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  • Panoramic image stitching with handling the parallax effect for the known world model

    The short review of existing panoramic systems are given. The limits of such systems doesn't allow to form a panoramic video with dealing the parallax effect in real-time systems. The presented algorithm for forming a panoramic video is free of these disadvantages. An algorithm based on mathematical model of the round-view system that takes into account the location of cameras, their intrinsic parameters and model of the world. The algorithm includes following chain of coordinate transformation: from panoramic image coordinates to spherical coordinates and to Cartesian world coordinate system, from world coordinates to camera coordinate system and to input image coordinates. Geometric distortion of camera is dealt. Model of the world is represented as spherical and a hemispherical surfaces.

    Keywords: panoramic image, round-view video system, camera model, camera distortion, parallax

  • Increase of the labor protection control system at the building industry enterprises

    In article are considered improvement of the organization of labor protection in the construction, based on a position of system risk management are considered.

    Keywords: The risk, injuring factors, labour safety, assessment of the state of labour protection in the organization, improvement of OSH

  • The analysis of emergencies on linear part of the main gas pipelines.

    In article statistical data on failures on a linear part of the main gas pipelines are presented, the reasons of their emergence are defined. Standard scenarios of development of emergencies are provided, and also the basic principles of determination of frequency of emergence of failures are shined.

    Keywords: accident, analysis, diameter, linear part of the main gas pipelines, depressurization, scenario, pipeline.

  • Applying the criterion of strength balance in designing replaceable inserts of cutoff and grooving tools.

    The issue of increasing the strength of cutoff and grooving tools is considered in the paper. The principle of strength balance of edge is offered to be used in designing the replaceable inserts. The calculations are made and the shape is designed for the strength balanced front surface of the cutting tools. The analysis of the received data is made and the regularities of the designed shape of the front surface of the cutting edge are established. Designs of replaceable cutting inserts made with a glance to structural characteristics and operating conditions of the cutoff and grooving tools are offered.

    Keywords: strength, cutting end, strength balance, cutting end, cutoff tools

  • The theory and practice of developing energy effective household refrigeration equipment operating at extreme high ambient temperatures

    The main maintenance of a diversification of production as activity of subjects of managing is considered. being shown in purchase of the operating enterprises, the organizations of the new enterprises, redistribution of investments in interests of the organization and development of new production on available floor spaces. The most important organizational economic targets of a diversification of management are presented by innovative activity of the industrial enterprise.

    Keywords: Герметичный компрессор объемного действия, система охлаждения, холодопроизводительность, перегрев, холодильный коэффициент COP, энергоэффективность.

  • Механизмы идентификации точек контакта с клиентом как инструмент повышения степени удовлетворенности качеством предоставляемой услуги

    В данной статье приводятся примеры стандартных и не стандартных точек контакта с потенциальными клиентами, описаны механизмы их выявления, а также приведены примеры из практического опыта работы авторов по данной теме. Дано определение понятию «клиентоориентированнсть» с точки зрения клиента, и предложены варианты, где применима данная стратегия. Поднят вопрос о качестве обслуживания и что стоит за этим пониманием для клиента, чего он ждет от сферы услуг и на что рассчитывает. В статье рассмотрены этапы анализа точек контакта, приведены примеры влияния этих точек на формирование лояльного отношения клиента к качеству услуг. 

    Keywords: услуга, точки контакт, идентификация, стратегия, анализ, клиент, потребитель, контакт, точки взаимодействия, ориентация на клиента

  • Formation of organizational and technical building systems, repairs of buildings and structures (for example heat and power companies)

    Considered the organizational and technological systems in monolithic housing construction as the elements of the organization and management of the construction of production. Offered a choice of variability of the production apparatus , determine the most effective scheme of the system organization monolithic construction . It is recommended the formation of a number of consecutive and concurrent source OTSS interconnected unity of purpose , time and place of the action. Developed of activities that provide improved use of construction equipment.

    Keywords: organization, technology, building systems, modeling, research, quality, communication, production, operation

  • Innovative business – the progress engine

    Only innovative activity is able to unite all aspects of science, equipment, economy, business and management. The current state of the innovative sphere of Russia speaks about serious contradictions in its functioning. Considerable scientific and technical capacity of the country was lost in the period of economic reforms. Now often it is impossible to predict precisely succession of events in economic life of the country generally and each organization separately. In modern conditions scientific and technical progress represents innovative development which is defined by the state as the most important priority of economic policy. Innovative potential of any managing subject needs to be estimated as difficult social and institutional system. To encourage managers and the production personnel competently developed motivational strategy is necessary to conduct work on search of innovations. Achievement of the put indicators of innovative development of the Rostov region and the country as a whole has to become result of an offered method of interaction of science, business and authorities.

