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  • Resource calls in the field of regional bio-energetics and a way of their overcoming

    The questions of regional bioenergetics development on the example of The Republic of Karelia are considered. The resource challenges in the field of harvesting and industrial use of energy wood and peat are described. The solutions to get over these challenges are identified.

    Keywords: Challenges, Regional Bioenergetics, Peat, Energy Wood.

  • Diagnosis evolution meso tier subregional postdepression PEST-based analysis of the development of the local grain-food market of the Eastern Donbass

    Development and improvement of local markets zernoprodovolstvennyh mining areas, as well as regional transaction sector agro-industrial complex of the Eastern Donbass centers contribute to the formation of institutional modernization of the regional economy. To identify the political, economic, social and technological factors in the external macro-environment that may significantly affect the business, structuring and formulation of the organization's strategy is an important analysis of institutional and market coordinates held in accessible form PEST-analysis.
    Keywords: region, local market, the institutional environment, PEST-analysis, macro environment, trade, protectionism, state support.


  • The integral estimation of a region sustainable development rate (on the example of Rostov region)

    The conceptual model of region sustainable development passport grounded on sustainable development concept and stakeholder’s theory is described in the article. The algorithm of region sustainable development rate estimation (on the example of Rostov region) is implemented in practice. The algorithm key steps are described on the base of proposed passport model.

    Keywords: sustainable development of a region; passport; region sustainable development indicators, composite index, integral index of region sustainable development.

  • Model optimization solutions to reduce the risk of occupational safety

    The article describes the risk management model of labor protection, which allows to analyze the magnitude and risk management decisions aimed at its reduction to an extent corresponding to an acceptable risk. 
    Mathematical description of the model takes into account the limited resources available for the implementation of labor protection measures, as well as the interests of all stakeholders. 
    Keywords: risk, risk management, health and safety, the mathematical model.


  • Ways of development of mechanical engineering in the republic of Karelia: regional and federal aspects

    On an example of mechanical engineering of the Republic of Karelia some directions of its development are shown. It is shown that the cluster of wood mechanical engineering is capable to play the major infrastructure role in development of a wood cluster of the region and all wood complex of Russia.

    Keywords: cluster, wood complex, mechanical engineering, development.

  • Technical decisions protected by patent law of Russian federation concerning timber barking equipment

    Results of patent researches concerning modes and design of timber barking equipment performed using database open register of Federal Institute of Industrial Property are given in the article.

    Keywords: Timber, bark, equipment, barking, patent research.

  • Ecological and socio-economic monitoring of Russian regions

    This article we study the influence of the mutual dependence of economic development due to their degree of human impact on the environment, and welfare of the population of Russia's regions.

    Keywords: ecological and socio-economic system, social and natural systems, monitoring, environmental and socio-economic monitoring.

  • Analyses of the status and problems of timber industry of USSR during the period of perestroika (1985-1990)

    In this article is considered the status and problems of timber industry of USSR during the period of perestroika (1985-1990), the period which became a kind of alternative to the Soviet economies development and, in particular, in timber industry. Special attention is paid to the development of forest machinery, as a factor that restrained the realization of potential of native scientists, engineers and producers. The result was realized in ever-increasing backlog of home machinery from abroad. This backlog caused further irreparable blow to the Onezjskji and Altaiskij factories in post-perestroika years, when loggers began to prefer foreign machines for logging operations, created mainly by firms from Scandinavian countries, which pursued an aggressing marketing policy.

    Keywords: historical experience, forest sector, mechanical engineering, perestroika, innovative development.

  • The technological equipment modernization for the harvester on purpose efficiency of removal assortments

    A new assortments harvesting technology including trunk base swelling processing to improve truck load is described.

    Keywords: logging technologies, trunk base swelling, logs cylindering, harvester, forwarder, efficient transportation

  • Research of aerodynamics of a polydisperse suspension of conversion lime carbonate in a tube-dryer

    In article results of experiences on studying of aerodynamics of a polydisperse suspension of conversion lime carbonate are resulted. The equations for calculation of speeds and concentration of lime carbonate on length of a tube-dryer are received. The obtained data can be used at designing of industrial dryers.

    Keywords: Conversion lime carbonate, drying, tube-dryer, aerodynamics.

  • Improving the methodology for determining the multi-component environment of the waste of animal industry

    In the article we research application of culmiferous waste products of in the capacity of fractionated culmiferous litter on poultry plants at the low-ground content animal. For definition of optimal parameters of processing the initial culmiferous material exposed machining by a microwave radiation and was researched on micro and nano level for revealing qualitative changes of a structural surface.

    Keywords: culmiferous bedding, microwave radiation, structural surface, the energy of the microwaves, capillary condensation, "pin" structure, scanning probe microscope.

  • Development of forms of organization of production in the context of the formation of business entities Industry

    This article analyzes the main trends in the development of forms of organization of production - concentration, specialization, cooperation, combining - in the system of economic entities. Addresses the issues of interdependence and interpenetration of forms of organization of production, as well as their relationship with the development of logistics development as a specific form of organization of production.
    Keywords: Forms of organization of production, concentration, specialization, cooperation, combining, economic education, and logistics.


  • Modern North Caucasus – between the system crisis and inertial development

    In the article the analysis of conflictogenic potential of the North Caucasus as one of the most troubled regions of modern Russia is presented. It is shown that the inertial scenario of its development realized in modern Russia with relief local specifics is distinctly noticeable in social dynamics of the North Caucasus as well.

    Keywords: conflictogenic potential, development scenario, social dynamics, troubled region, the North Caucasus.

  • Mathematical model of a personnel pyramid of a bandit underground in the North Caucasus

    The mathematical model formalizes the solution of a problem of optimum control and it is meaningful to minimization of number of regional extremist system (bandit underground) taking into account relative importance of parts making it at the restrictions caused by "will" of the state to fight against extremism and objective dynamics of number of groups of extremists, an ethnosociocultural protestnost defined by factors (protest potential of society). The task was solved by means of imitating modeling on a method of scenarios.

    Keywords: Mathematical model, method of scenarios, extremism, dynamics of number of groups of extremists, problem region, North Caucasus.

  • Scenary modeling of combating extremism in the North Caucasus

    The mathematical model formalizes the solution of a problem of optimum control and  the minimization of regional extremist system’s number (bandit underground) is meaningful taking into account the relative importance of its parts with the restrictions caused by "will" of the state to fight against extremism and the objective dynamics of the extremist groups number, defined by the ethno-and-sociocultural protest potential factors. The problem was solved by means of imitating modeling basing on scenarios method. The results of scenery modeling of republican bandit underground dynamics are obtained depending on different variants of the power influence, in conjunction with different options of republican community development. The results of modeling calculations on fixing of a range of scenarios of quantitative dynamics of separate groups layers of a republican bandit underground are given. The identification of modeling parameters according to scenarios is executed and interpretation of the received results and practical recommendations on optimization of combating regional terrorist underground is presented.

    Keywords: Mathematical model, scenery modeling, extremism, bandit underground, dynamics of number of groups layers of extremists, problem region, North Caucasus.