directional coupler, plume bridge, amplitude-frequency characteristic, losses, unevenness

  • Analysis of technological parameters of feller buncher under different environmental conditions

    This article considers the issue of the efficiency of roundwood production, which depends on the formation of high-performance forest machine complexes. The authors substantiate the problem of searching for optimal logging complexes for specific natural and climatic conditions. In this paper, the authors analyze the definition of a technological parameter, its essence and types. Also, the article describes the technological process of a feller buncher. The results of the analysis of technological parameters of feller buncher under different natural conditions are presented. Dependences of the productivity of a feller-buncher machine on various natural and climatic factors have been revealed. The authors proposed the information-logic and mathematical models of the work of a feller-buncher machine. A detailed analysis of the components of the technological process of a feller buncher is carried out. Further, a formula is proposed for calculating the productivity of a feller buncher. The results of the work are presented in the form of dependency graphs. The graph of the dependence of the time of movement of the machine to the group of trees subject to cutting, from the relief of the terrain and the graph of the dependence of the time of capture and cutting of the tree on the diameter of the tree in the place of the cut are given.

    Keywords: feller buncher, technological parameters, technological process, productivity, logging process, process modeling

  • Analysis of the effectiveness of classical methods in the calculation of the flexural plate with arbitrary boundary conditions

    In this paper, various methods were used to calculate the flexion plate, obtained approximating the function of the deflection plate, numerical values and diagrams of displacements and moments, conclusions are drawn from the results of the methods.

    Keywords: plate, approximating function, curvature, energy functionality

  • Ecological construction as an innovative approach in the construction industry

    The article formulates a number of measures to reduce the negative impact of construction technologies on the environment. Documents establishing "green" standards are considered. Some environmentally friendly technologies used in green building are studied. The experience of construction of eco-facilities in Russia and abroad is considered.

    Keywords: green building, green standards, energy efficiency, environmental friendliness

  • Comparative analysis of recursive methods of frequency estimation

    The paper presents results of a study of operational recursive methods for quasiharmonic signals frequency estimating over a short observation interval. Such methods should be used, for example, for adaptive control of directional pattern of hydroacoustic antennas in inhomogeneous medium. We proposed recursive expressions for realizations of four methods of frequency estimation within the limits of sliding observation interval. The expressions require a minimum number of mathematical operations, which does not depend on the observation interval length. We carried out comparative analysis of the speed, accuracy, and stability of the methods. The stability of the methods was analyzed based on results of model signals processing with constant amplitude, frequency, and initial phase in presence of additive white normal noise. The accuracy was investigated by the processing results of signals with slow varying amplitude and phase. The paper also presents the results of processing of long sequences of modulated signals with additive noise within a sliding window with predetermined duration. The obtained results make it possible to select from among the four methods the optimal one according to one or more criteria.

    Keywords: communication channel, directional pattern, frequency estimation, recursive method, accuracy of method, stability of method, sliding interval

  • The choice of mechanism for collecting big data in digital agriculture: soil and weather sensors

    Agriculture plays a significant role in ensuring food security of countries, and improving the efficiency of the agricultural industry is an important aspect in the world with a growing population. Collecting and analyzing big data in agriculture can help a farmer make more accurate decisions, save resources and increase yields. This article discusses aspects of choosing a mechanism to collect data on the state of the soil and weather conditions. The research was based on the results of a survey of farmers in the Astrakhan region and the author's experience in realizing projects for the collection and analysis of data in the field of crop production. The article gives recommendations on the choice of sensors for data collection.

    Keywords: digital agriculture, soil sensor, weather sensor, big data, data science, precision farming, data collection, digital economy

  • Methodological bases of economic mechanism of construction complex enterprises functioning in the issues of cost management:modern application of classical techniques

    The question of cost management of the construction organization within the economic mechanism of functioning of the enterprises of a construction complex is considered, classical techniques and the options of their use accepted in construction are given. Examines "the system of regulatory cost accounting", regulatory documents on the formation of the cost of construction products.

    Keywords: cost management, cost management, costs, construction, construction organization, construction products

  • On the improvement of the algorithm of the computer program for analyzing the dispersion of dust in the air

    The paper describes a microscopic method for determining the dispersed composition of particles, a scheme for analyzing the dispersed composition of particles of various materials, the fundamentals of algorithms used in computer programs for the processing of particulate dispersion and the development of recommendations for their improvement.

    Keywords: computer data analysis, technique, dispersion, particle diameter, dust, dispersed materials, ecology

  • System of automatic diagnostics of pumping units with centrifugal pumps

    The article deals with the parametric method of pump unit diagnostics. The well-known methods of diagnostics are described, the comparison of methods is given. The parametric method allows to determine the current state of the pumping unit on the basis of publicly available information in the process of liquid pumping. The article presents a mathematical model of the system frequency Converter, engine, pump. An example of changing the coefficients of the diagnostic model is given.

    Keywords: centrifugal pumps, methods, diagnostics, parameters, mathematical model, coefficient, diagnostic models

  • Analysis of Samara city transport during the 2018 world Cup

    Passenger traffic is the number of passengers moving in one direction at a given time. Passenger flows are depicted in the form of graphs, maps, diagrams or fixed in tables. Research methods are divided into the following features; 1) by the length of the period covered 2) In terms of scope 3) by type Methods of automated research: - non-contact method -contact method To ensure the rational filling of the rolling stock, the proper fluctuation of passenger flows, the number, capacity and separation of the rolling stock on the transport network must change. Significant impact on passenger traffic has: the level of development of social production, social structure of society; way of life; geographical environment and the nature of settlement; development of technology; information and communication; budget of free time; cultural, domestic and social needs of people. In connection with the Providence of the world Cup is expected to be a huge number of fans in the city of Samara, for more capacity of fans, the route of personal and public transport has been changed. In the period of the 2018 world Cup will operate on two schemes of movement of vehicles: 1) Daily (in the period from June 14 to July 15); 2) Enhanced (for the period of game matches at the Samara arena stadium ).

    Keywords: urban transport; personal transport; passenger traffic; routes; methods; passengers; daily mode; enhanced mode; world championship; traffic scheme