The main properties of slag-alkaline binders were studied to determine their optimal composition. The possibility of controlling the properties of binders developed on the basis of phosphorus and blast furnace slag by introducing corrective additives into the aluminosilicate component of slag-alkaline binders, as well as by changing the type of alkaline component, has been experimentally proven. The conducted studies confirm the effectiveness of the use of sulfate-containing alkaline components for the production of slag-alkaline binders. As a result of the conducted experiments, slag-alkaline binders with an activity of 30 to 110 MPa were obtained. The possibility of regulating the properties of the developed slag-alkaline binders has been established. The required binding strength is achieved by adjusting the composition of the aluminosilicate component by introducing additives and the type of alkaline component.
Keywords: alkali-silk binders, slags, optimal composition, basicity, chromium peak, construction materials, reconstruction, work technology
This paper analyzes the shortcomings of the existing organizational and technological documentation, namely the construction organization project and the project of work production. It is concluded that the main task of organizational-technological documentation is to minimize construction risks at the earliest stage, to increase knowledge about the project and to transfer the process of development and decision-making to an earlier stage of construction. As a solution to these problems, it is proposed to consider the use of building information modeling technologies (BIM) in construction, and move to the development of digital construction organization project (4D model of the construction process), which is a digital information model of the capital construction object (3D model), the elements of which are interconnected with the work on construction production. Two projects where the building information modeling technology was applied and a digital construction organization project was developed are considered: construction of an underground tunnel and reconstruction of a power unit of a combined heat and power plant. The advantages of using a digital construction organization project are proved, which makes it possible to forecast the planned duration of works, as well as the duration of works, taking into account the occurrence of risk events, necessary resources and equipment.
Keywords: digital project of construction organization, 4D model, building information modeling, project of construction organization, capital construction object
The article discusses a method for detecting defects in extended products. To find defects, scanning the product along its entire length is used. The result is a two-dimensional data stream that needs to be analyzed. The problem of detecting a defect is one of the tasks of detecting a “useful” signal against a background of “noise”. The most reliable method is to use a set of statistical criteria. To compare the mean values, the Student's test and two Wilcoxon–Mann–Whitney tests were used; to compare the scattering values, the Fisher test and the Ansari–Bradley test were used. The effectiveness of the algorithm was confirmed using a computer model simulating a two-dimensional homogeneous data stream.
Keywords: defects, extended products, computer model, simulation, statistical criterion
The paper presents the results of research on the application of gypsum hydrate cakes, the waste products of the refining process at the Krastsvetmet non-ferrous metals plant, for the production of construction materials. The study examined pasty cakes for use in building mortars, and after drying and grinding, the resulting cake powder was further used as a fine filler in asphalt concrete mixes. The optimal composition of the construction mortar was determined using a mathematical method of experimental design. The construction mortars were prepared based on cement and local mineral materials. The study demonstrated that it is possible to get construction mortars of the required strength based on the cakes. The cake powder obtained after drying was examined as a mineral powder for asphalt concrete. Tests showed that the cakes met the requirements for grade MP-3 mineral powders in all aspects. Asphalt concrete incorporating the cakes also met the regulatory standards for its key properties. Based on the research results, the optimal compositions of mortars and asphalt concrete were recommended for implementation to construction companies in the Krasnoyarsk Krai.
Keywords: waste products, cakes, construction mortars, compositions, properties, regression equations, durability, water retention capacity, segregation, mineral powder, asphalt concrete
In the conditions of modern economy, where optimal personnel decisions are very important for any organizations, especially in the dynamically divisive electric power industry, the issue of developing an intelligent system for making personnel decisions in the electric power industry becomes relevant. This paper analyzes the existing tools for selection of candidates for vacant positions including managerial positions and vacancies from the electric power industry. Based on the analysis and earlier research, a competency profile of managers of the electric power industry is formed. The development of the program product was conducted using various programming languages in the Visual Studio development environment. The program represents a dynamic and interactive process of managerial decision-making, where users face different scenarios to assess the formed competencies, with the output of a detailed report on their skills, which provides employers with an objective assessment of the candidate's potential for a vacant managerial position.
Keywords: electric power industry, competences, personnel, personnel, optimal personnel management decisions, intellectual system, personnel management, competence assessment, software product
The results of numerical modeling of wooden beams strengthened of composite materials based on carbon fiber are considered. Modeling of beams strengthened of composite material was carried out in the ANSYS software using deformation diagrams. The reliability of the modeling methodology was assessed by comparing the results of a numerical study with the results of a physical experiment obtained during testing of models of wooden beams strengthened of composite materials based on carbon fiber.
Keywords: carbon fiber, carbon composite materials, strengthening of wooden structures, external reinforcement of wooden beams
The problem of a comprehensive assessment of the quality of construction production is considered. The problematic nature of such a procedure is noted, due to the fact that construction production is a multifactorial process in which a large number of material, financial and labor resources are used, with different units of measurement. It is proposed to consider the complex indicator "Integral indicator of the quality of construction production" based on the transformed Harrington desirability function, which allows taking into account many factors having different-sized controlled parameters.
