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  • Research and development of methods for creating model for combinational circuit implementation in FPGA basis

    The paper presents a method for creating model for combinational circuit implementation in FPGA basis, through its original description. This model represents the equivalent circuit of the FPGA logic elements. The scheme can be used for the calculation of various parameters such as speed, area, power consumption etc. The paper proposes to use this model to assess reliability in relation to the single fault in combinational circuit’s parts or the configuration registers. Furthermore, the resulting equivalent circuit can be modified and re-synthesized in the CAD environment to achieve high levels of resistance to a single event upset. Direct estimation of the masking properties of the logic circuit through its original description is impossible because of substantial change in the structure due to the synthesis process. Evaluation of fault tolerance after place and route is not available due to lack of the necessary tools in modern CAD (Altera Quartus II, Xilinx ISE, Synopsys Synplify). To evaluate the reliability of the project one must create custom FPGA netlist analysis tool and tools for modeling combinational circuits.

    Keywords: reliability evaluation, re-synthesis, combinational circuits, FPGA, fault injection.

  • Analysis of the absolute stability of nonlinear impulsive systems by computing determinants inners

    Abstract: To analyse the absolute stability of nonlinear impulsive systems are proposed recurrent mathematical expressions derived from the criterion of absolute stability and allows by means of the developed program to determine the coecients of a special polynomial obtained from the transfer function of a nonlinear pulse system of any order. The technique of checking the strict positivity of the obtained polynomial (which is analogous to the characteristic polynomial of the system) the signs of the determinants inerney matrix and thereby detect the absolute stability of the system. Determinants of innoref are computed by an efficient algorithm for double triangularization, giving the win to 2 – 4 times compared to the classical algorithm of Gauss

    Keywords: nonlinear pulse systems, the calculation of the coefficients of the polynomial, the construction innerы matrices, determining the absolute stability of the signs of the determinants of Insarov.

  • The growth of sueface layer air temperature from click on the geomagnetic storms

    According to meteorological studies found natural growth of air temperature, coincident in timing with the beginning of a geomagnetic storm. The data were analyzed according to the temperature of about one hundred meteorological stations. Based on this analysis, it was established phenomenon of short-term (30-60 min) growth of surface layer air temperature during the beginning of the magnetic storm, the detected azimuthal drift of the temperature gradient after the start of geomagnetic storms

    Keywords: the low-latitude thermosphere, geomagnetic storm, temperatura air, temperaturny gradient, growth temperature

  • Research of nonlinear interaction of acoustic shearwaves in bottom sediments induced by the parametric radiating array on the boundary surface

    Effective application of parametric radiating arrays for detection of objects, buried in bottomsediments, are caused by their possibility to form directed radiation on low frequencies with small initial dimensions. Unlike water, bottom sediments are the environment in which both longitudinal and shift making speeds of acoustic fluctuationsdistribution are presented. Presences of several speed components in bottom sediments give the opportunity toparametric radiating array to generatethe acoustic waves of various types. In given paperthe results of theoretical and experimental researches of the field, created by the parametric radiating array in the multiphase environment «water – bottom sediments» at inclined falling on boundary surface under angles relative to critical are described. It is shown that the longitudinal pump waves, generated in water, and waves of differentialfrequency (DFW) in bottom sediments (BS) are transformed to corresponding shear waves. Besides, because of imaginary passive arrayon boundary surface, the generation of shearedDFWoccurs in BS. Researches were carried out in laboratory hydroacoustic tank. Clay and sand were used asa sample of BS. On the base of time marker the shear DFW in various typeof sediments were allocated. Using obtained theoretical model the basic characteristics of theparametric array in BSwere calculated and experimentally confirmed whileshear DFW excitation.On the results of theoretical and experimental researches, it is proved that transformation, excitation and generation of the shear waves formed by the passive array take placein BS. The results received during research give good coincidence between the theory and practice that illustrate the correctness of the model choice. Besides, experimental results on use of shearDFW in BSfor echo sounder mode are presented. Thus, given method can be used in parametric sonars for BS stratification TO and detection in them of the various alien objects.

