When designing flat reinforced concrete slabs, the most complex and responsible structural unit is the area where the slab is supported by the columns and walls. This is due to the action of large concentrated efforts and the greatest density of reinforcement. In view of this, the issue of choosing calculation methods that most accurately estimate the punching capacity for suchstructural units is relevant. With an increase in the ratio of the dimensions of the sides of the pushing structure, the force ceases to be distributed uniformly along the pushing contour and a concentration of forces occurs near the short side. This article is devoted to the evaluation of the results of finite element modeling and calculations of the bearing capacity for pushing in the area of the end of the pier, analysis of the influence of the floor thickness, the dimensions of the pier and the class of concrete on the concentration of pushing forces in the floor near the end of the pier.
Keywords: punching shear resistance, flat reinforced concrete slab, static load
Today in the modern world many architectural solutions are aimed at improving the quality of the environment, increasing energy efficiency by minimising the consumption of artificial light. One of the solutions to these problems is the use of natural light, thanks to which it is possible to reduce the impact of artificial lighting, reduce energy consumption. As it is known in most cases daylight enters the premises through translucent constructions, it is the correct design of windows that makes it possible to increase the flow of sunlight. Depending on the window parameters it is possible to control, distribute the natural light coming into the room. The article considers the influence of the ratio of windows to walls as one of the design options for optimising natural light. The research will be carried out with application of modelling in the software complex for calculation of distribution of daylight.
Keywords: natural light, natural light factor, translucent structures, optimisation, area, modelling, walls, working surface, illuminance, vertical expansion, horizontal expansion, recommendations, model, energy efficiency
The article discusses the use of liquid chlorides of natural genesis to combat winter slipperiness. The aggressive effect of liquid chlorides on snow removal equipment, road structural elements and the environment as a whole is also studied. Methods for assessing the effect of liquid chlorides on metal and cement concrete are developed. The article presents conclusions and recommendations on the use of liquid natural chlorides to combat winter slipperiness on roads.
Keywords: liquid chloride, formation water, brine, corrosion rate, cement concrete pavement, winter slipperiness
The study of the structure of structures of Gothic and Neo-Gothic styles makes it possible to understand the possibilities of creating fractal elements of these unique buildings. The methods of determining the fractal dimension for an object both on a plane and in space are shown. The characteristic elements of the frame structures of Gothic architecture are listed. The differences between the structures built by architects in Russia and the buildings of Western architecture in Europe are shown. The article examines examples of the harmonious integration of Gothic architecture buildings into modern urban space. The article discusses methods for calculating the fractal dimension of objects of Gothic architecture with a high degree of fractality.
Keywords: architecture, Gothic style, neo-Gothic, element, fractal, fractal dimension
The ancient fortress located on the territory of the prince's estate of Zabota, on the left bank of the Chegema River, currently located between Lechinkai and Chegem II, is the subject of this article. The article examines the unique Kabardian stone structures, analyzes their distinctive characteristics and compares them with typical stone buildings of the late Middle Ages in Kabardino-Balkaria. In addition, the article examines how the culture and traditions of the region influenced the design of stone products, as evidenced by the architectural solutions used in the construction. The research conducted in this article focuses on the study of archaeological finds in order to reconstruct the history of a particular region and track socio-cultural changes that have occurred over a long period of time. The scientific basis of this study is based on materials collected in museums and bibliographic research.
Keywords: architecture, fortress, hillforts, fortifications, settlements, residence, fortification, stone structure, North Caucasus, Kabarda
This study investigates the integration of piezoelectric elements with marine buoys for the purpose of utilising wave energy in autonomous marine devices. The buoy system was subjected to controlled wave conditions during testing, resulting in a peak voltage of 5.6 V and a maximum power of 40 microW. The findings indicate the viability of the system in powering low-power marine equipment. The integration of piezoelectric elements into marine buoy systems offers a cost-effective hybrid solution, making it a promising power source for powering buoys and sensors in remote offshore environments.
Keywords: wave energy conversion, sea waves, piezoelectric elements, wave height, wavelength
The purpose of research is to increase the level of specification of sentiment within the framework of sentiment analysis of Russian-language texts by developing a dataset with an extensive set of emotional categories. The paper discusses the main methods of sentimental analysis and the main emotional models. A software system for decentralizing data tagging has been developed and described. The novelty of this work lies in the fact that to determine the emotional coloring of Russian-language texts, an emotional model is used for the first time, which contains more than 8 emotional classes, namely the model of R. Plutchik. As a result, a new dataset was developed for the study and analysis of emotions. This dataset consists of 24,435 unique records labeled into 32 emotion classes, making it one of the most diverse and detailed datasets in the field. Using the resulting dataset, a neural network was trained that determines the author’s set of emotions when writing text. The resulting dataset provides an opportunity for further research in this area. One of the promising tasks is to enhance the efficiency of neural networks trained on this dataset.
Keywords: sentiment, analysis, model, Robert Plutchik, emotions, markup, text
The problem of energy saving in the construction industry involves the installation of additional thermal insulation of enclosing structures. But the thickness of the exterior wall structure has a limit. After a certain thickness, the monetary cost of insulation will grow more slowly than the amount saved on heating. On the other hand, a large chain of participants in energy-saving investment projects (IEP) leads to a significant payback period. It is proposed to use the technology of internal insulation of external walls with a minimum number of participants in the IEP. The calculation of the economic effect is given. The IEP assessment should be carried out taking into account energy consumption throughout the entire life cycle of the proposed building structure.
