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  • Panoramic image stitching with handling the parallax effect for the known world model

    The short review of existing panoramic systems are given. The limits of such systems doesn't allow to form a panoramic video with dealing the parallax effect in real-time systems. The presented algorithm for forming a panoramic video is free of these disadvantages. An algorithm based on mathematical model of the round-view system that takes into account the location of cameras, their intrinsic parameters and model of the world. The algorithm includes following chain of coordinate transformation: from panoramic image coordinates to spherical coordinates and to Cartesian world coordinate system, from world coordinates to camera coordinate system and to input image coordinates. Geometric distortion of camera is dealt. Model of the world is represented as spherical and a hemispherical surfaces.

    Keywords: panoramic image, round-view video system, camera model, camera distortion, parallax

  • Plane strain elements cylindrical structures under the action of physical fields

    Considered concrete cylindrical body in axisymmetric formulation (plane strain condition), exposure to radiation and temperature effects. The influence of physical fields on the mechanical characteristics of the material of the body individually or in the aggregate. It is shown that the stress-strain state of the cylinder, under the joint account of the different physical fields, is very different from the stress-strain state, obtained by summing the individual results of the calculation of each factor separately, that is, the superposition principle is not respected.

    Keywords: temperature field, radiation, stress-strain state of the cylinder, the change of physical and mechanical parameters of the body

  • Advantages of application of new icestorm composition above the traditional sand-salt mixture on the objects of travelling economy

    The article is devoted to the comparative analysis of the applied traditional sand-salt mixture on the base of chloride natrium and sand and new icestorm composition on the basis of natural minerals: chloride magnesium (bischofite) and glauconite. Advantages of application of the ecological composition are educed on the objects of travelling economy on ecological, sanitary-epidemiology and technical indexes. The reagent on the basis of natural materials will promote safety of travelling motion.

    Keywords: icestorm reagent, sand-salt mixture, objects of travelling economy, ecological, technical safety

  • Experiment planning on thermal power plant fly ash collection in elektrocyclone

    The article deals with the design of experiments for dispersed particles capturing in elektrocyclone. The autors gives planning matrix calculation, the regression equation based on the aerosol velocity and the initial concentration of the aerosol and plot of function.

    Keywords: gas cleaning; cyclone; elektrocyclon; fly ash

  • The analysis of emergencies on linear part of the main gas pipelines.

    In article statistical data on failures on a linear part of the main gas pipelines are presented, the reasons of their emergence are defined. Standard scenarios of development of emergencies are provided, and also the basic principles of determination of frequency of emergence of failures are shined.

    Keywords: accident, analysis, diameter, linear part of the main gas pipelines, depressurization, scenario, pipeline.

  • The theory and practice of developing energy effective household refrigeration equipment operating at extreme high ambient temperatures

    The main maintenance of a diversification of production as activity of subjects of managing is considered. being shown in purchase of the operating enterprises, the organizations of the new enterprises, redistribution of investments in interests of the organization and development of new production on available floor spaces. The most important organizational economic targets of a diversification of management are presented by innovative activity of the industrial enterprise.

    Keywords: Герметичный компрессор объемного действия, система охлаждения, холодопроизводительность, перегрев, холодильный коэффициент COP, энергоэффективность.

  • The paper considers the comparison of power consumption of Two’s Complement System and Residue Number System for digital signal processing applications. The comparison of these two implementations allows to conclude that, for these applications, the RNS uses less power than the TCS counterpart. The aim of the present paper is to highlight the reasons of this power consumption reduction.

    Keywords: residue number system, digital signal processing

  • A new device for receiving surface runoff to wastewater network

    A new device was made to catch and receive surface runoff to sewerage system. The device increases wastewater flow and velocity in the wastewater networks which is provided by flushing and reducing decay of organic and inorganic substances in the networks.  

    Keywords: Device, surface runoff, flow, flushing, siltation

  • Механизмы идентификации точек контакта с клиентом как инструмент повышения степени удовлетворенности качеством предоставляемой услуги

    В данной статье приводятся примеры стандартных и не стандартных точек контакта с потенциальными клиентами, описаны механизмы их выявления, а также приведены примеры из практического опыта работы авторов по данной теме. Дано определение понятию «клиентоориентированнсть» с точки зрения клиента, и предложены варианты, где применима данная стратегия. Поднят вопрос о качестве обслуживания и что стоит за этим пониманием для клиента, чего он ждет от сферы услуг и на что рассчитывает. В статье рассмотрены этапы анализа точек контакта, приведены примеры влияния этих точек на формирование лояльного отношения клиента к качеству услуг. 