    Keywords: parametric array, nonlinear interaction, bottom sediments, shear wave of differential frequencies, critical angle

  • Socio-philosophical problem of the modern lifestyle

    A problem characterizing dynamics of social development is discussed in this article. The problem is the modern lifestyle. An ability to adapt to changes in the surrounding world, interacting with him is very important for the existence of any living organism. In connection with the ongoing high-quality socio-cultural changes the problem of the lifestyle is becoming challenging in modern world. The category «lifestyle» is revealed as a comprehensive characteristic of human activity in today's evolving institutional transformation. The aim of the research is to study the problem of living in the modern world from the standpoint of social philosophy. The reasons for increased attention to the problem of lifestyle, the content of the category «lifestyle», the relationship category «lifestyle» with the spheres of social life, actualize the transition to healthy lifestyles and the need to create a culture of health of the person are studied. Lifestyle is analyzed as a complex integrative characteristic of human activity, reflecting the balance of the individual interactions in the system – the world around us. The ability to implement healthy lifestyle and enhancing vital resources affects the success of the person’s life. The necessity of developing the concept of «lifestyle» is settled, as well as options with the greatest impact on the lifestyle of modern man. In conclusion the need to strengthen the social health of society as a whole, creating a culture of health in order to optimize the interaction with the environment is pointed out.

    Keywords: lifestyle, healthy lifestyle, health culture, social health, social environment, social philosophy

  • The structure of formation of ecological culture technical university students

    In the modern world required the restructuring of human interaction with nature. Foundations of the unity of man with nature should be put into the period of his education, training and professionalization. Formation of ecological culture includes the knowledge necessary to solve problems of safety and environmental protection industries; environmental awareness; environmental behaviour. In our understanding of the ecological consciousness of the personality is the realm of individual consciousness to reflect the environmental reality in the form of environmental knowledge, views, evaluation of relations to nature and practice of protecting her, regulating human behavior in the natural environment. Formation of ecological consciousness of students of a technical College based on its evaluation of the developed technological processes, structures and systems from the point of view of rational use of raw materials, electricity, the issues of likelihood of contamination of the atmosphere, hydrosphere, soils in the production process of the developed device, the design of the system; the application of engineering solutions for the protection of the environment, including not only the techniques, methods, apparatuses or systems of air purification and waste water, but also low-waste and wasteless technologies to reduce or eliminate the amount of harmful emissions; projected utilization devices, structures, systems after the development of its resources and decontamination of waste; the use of environmentally friendly technologies. On the basis of analysis of structure of formation of ecological culture is closely connected to its environmental consciousness, environmental responsibility and environmental experiences that influence the use of natural resources, both at global and at regional and local levels of the system. Formation of ecological culture of a person allows to optimize human interaction with the environment, helps to restore inner harmony of personality and its interaction with the surrounding society.

    Keywords: Environmental education; environmental awareness; environmental behavior; environmental awareness; environmental responsibility.

  • Programmatically-hardware complex for the research purposes in area of Piezoelectric Device-making

    In article the hardware-software complex created on the basis of widespread software products is considered. The environment of programming of LabVIEW is used. Results of the pilot studies conducted by means of the developed complex are presented.

    Keywords: hardware-software complex, LabVIEW, piezoceramic element, the frequency response of conductivity

  • The method of distribution of the load factor of the synchronous generator within the segment grid

    In the article the question of the distribution of the load factor of a synchronous generator, which determines the percentage of the PTO on the particular consumer generator. When transporting the electricity consumers on several lines from different energy sources, there is a problem of rational distribution of power level that the consumer will take from each of the sources. This paper proposes a method of allocation, which aims to minimize power losses in power lines. Disabled distribution law SG load factor, which takes into account line losses and possible limitations on the level of generated power generators.

    Keywords: the load factor, synchronous generator, control system, smart grid, power distribution.

  • Hilbert curve as the scan order for digital image processing

    Research was conducted on applicability of Hilbert curve for traversing through points of image in tasks of digital image processing on GPGPU. Experiments were made in form of Gaussian filtration for cases of raster and proposed traversing orders. Gaussian filter was implemented as OpenCL kernel for 8-bit grayscale images. GPUs with discrete and shared memory were considered. Analysis was made on how traverse order influences on accesses to GPU’s global memory and cache hit rate.

    Keywords: Hilbert curve, memory access pattern, OpenCL

  • Social-psychological training as a method of optimization of social-psychological climate in group of staff of special divisions of power structures

    The article discusses the influence of socio-psychological climate office staff on success of professional activity of employees, their readiness to actions in extreme situations, on the stability of the personnel division. Based on the analysis of literature, we have highlighted aspects of studying socio-psychological climate, which allowed to develop a programme of training, aimed at optimizing the psychological atmosphere in the team. Analyzes the social-psychological climate of the team before and after training sessions. The results of the study allow us to consider socio-psychological training as a method of optimization of social-psychological climate in the team.