Keywords: energy saving, energy efficiency of structures, discount rate, energy service.
The article presents a technique for automated control of the gloss of chocolate bars based on machine vision, integrated into the functional scheme of automation of cooling and molding processes. The key factors affecting gloss are considered, existing control methods are analyzed and the need for continuous objective quality assessment is substantiated. To optimize the process, a digital simulation has been created in the R-PRO environment, which allows simulating various technological modes. The developed image processing algorithms calculate quantitative gloss values and form feedback with the control system, adjusting key production parameters. The proposed approach improves the accuracy of control, reduces the volume of defects and reduces the time for debugging equipment, creating conditions for the further development of full automation in the chocolate factory.
Keywords: chocolate, surface gloss, automation, machine vision, quality control, cooling and molding, digital simulation
The present study aims to explore the methodologies employed in practice to ascertain the parameters of processes occurring in supercritical fluid media. A primary focus of this investigation lies in the solubility of key components of the system in supercritical fluid solvents, with a view to understanding the limitations of mathematical models in qualitatively predicting solubility outside the investigated ranges of values. This analysis seeks to elucidate the potential challenges and opportunities in conducting experimental studies in this domain. However, within the domain of supercritical fluid technologies, the optimization of processes and the prediction of their properties is attainable through the utilization of models and machine learning methodologies, leveraging both accumulated experimental and calculated data. The present study is dedicated to the examination of this approach, encompassing the consideration of system input parameters, solvent properties, solute properties, and the designated output parameter, solubility. The findings of the present study demonstrate the efficacy of this approach in predicting the solubility process through machine learning.
Keywords: supercritical fluids, solubility of substances, solubility factors, solubility prediction, machine learning, residue analysis, feature importance analysis
The article is devoted to the development and implementation of a two-stage magnetometer calibration algorithm integrated into the navigation system of a small-class unmanned underwater vehicle. At the first stage, an ellipsoidal approximation method is used to compensate for soft iron and hard iron distortion, ensuring the correct geometric location of magnetometer measurements. The second stage of calibration involves a method for estimating rotation between the coordinate systems of the magnetometer and accelerometer using quaternions as rotation parameters. Experimental verification of the algorithm demonstrated its effectiveness. Following completion of the two-step calibration, calibration parameters were determined and their use confirmed good consistency between magnetometer readings and actual magnetic field data, indicating the feasibility of using this technique for calibrating magnetometers.. The proposed algorithm for two-stage magnetometer calibration does not require laboratory equipment and can be carried out under real-world operating conditions. This makes it possible to integrate it into the onboard software of unmanned underwater vehicles.
Keywords: calibration, magnetometer, accelerometer, MEMS sensor, AHRS, navigation system, unmanned underwater vehicle, ellipsoid approximation, quaternion, magnetic inclination
The paper considers: synthesis of regulators of the system of subordinate regulation of DC electric drive, development of blocks of adaptive control of current and speed, modeling of adaptive control systems in the visual modeling environment Matlab/Simulink.
Keywords: automatic control system, electric drive, adaptive control, regulator, subordinate control, Matlab, Simulink, DC motor
The work is devoted to the development of eco-industrial parks in the Southern Federal District. They represent the territory allocated for sewage treatment plants (CBS). Examples of CBS using bioreactors with a ruff nozzle at denitrification, nitrification and wastewater treatment plants are given, which have a sanitary protection zone of 15-50 m for closed pavilions, allowing them to be placed directly in residential buildings. The economic parameters of the eco-industrial park are given depending on the productivity of CBS m3/day. The result of the work is a technological scheme developed by the authors for completing an eco-industrial park at the KOS site, a scheme of an eco-industrial park with an area of no more than 8 hectares is presented.
Keywords: eco-industrial parks, sewage treatment plants, wastewater, bioreactor, waste
Based on the analysis of scientific data, the influence of the kinematics and geometry of the bit profile reinforced with diamond cutting elements on the process of directional drilling is investigated and technological problems affecting its effectiveness are highlighted. Optimal configurations for cutting elements have been developed. The geometric parameters of the front angle-β and the cutting angle-δ have been established, ensuring the destruction of the rock with the least effort. The rational location of the cutting elements on the side and working surfaces of the bit is substantiated. The expected result is an increase in the mechanical speed of penetration and an extension of the tool life.
Keywords: directional drilling, chisel, axial load, cutting elements, superhard material, cutting angle, front angle, chipping, crushing
Rassmatrivayemaya model' virtual'nogo trenazhera, osnovannaya na avtomatnom podkhode, obespechivayet instrumentariy dlya izucheniya deystviy pol'zovateley v usloviyakh vzaimodeystviya so stabil'noy ustoychivost'yu ili ob"yektami. Eto, v svoyu ochered', dayet osnovaniya dlya tshchatel'nogo analiza i opredeleniya tipichnykh i unikal'nykh oshibok, dopushchennykh v protsesse obucheniya ili raboty.
Keywords: diversification of management, production diversification, financial and economic purposes of a diversification, technological purposes of ensuring flexibility of production