Keywords: quality of construction production, integral index of construction quality, quality coefficient, generalized utility function, Harrington desirability function
The article describes a technique for constructing a non-fuzzy model for selecting contour points on an image. The technique includes the following steps: the formation of linguistic variables “pixel brightness difference” and “a sign that a pixel belongs to a contour”, the formation of a knowledge base of a neuro-fuzzy model using a binary image, the formation of a training set using both grayscale and contour images, training a neuro-fuzzy model using genetic algorithm. A feature of the presented genetic algorithm is - checking the conditions for the correctness of the values of the parameters of the membership functions obtained during the generation of chromosomes. Described the structure of a neuro-fuzzy model for making a decision about whether a pixel belongs to a contour. Presented the result of applying a neuro-fuzzy model for constructing image contours.
Keywords: neuro-fuzzy model, contour image, contour extraction, contour pixel, linguistic variable, fuzzy set, membership function, genetic algorithm, Tsukamoto inference, neuro-fuzzy model learning
The task of planning the sending of messages of known volumes from source points to destinations with known needs. At the same time, it is assumed that the costs of transmitting information on the one hand are proportional to the transmitted volumes and the cost of transmitting a unit of information over the selected communication channels, and on the other hand are associated with a fixed subscription fee for the use of channels that does not depend on the volume of transmitted information. An indicator of the quality of the plan with such a statement is the total cost of sending the entire planned volume of messages. A comparative characteristic of the effectiveness of methods for obtaining optimal plans using a linearized objective function and an exact solution by one of the combinatorial methods is carried out.
Keywords: message transmission, transport task, criterion of minimum total costs, computational complexity of the algorithm, linearization of the objective function
The article gives a description of the developed design of a sample of the connection of wooden elements, which is devoid of the shortcomings of existing technical solutions that allow simulating the actual operation of real wooden structures. The design makes it possible to increase the reliability of the test results, simplifies the test procedure and the test results processing process. The developed design of the sample fully reflects the actual work of the real joints of the beam cage of a wooden building, causes a stress-strain state in the sample, to a large extent similar to the stress-strain state of a real joint due to the correct application of the basic provisions of the similarity theory to connect the model with the full-scale construction of a wooden buildings, schemes for applying the load to the sample and methods for conducting experiments.
Keywords: wooden structures, timber, joining of wooden elements, testing of a sample of connecting wooden elements, wooden beam, main beam, secondary beam, metal plates, screws, reliability improvement
The procedure for filling positions of teaching staff of universities belonging to the teaching staff is regulated by federal laws and local regulations. At the same time, it becomes necessary to store and exchange a large number of documents between various participants of competitive events. The aim of the work was to automate the process of holding competitive events and use a common data warehouse, with the help of which it is possible to speed up paperwork, save time and consumables, ensure the safety of storing, transmitting and processing information. The article reflects the obtained results of automation of the competitive selection process at the St. Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering.
Keywords: higher education institutions, competitive election, teaching staff, automation
The problem of quality in construction and installation works at intermediate stages is being discussed. The role of technical supervision in the construction process is outlined. A proposed indicator, the "Quality Index," is presented for consideration, which reflects not only the quality of the works but also the effectiveness of the technical supervisor's work during the construction process.
Keywords: quality, construction quality, construction quality index, quality coefficient, regulations, technical supervisor engineer
In this paper, the possibility of applying graph neural networks (NN) to study the structure of copper centers of zeolites is considered. The dataset used for NN training was prepared using the FDMNES software based on the finite difference method and included more than 2100 Cu K-XANES spectra for Cu-MOR. The performed study demonstrated the capability of graph neural networks to reproduce the Cu K-XANES spectrum corresponding to a particular model of the copper center in the zeolite framework.
Keywords: zeolite, mordenite, atomic structure, XANES, machine learning, graph neural networks
The article considers examples of atmospheric air monitoring in linear and compact cities. The issues of atmospheric air pollution are considered, examples of components of pollutants coming from stationary and mobile sources are given. The analysis of the monitoring system of cities with different urban planning is carried out.
Keywords: linear city, compact city, highway, pollution, monitoring, monitoring posts, motor transport, gas pollution, exhaust gases
The authors, having examined the main buildings, structures, and amenities located on Lenin Avenue in the capital of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic, showed that, although there are almost no old buildings of the pre-revolutionary era in the Ciscaucasian city, it is rich in architectural objects in the pleasant, unpretentious Stalinist Empire style. Nalchik can be called a classic city in the mountains. The peculiarity of the city is a wide and spacious avenue with a high level of greenery, with a high level of improvement. This is the central and longest street in the city. The length is more than five kilometers. Lenin Avenue is an important landmark, which is essential for the city for the normal life of modern society. The center of the capital was formed around the avenue, where squares, residential buildings and public buildings, various establishments, recreation areas, as well as interesting architectural objects are concentrated. Prospect Lenina can be proudly entered into the register of cultural heritage objects as it meets the requirements for classic avenues.
Keywords: architecture, construction, master plan, rectangular grid of streets, wind rose, height above sea level, avenue, town-planning object, building, restoration, square, residential buildings, columns, towers, stucco capitals, Stalinist Empire style, baroque