The article examines the influence of environmental factors on the formation of residential development in Yemen. The climatic and geographical conditions of the region are analyzed. Traditional and modern architectural approaches adapted to the region's extreme natural conditions are considered. Particular attention is paid to sustainable design focused on the rational use of natural resources. The study highlights the importance of integrating "green" technologies and environmentally sustainable construction methods into urban planning.
Keywords: Yemen, residential development, environmental factors, sustainable development, climatic conditions, architecture, urban planning
Yemeni cities are urbanizing so rapidly that there will soon be no room for green spaces. In this regard, there is a need to find solutions to provide citizens with the "green" infrastructure necessary for life and health. This article presents the results of an urban planning analysis of the study of existing territorial reserves suitable for the formation of the "green" frame of the city of Ibb, their capacity and structure. Based on the analytical data obtained, the concept of the "green" frame of the city of Ibb was proposed, on the basis of which the system of architectural and urban planning principles for organizing the "green" recreational frame of the Yemeni highland cities was expanded and supplemented.
Keywords: urban planning, urban greening, sustainable development of the city, landscape design, urban environment, reconstruction
Yemeni cities are distinguished by their ancient history and rich traditions in terms of the organization of urban recreation, which are not well studied and therefore are not used in modern city planning. The developed concept of the recreational framework of Sana'a was developed on the basis of data from a comprehensive system analysis of the planning structure of the city, the identification of the national identity of the Yemeni landscaping structure, the integration of climatic, dendrological and landscape conditions, as well as social factors influencing the organization of urban recreations of Sana'a. Based on the analysis data and identified architectural and planning opportunities, the key principles for organizing the "green" recreational frame of the city of Sana'a were proposed.
Keywords: urban planning, urban greening, sustainable development of the city, landscape design, urban environment, reconstruction