    Keywords: social-psychological climate, social-psychological training, unity, coordination, conflictness, relationship in collective, the relation to the management, satisfaction with professional activity

  • Analog and discrete-analog tunable integrators

    The purpose and problems of this work consist in research of schemes analog and the discrete and analog reconstructed integrators, feature of their construction and work, determination of uniqueness of each scheme, both on circuitry execution, and on a way of reorganization, carrying out the analysis. For the solution of a task the analysis of domestic and foreign works is made, schemes analog are constructed and the discrete and analog reconstructed integrators, work has survey character. During the comparative analysis, in article, it was revealed that depending on the specific solved objective, and also from technology of production, any of circuitry solutions of integrators can appear more effective in comparison with others.

    Keywords: the analog integrator; discrete-to-analog integrator; tunable integrator; restructuring numeric code restructuring changes in duty cycle; restructuring of frequency change impulses

  • Zone electrophoresis. Numerical-analytical method for solving of applied problems in partial derivatives of first order

    Numerical-analytical solution of the problem of multicomponent mixture fractionation under action an electric field is constructed. This problem is known as the problem of zonal electrophoresis which extensively used in chemistry, medicine, and biology. Problem is reduced to study of the Cauchy problem for systems of hyperbolic type quasilinear equations in partial derivatives of first order. The proposed method is based on a generalized hodograph method, which allows obtaining an analytical solution of the problem in implicit form. Explicit form of the solution is recovered using the transformation of the Cauchy problem for system of quasilinear hyperbolic equations to the Cauchy problem for a system of ordinary differential equations that are solved numerically.

    Keywords: electrophoresis, hyperbolic conservation laws, generalized hodograph method

  • Construction of a physical model of the process of air pollution for cement plants

    The article analyzes the state of urban air. It proved the impact of cement industry on air quality. The article also analyzed the technological process of cement production. As a result, built carrying circuit material flows. Carrying circuit material flows determined that dust is highly polluting air environment, because the dust is released at each stage of production. Analysis of the cement production process has allowed to identify the main objects that are involved in the process of air pollution, as well as to establish their relationship. The result is a physical model of the process of air pollution. Further, on the basis of a physical model of the process of pollution, it is possible to construct a physical model of the process of reduction of air pollution.

    Keywords: the air of the city environment, the process of cement production, carrying circuit material flows, physical model, process air pollution, cement dust

  • Disposal of technogenic resources using microbial bioconversion

    Abstract: the Article is devoted to the problem of waste production during construction, operation and liquidation of coal mines of Russia. This work suggests that waste recycling technologies, including for reception of energy based on the modeling and system analysis of the biocenosis. The possibility of realization of innovative methods of processing plethodon using the biocenosis. Quite detailed questions transformation of industrial waste into energy through anaerobic bioconversion. As part of a description of the proposed methodology presents the results of field experiments and action program of recycling of materials at the stage of commercial operation. In particular it justifies the optimization of processing technology on the basis of the selection of the most active biocenosis of microorganisms. Theoretical developments are confirmed by practical data.

    Keywords: disposal, technogenic resources, plothole, biotechnology, biotransformation, biocenosis, recycling

  • Analitiko-chislennoye modeling of the distributed information systems with the low level of a network traffic

    The architecture of the distributed information systems (IS) is considered, with use of the office of the closed systems of mass service (SMS) and a method of the enclosed Markov's chains the analitiko-numerical model of this class IS with remote execution in the conditions of the low level of load of a network traffic is developed. The following stages of creation of this model are offered: conceptual representation of functioning of system; formation of full space of conditions of the chain of Markov enclosed in casual process; a choice of the moments of regeneration of messages in system; definition of space of conditions of a chain of Markov taking into account restrictions; calculation of a matrix of transitional probabilities; receiving formulas of calculation of characteristics of the distributed IS on the basis of a vector of the stationary distribution of probabilities (SDP) at the moments of regeneration of messages. The analitiko-numerical model offered and in detail considered in article can be realized in any high-level programming language and respectively serve as the highly effective tool for carrying out experiments with a research objective of behavior of the distributed IS at various values of its external and internal parameters.

    Keywords: the distributed information system, replication, network traffic, remote execution, Poisson stream, erlangovsky stream, method of the enclosed Markov's chains, space of states, the moments of regeneration, matrix of transitional probabilities