    Keywords: innovative activity, scientific and technical potential, economy, business, ideas, effect, development

  • About the strength of beams of heavy concrete using steel, carbon fiber and combined reinforcement located in two rows

    The article discusses issues related to the strength of the normal sections of reinforced concrete beams in which the steel reinforcement is completely or partially replaced by a carbon fiber rod arranged in two rows. Found that the strength of these beams is only 13% higher than that of the reference.

    Keywords: concrete, steel, composite reinforcing, test samples, strength, failure modes, load level

  • Formation of organizational and technical building systems, repairs of buildings and structures (for example heat and power companies)

    The article  consider the problem of managing the operational reliability of thermal energy complex enterprises. To improve the efficiency of the organization of repair and reconstruction work will form the organizational and technical building systems. Simulation of complex organizational and technical building systems allows to find effective organizational and technical solutions, as well as to predict their possible development in a variety of situations, the probabilistic nature.

    Keywords: operational reliability, organizational and technical building systems, modeling.

  • Determination of the roughness and Chezy’s coefficients for calculating wastewater networks in conditions to reduce the cost of wastewate

    In conditions of reduction of the costs of wastewater actual value of the minimum speed and current case does not provide the required conditions of self-purification of networks. The studies conducted on the silt areas of current collectors of various diameters made of various materials with the purpose of determining the resistance of precipitation in the trays pipes.
    Describes the methodology and instruments of research. The data obtained allowed with sufficient certainty have established roughness coefficient bottom sediments of sewers.   

    Keywords: drainage network, the rate of self-purification, sewer, roughness, bottom sediments.

  • Increment borer and ways for its improvement

    The article represents the description of the construction of increment borer, its present modifications and additional devices. On the basis of the conducted survey the authors of the article defined the ways for improvement of the borer. Suggested technical solutions are at the stage of patenting  

    Keywords: Increment borer, preparatory works of forest logging, tree age, forest inventory, core.

  • Local Atomic Structure and Computer Modeling of the Copper Ion in Amyloid Beta Peptide: XAS Study

    Alzheimer's disease is an incurable illness. It affects about half a million people in Russia, and due to the general trend towards aging of the population the number of Alzheimer's disease cases will steadily increase. Insoluble deposits of amyloid beta in the brain tissue (amyloid plaques) are the major morphological characteristic of Alzheimer's disease. It has been found that the increased concentration of copper in amyloid plaques results in copper ions bound to the protein. It is the presence of copper in the binding site triggers of the formation of amyloid plaques. Therefore, the study of the binding site in amyloid beta is of great scientific interest. The local atomic structure of the Cu(I) copper ion binding site in the amyloid beta peptide has been studied by means of XANES spectroscopy. Several model structures obtained by molecular mechanics and density functional theory (ADF code) have been tested. Theoretical analysis of X-ray absorption spectra based on the finite difference method implemented in FDMNES code was performed. An appropriate model structure of the Cu(I) copper ion binding site in amyloid beta peptide has been found.

    Keywords: amyloid beta, binding site, Alzheimer's disease, the method of finite differences, Cu(I)

  • The study inhomogeneous waves near the boundaries of media

    We study the problems in the propagation of acoustic waves of a sound range near the boundaries of media. The features of the wave processes occurring at the water-air interface, due to the influence of inhomogeneous waves. Considered in detail the properties and parameters of an inhomogeneous plane wave. The mathematical calculations of the transmission coefficients L.M. Brekhovskikh for spherical and cylindrical waves through this boundary, allowing to take into account the contribution of inhomogeneous components. It is shown that than the frequency of radiation of a source is lower and the closer it is located to water-air interface, the acoustic transparency of this border is higher. Study of the dependence of the transmission coefficient of the water-air interface at low frequencies can have important consequences in a number of fundamental and applied problems. Increase the transparency of the interface requires a reassessment of the feasibility of acoustic communication from water in the air, the detection of underwater sources without dipping into the water and acoustic monitoring of the physical processes occurring in the water.

    Keywords: Inhomogeneous plane wave, water-air interface, transmission coefficient, wavelength, spherical wave, acoustic impedance.

  • Change of the mechanism of sintering powders piezomaterials as a way of reducing the temperature of formation of dense ceramic frameworks

    The problem of manufacturing technology heterostructures pezofaza - metal considered in the article. Complexity consists in the fact that during the removal of the polymer in the system at low temperatures are formed porous layers, formed powders separated metal layers, having island macrostructure. One way to solve the problem - reducing the firing temperature heterostructures. Proposed to decrease the sintering temperature by using of functionally active glass-phases. Reducing the sintering temperature of products also allows to replace platinum electrodes inexpensive silver-based alloys. Obtained by solid state reaction method of piezoceramic material has a low sintering temperature (980 ° C) and high electrical parameters. Found that not only the proportion of the vitreous mass, but also their qualitative influence on the properties of piezomaterials    

    Keywords: heterostructure glass phase, the sintering temperature, porosity, ferroelectric phase