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  • Circuit solutions of R-S-latch and D-trigger having nonvolatile electrically programmable memory

    In this work new circuit solutions of R-S-latch and D-trigger having nonvolatile electrically programmable memory and nonvolatile shift register are presented. It shows that nonvolatile R-S-latch can be effectively used as a memory cell and simultaneously as write and read circuits for it, thus it makes possible to increase reliability of read operation from EEPROM at the expense of differential read for every bit.

    Keywords: CMOS, R-S-latch, D-tirgger, shift register, EEPROM, nonvolatile memory

  • Method of managing master data in autonomous systems

    Described a variety of available master data integration methods and techniques. Proposed a method for data enrichment in connected autonomous systems based on applying custom written master data access functions available via global meta catalog.

    Keywords: data integration, master data, business processes, enterprise service bus, enterprise application integration

  • The modeling of logging timber freights by combine transport network

    his paper presents mathematic model of logging timber freights by combine transport network. This model optimize of cargo-carrying and technological roading of forest bases in timber procurement enterprise and lumber factories. Authors developed procedures and functions, which allowed solving optimization of cargo-carrying and technological roading of forest bases in timber procurement enterprise and lumber factories. Authors also analyze technological process on cut-over land, loading bay and railheads. This reporting allows to reduce transport costs and makes optimal schedule of logging timber freights.

    Keywords: log truck, rail transportation in timber processing complex

  • Breath analysis for diagnosis of halitosis

    This article considers the causes of halitosis and methods of the diagnosis. Halitosis, syndrome of bad breath caused by pathological condition of the oral cavity or internal organs and systems, has a significant impact on the patient's social life. Analysis of the composition of exhaled air may become a promising way to diagnose halitosis, as the direct relationship between the compositions of molecules of oxygen, carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxides, ammonia etc. and the causes of halitosis were found. The article's authors review and analysis the methods of measurement of qualitative and quantitative composition of exhaled air. The most common methods include the use of electrochemical, optical sensors, infrared spectrometers and mass spectrometers. The latter method is positioned as the most optimal method of analysis of exhaled air due to its high accuracy, selectivity and sensitivity. The authors' portable mass spectrometer being developed is represented. At this stage it can detect traces of oxygen and carbon dioxide, which inject into the device through the capillary system or membrane one, in gas samples in real-time mode.

    Keywords: diagnosis of halitosis, molecular biomarkers, analysis of exhaled air, portable mass spectrometer

  • Silent interval detection in speech signals

    A voice activity detector (VAD) is a device, which analyses a speech signal and generates the signal corresponding to the period containing only noise. In the present work is offered VAD, which increases the probability of correct detection the presence or absence of human speech.
    The correct detection begins with SNR 7-10 dB. The quality of  derived speech signal remains the same.  

    Keywords: voice activity detection, voice activity detector, VAD, silent interval detection, speech, speech signals

  • The justification for the use of geostatistical interpolation method of input data for the mass of cadastral valuation of land settlements on the example of Vsevolozhsk

    The problem of the current method of mass cadastral valuation of land settlements with the type of permitted use - for individual housing. This problem is that the regression analysis used in the present method does not include the cost depending land on their mutual position. A study of the source data proved that the market value of land depends on the degree of proximity of land from each other. On this basis, the work was proposed to use a new, more correct cadastral valuation method - the method of geostatistical interpolation (kriging).

    Keywords: cadastral value, geostatistics, regression, interpolation, kriging

  • Main methods of compound details irregular optimal packing on sheet material problem solving

    The paper deals with review of main methods of compound details irregular optimal packing on sheet material problem solving. Existing methods and approaches to solve compound details irregular optimal packing on sheet material problem were descibed. The classification of such methods and approaches was proposed. The most perspective approaches to solve irregular packing problem were identified

    Keywords: cutting-packing, irregular shaped cutting, classification, methods, approaches, complex form

  • Features of the production work on lifting and leveling in a cramped building

    The article describes the experience of the unique complex of works to improve the operational reliability of the emergency office buildings located in a cramped building, whose main task was to eliminate excessive rolls with hydraulic jacks and ensure the continued trouble-free operation. Highlighted the key features of the design and technology solutions for the simultaneous lifting and leveling of several buildings with different design decisions.

    Keywords: adjustable foundation, electro-hydraulic flat jacks, cramped building, lifting and leveling, operational reliability.

  • Channeling of X-ray fluorescence excited in hollow microcapillaries.

