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  • A simulation of small scale helicopter using position-trajectory regulator

    In this paper, the synthesis of a trajectory regulator for a mini-helicopter are described. We propose a method to hardware-in-the-loop simulation using simulator AerosimRC. The simulation results are showed. The tasks for the application of the method are pointed.

    Keywords: position-trajectory regulator, helicopter, mathematical modeling, simulation, algorithms.

  • Evaluation of fair price of an option for a generalized model of the Cox-Ross-Rubinstein in the case of m-states

    Discusses the assessment of the fair price of an option for a generalized model of the Cox-Ross-Rubinstein in the case of m-States. Formulated approval. Based on the findings obtained in the work built a software application that allows you to make calculations.

    Keywords: model Cox-Ross-Rubinstein, the fair price of an option risky asset, interest rate

  • Gasdynamic approach to an assessment of losses on a thermolysis in the simple gas pipeline

    In article gasdynamic approach for the solution of a task on heat distribution in simple gas pipelines on the basis of consideration of a current of gas in a laminar mode is considered. The objective is solved by means of research of system of the equations of work of extending gas taking into account an assessment of difference of temperatures at explosive decomposition of a working product. Classical approaches to research of distribution of heat in a simple cylindrical pipe are thus taken as a basis the main dependences characterizing both full, and the current work of a working product by means of correction coefficients and a ratio of temperatures of heating of walls Are presented. Connection between pressure is established at different weight ratios of gas. The specified approach can be used as a technique of model research of gasdynamic processes taking into account a thermolysis in gas pipelines.  

    Keywords: thermolysis, gas pipeline, gas work, temperature, pressure

  • Quality management as a factor of success of enterprise in competitive activity

    This article focuses on the analysis of guality class and evaluation of strategies of organizational development. It was determined that the relation of the competitiveness at enterprise depends on product quality and services. It was offered the strategy of quality which permits to achieve a market leader in modern conditions

    Keywords: quality, competitiveness, strategy of quality

  • Hybrid reverberation algorithm

    A hybrid reverberation algorithm is offered in this article. This algorithm is using both a convolution section in which a convolution with an inmpulse response of a real acoustic room is being implied and a mathematical reverb model. Also an algorithm for generating impulse responses of optional rooms is also offered in the following article. The algorithm efficiency calculation is  specified in the article. Thia reverberation algorithm is a part of a bigger complez auralization algorithm where it is being used coherently with an HRTF-based algorithm in order to simulate a real acoustic environment  

    Keywords: artificial reverb, room simulation, convolution algorithm, impulse response convolution, impulse response synthesis, dynamic convolution, complex filtering

  • Automatic device for analysis the nonlinear parameters of HTSC ceramics YBa2Cu3O7-x in variable magnetic fields.

    Considered part of the software and hardware designed and manufactured the device for the automatic analysis of nonlinear parameters of high-temperature superconducting ceramics YBa2Cu3O7-x in variable magnetic fields. Shows the calibration and specifications. The new is a synchronous (the error in determining the phase of no more than 0.5%) of digital signal samples of the nonlinear response of the sample and the samples generated by an external magnetic field (the error is less than 1%), with the number of data samples per channel to 90 ∙ 106 12-bit samples and sampling 600 ∙ 103 samples per second. The reference range of variable magnetic fields 1 - 50 Oe, a frequency range of 1 - 50 kHz in steps of 1 Hz and the accuracy of 0.0291 Hz. The device has an interface to the computer via two USB-interface and original software to work with it. With the use of the device, a series of experiments designed to produce some non-linear parameters of cylindrical sample made of high-Tc ceramic YBa2Cu3O7-x. The analysis of the results and their comparison with the presented in the literature  

    Keywords: Nonlinear medium, high-temperature superconducting ceramics, synchronous samples, harmonics, ARM-9 CPU, a differential sensor.

  • Influence of the manganese nitrate surface phenomena characteristics on impregnating tantalum capacitor anode

    The influence of manganese nitrate impregnating solutions concentration and temperature dynamic viscosity, the wetting angle, interface “porous tantalum electrode - solution” free surface energy and the impregnation degree of porous tantalum anode was researched. A quantitative characteristic of manganese nitrate solution application on porous tantalum anode of solid-electrolyte capacitor during the process of impregnation was defined and work of adhesion and cohesion was calculated. Thus increasing of solution concentration above 42% wt brings to sharp growth of surface tension and so work of cohesion is increased but carriers impregnation is fallen. The most effective impregnation is realized at concentration 27% wt. This fact corresponds to best value of tantalum anode capacitor free surface energy. So using received data we are able to estimate optimal conditions of impregnation and wetting process by nitrate magnesium.  

    Keywords: manganese nitrate, manganese dioxide, limiting wetting angle, free surface energy

  • Processing and filtering signals. State of the art

    An overview of research related to the tasks of processing and filtering of signals. Signal is considered as a random process defined by probabilistic characteristics. This article addresses the issues of the history of the development of methods of signal filtering. Recent scientific publications in which the results and the main directions of research in the field of signal processing and filtering are analyzed. Presented material extends the current state of knowledge about the problem.

