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  • Engineering protection design for landslide-prone sections of the Sochi highway

    When designing engineering protection, it is necessary to use modern and progressive technologies. The technical decisions made must comply with the fundamentals of design - economic and operational efficiency. This article discusses the methods and principles of operation necessary for hazard assessment and the development of effective measures to prevent and reduce risks in the design, selection of optimal solutions and recommendations for the development of engineering protection projects. A section of a public highway of local significance in the Krasnodar Territory was selected during the survey. The materials of engineering and geological studies of the slope were used as initial data, which included reconnaissance route observations, engineering and geological workings with soil sampling, and determination of the physico-mechanical characteristics of the soils.

    Keywords: engineering protection, surveys, design, stability, reconstruction, soil, landslide slope

  • Monitoring and mathematical modeling of microbial air pollution near highways Volgograd

    The aim of this work was to conduct monitoring and make a regression model of the microbiological air pollution in Volgograd near highways. The work carried out monitoring of microbial air pollution in the residential district of Volgograd near two major highways - first and second longitudinal lines. On the first phase of research the microbial monitoring of air pollution in the residential district of Volgograd was conducted, depending on the proximity to the highway. Number of microbial cells (MC) was evaluated by sedimentation. The assumption is made about the nature of the regression relationship between microbial air pollution and the distance from the highway. Approximating functions and regression coefficients are constructed for the first portion of the longitudinal line at different levels of traffic road. Function is obtained, which allows to calculate the value of microbial contamination of the air, depending on the distance to the road and number of vehicles. In the case of high levels of the microbiological monitoring of the basin air it’s necessary to carry out measures to reduce microbial contamination of the air, for example, regular watering roads, tree planting, vegetative barriers adsorbing pollutants, chemical treatment of disinfectants. The calculation of microbial contamination of the air near a residential building located at a distance of 10 meters from the highway in the central region of Volgograd is conducted using proposed in function prediction of microbial contamination. The developed technique allows us to make calculations without setting up experiments in a specialized microbiology laboratory.

    Keywords: monitoring , microbial contamination of air , the regression model , mathematical modeling