    Keywords: услуга, точки контакт, идентификация, стратегия, анализ, клиент, потребитель, контакт, точки взаимодействия, ориентация на клиента

  • Renumbering effectiveness for finite element mesh applied to finite element method for solving three-dimensional problems of solid mechanics

    This paper presents a comparative analysis of the effectiveness of the method Cuthill-McKee algorithm and fill-reducing ordering of a sparse matrix, based on multi-level nested dissection paradigm, developed at the Department of "Computer Science and Engineering," University of Minnesota. For short, we shall call the algorithm Cuthill-McKee CM, and the algorithm of the University of Minnesota — NodeND (Node nested dissection). This article uses a modification of the CM algorithm — RCM (reverse Cuthill-McKee), because in practice the reverse numbering index allows you to get a greater advantage than using a direct algorithm CM. The reason for using these algorithms are high speed computational algorithm, as it is necessary to solve the system proximal to the diagonal, the great acceleration of algorithms for solving FE problems using technology such as CUDA  

    Keywords: finite element mesh renumbering methods, three-dimensional mathematical modeling, elasticity theory problems, finite element method, finite element meshes

  • Analysis of the processes of foreign studies forestry road trains

    the analysis of foreign researches, which consist of processes of functioning timber lorries is given. Decrease transport expenses with minimization of empty run of timber lorries and formations of rational structure of this park has been proved.

    Keywords: timber lorries, functioning

  • Study of the catalytic ability of the nanosized catalysts based on CeO2 during catalytic reaction

    The nano-catalyst ceria (CeO2), activated by Pt nanoparticles, is known for being prospective and efficient material widely used in catalysis, fuel elements, and sensors. One of the most up-to-date methods of catalysts' reasearch is X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) that is sensitive to the chemical state of catalyst's active centers [1,2]. Using XAS in the fluorescense detection mode at CeL1 line with high precision we studied electronic structure of Pt-activated nanoparticles of ceria at various redox conditions. In order to detect partial X-ray fluorescence yield the emission line CeLγ3 was used, which allowed us to increase spectral resolution. We researched local atomic and electronic structure of the materials under study. Oxygen vacansies were found to appear on the nanoparticles surface of ceria at 5% CO He atmosphere. Theoretical modeling of the obtained spectra at CeL1-edge demonstrated good agreement with experiment.

    Keywords: X-ray absorption spectroscopy, HERFD, XAS, Ce-based catalysts, oxygen vacansies

  • Basic and additional assortment woody plants for green building in the south-west Rostov region

    The problem of formation of assortment of wood plants for the South-West of Rostov region. Proposed main and additional assortment of wood plants, including 159 species. In ассотимент included the most sustainable and eco-efficient exotic plants. The assortment includes species not damage the disease of family Betulaceae, toxic and invasive species (Amfora fruticosa, Ailanthus altissima, etc.).

    Keywords: green building, assortment of woody plants, Rostov region, introduction

  • Measurement of electric resistance lived control cables with bridges DC

    Damage control cables in electrical phenomenon is quite common. To prevent cable replacement great lengths in serviceable there is a way to repair it, previously requiring a definition of the place of damage. In this case, you must apply a number of methods to determine the place of circuit lived or their place of breakage. In this case, knowing the resistivity lived control cable can be determined by bridges DC. Methodology and methods of measurement of resistance lived control cables are discussed further in the article.

    Keywords: Bridge DC, shops resistance, the sensitivity of the bridge

  • Reduction of high-voltage line electric field influence on fiber optical communication lines

    The authors of the article examine the problem of electrothermal degradation of fiber optical communication lines arranged on the high-voltage power lines pylons. The possible methods of reduction of high-voltage line electric field influence on fiber optical communication lines were studied. There is also the method of possible calculation and choice of optimal suspension place for fiber optical cable on a high-voltage line pylon. This method can be applied for one of the high-voltage line masses disposition cases.

    Keywords: electromagnetic field, thermal-electric degradation, fiber-optical communication lines, high-voltage power lines