Toughening of requirements to buildings’ power efficiency enables development and implementation of modern lightweight concretes on efficient porous aggregates into building industry. The key demands to both lightweight heat-insulating and to fine concretes are ensuring low density index and thus low thermal conduction with high durability provided. There has been developed a lightweight heat-insulating fine concrete mix with the use of three fractions of granulated foam glass. To conduct the research there has been used a central composite design, which helped determine optimal consumption of separate fractions of granulated foam glass, and acquire a lightweight heat-insulating fine concrete with the lowest density. On the basis of obtained research results there has been carried out a calculation of thermal conduction ratio with the use of empirical formulae. The research results have been analyzed, and their descriptive statistics have been presented as diagrams and graphs. On the basis of the analysis of the research results there have been obtained regression equations and established influence degree of separate fractions of granulated foam glass on the density and thermal conduction ratio. There has been carried out an optimization of the material mix and the correlation between fine aggregate fractions calculated to provide the lowest average density.
Keywords: fine concrete, granulated foam-glass, thermal conduction ratio, average density, durability, experiment design, regression, mix optimization