    The possibility of channeling X-ray fluorescence inside the hollow microvascular at the energy of the exciting radiation in the vicinity SiL2, 3 - absorption edge has been researched. Theoretically obtained the angular distribution of the field passing through the microchannels. The calculation model of inhomogeneous waveguide layer with the generation of X-ray fluorescence inside the walls of the microchannels shows the possibility of escape of radiation at large angles.

    Keywords: channeling of X-ray fluorescence, microchannel plates, focusing of X-ray radiation

  • Q optimization of mm-wave LC circuits

    Сollector mm-wave load circuit of differential stages, as well as the optimization of Q-factor are considered. Optimization of the form of microstrip line in order to increase quality factor is shown. Differential line shorted at one end, at the resonant frequency in the operating mode of the standing wave. At the shorted end of the line voltage is at minimum level, while the current at the maximum, so losses are mainly due to the series resistance of the microstrip line. On the other side of the line, the current is minimized, and the voltage - maximum, so the parasitic losses associated with shunt conductance between the differential lines. This effect use for reducing line losses and increasing the Q-factor. To this end, at the shorted end of the line is necessary to increase the line width and the gap between them, and at the other end to reduce the width and gap.

    Keywords: resonant circuit, SiGe, mm-wave, BiCMOS, monolithic integrated circuit

  • Effects of degradation of phase transitions in segnetoelektrichesky perovskites

    In a classical ferroelectric material the real condition of the crystals, caused different type defects, leads to insignificant effects of degradation. In systems of firm solutions and difficult oxides эфти effects are the integral physical properties. The features of degradation of phase transitions are available and in a ferroelectric material-relaksorakh.

    Keywords: Phase transitions, ferroelectric material, perovskites, difficult oxides, ferroelectric material-relaksory

  • Effects of degradation of phase transitions in segnetoelektriakh-relaksor

    In a ferroelectric material of difficult structure with structure of a perovskite it isn't observed accurate phase transition. In this a ferroelectric material relaxation nature of dielectric polarization in the field of phase transition is observed.

    Keywords: Phase transitions, ferroelectric material, perovskites, difficult oxides, ferroelectric material-relaksory

  • Modeling the ab initio structure of layered aluminosilicates.

    This work deals with the study of atomic and electronic structure of kaolinite samples (Glukhovtsy deposit) and montmorillonite (Millerovsky deposit) by density functional theory. The applicability of existing exchange-correlation potential in the local density approximation (LDA) and the generalized gradient approximation (GGA) is analised for an adequate description of the physical properties of layered aluminosilicate. An experimental and theoretical study of the IR spectra of minerals, as well as the identification of the most intense absorption bands, performed in the approximation of DFT using the exchange-correlation potential PW91. The analysis of the band structure of these minerals, which showed that these compounds are direct-gap insulators.

    Keywords: DFT, clay, clay minerals, phyllosilicates, atomic and electronic structure, crystalline systems, IR spectrum band strukutra, the electron density

  • Classifiers for the construction of complex objects in multidimensional spaces

    Is devoted to the actual problem of constructing classifiers objects given by a point in a multidimensional space of feature values. The principle of linear normal classification of objects in multi-dimensional space of attributes can be used to build a classifier in the case of many complex structures, in general, are inseparable one hyperplane. In such cases, proposed to use a set of hierarchically related normal separating hyperplanes, which is called the normal hierarchical classifier.

    Keywords: recognition, classification, feature space, the geometric method

  • Effect of additives on the properties of the alloy radio-Mg-Zn-ferrite obtained by sintering heat-radiation

    Promising absorbing materials along with a Ni-Zn-ferrites are Mg-Zn-ferrites, as they are also intensively absorbs electromagnetic waves in the frequency range from 50 MHz to 1000 MHz. The main advantage of the Mg-Zn-ferrite is used as an inexpensive raw material magnesium oxide. The paper presents the results of research to improve the efficiency of broadband radio-magnesium-zinc ferrite by increasing the contribution of the dielectric loss. The influence of alloying elements of the atmosphere gas and cooling after the sintering thermal radiation by absorption of electromagnetic waves. Confirmed cooling efficiency of products after sintering in an atmosphere with reduced oxygen partial pressure to increase the dielectric constant. A model is proposed to explain the increase in the dielectric loss ferrite during cooling in a reducing atmosphere.

    Keywords: radioabsorbing ferrites, microstructure grain boundaries radio measurement radiation thermal sintering