    Keywords: signal, signal filtering, signal processing, stochastic process

  • Model of application of system mimo for suppression of reflections from the surface of earth in the way beamforming

    Suppression of a signal reflected from the underlying surface is being performed for the cause of location of the low-lying objects. Since the spectral characteristics of the signal and noise match, spatial difference is formed by oblique irradiation. Spatial differences are allocated by the radiation pattern. The suppression is performed by forming the zero value in the equivalent radiation pattern. The equivalent radiation pattern is a section of a generalized ambiguity function of the signals. The graphs of equivalent diagrams are shown for several areas of suppression in the view sector. The adaptive system is performing the equivalent radiation pattern zero-value scan of the underlying surface in the view sector. These algorithms are successfully applied to the MIMO system. A feature of the MIMO system is spotted in the task of forming zero values of the equivalent radiation pattern.  

    Keywords: MIMO, underlying surface, ambiguity function, adaptive system, passive noise

  • Methods for the synthesis of LaMnO3 (Review)

    "This review covers various methods of synthesis LaMnO3 ferroics. The general analysis of the solid-phase synthesis reactions methods and wet methods (sol-gel, sorption, co-precipitation) are carred out. The original results of LaMnO3 syntheses from various precursors by means of the in situ method are showned. The advantages and disadvantages of different methods of synthesis are determined. The analysis of synthesis LaMnO3 ferroics published data is shown:
    - the structure formation of LaMnO3 in perovskite-type phases occurs at different temperatures, depending on precursors states;
    - LaMnO3 perovskite phases differ in symmetry and unit cells parameters at room temperature, depending on the preparation conditions;
    - the highest synthesis temperature of LaMnO3 are typical for solid phase reactions method (950-1050 ° C), the lowest - for wet synthesis methods (500-700 ° C);
     - the synthesis conditions effect the stoichiometry of LaMnO3 for oxygen content.
    Our studies of structure formation processes of LaMnO3 by in situ method are allowed to define the role of precursors states at synthesis of solid phase reactions methods, adsorption, co-precipitation and sol-gel mixtures.
    It is determined that in samples prepared by wet chemical methods, the formation processes of  LaMnO3 perovskite phases occur at lower temperatures than by solid phase reaction (sol-gel precursor - 500 <T <600 ° C; precursors obtained by coprecipitation and sorption methods - at 600 <T <700 ° C and 700 <T <800 ° C, respectively).  

    Keywords: ferroics, LaMnO3, X-ray diffraction, solid-phase synthesis, sol-gel synthesis, sorption, co-precipitation

  • The choice of boundary conditions for the simulation of the temperature field of soil

    The existing methods of calculation of the annual change in soil temperature. Identified areas of their application and the possible deviations from reality. The requirements to the boundary conditions of the calculation. Defines the principles of the choice of initial conditions. The preconditions for the development of a universal method of calculation.

    Keywords: heat pump, renewable energy, solar radiation, transient mode, soil

  • The development of the information market as a condition and a result of becoming an information economy

    The paper discusses the features of the development of the information economy in Russia. The analysis of the current stage of development. Structure disclosed information market: actors and segments. Reflects the dynamics of the development of the information market and the integration of the domestic information market. Software market in 2011 grew by 23.8% and amounted to $ 162 million major share of the Russian market controlled by big international suppliers .
    The main share of the Russian market of equipment controlled by big international suppliers , whereby these segments are also characterized by a low level of competition: the company's market share is 16 % AcerInc sales , SamsungElectronicsRus -14% of the market. Growth of the Russian market of equipment for IT- communications mainly determined by the development segment tablets and laptops .

    Keywords: information market segments of the information market, cloud computing market, problems, especially

  • Estimation of efficiency of marketing research from the position of economic indicators

    In the article was discusses the problem of assessing the effectiveness of marketing research with the help of different methods; was done an attempt to identify the approaches to determining the effectiveness of marketing research based on their goals. Also was developed the formulas for quantitative evaluation of the effectiveness of marketing research.

    Keywords: the efficiency of marketing research, assessment of marketing researches, economic efficiency of marketing research

  • Determination of deflections of beams with corrugated web with the shear strain

    This article is devoted to the analytical determination of deflections of beams with corrugated web. The reduced shear modulus which must be considered when determining the components deflection from of the shear strain in the beam with corrugated web is defined. Applying the energy method in the form of the Ritz, the problem of determining deflections with considering of bending strain and shear strain is solved. This article, as an example, is considered simply supported beam on both sides of constant and variable cross-section and are given to the final formulas according with three kinds of loading. The results of the calculation of the numerical examples for the three main shapes of corrugated web are submitted. Numerical results with great accuracy are consistent with calculations based on the finite element method.

    Keywords: beams, corrugated web, energy, work, deflection, shear strain

  • The studying of oscillations of the corpulent cantilever rod model with a defect

    Defined criteria for identification of defect parameters, on the basis of the analysis of the different modes of own fluctuations, with the use of finite element modal calculation console corpulent model of a rod with a single defect. Developed finite element model of a universal complex . Considered corpulent (3-d) model on the basis of 3D finite element Solid92. When solving the problem considered on 26 oscillation modes depending on the size of the defect and its location.

    Keywords: Damaged, defective, swing, cantilever, frequency