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  • The ESC architectural pattern as a way to implement an object-oriented approach in programming

    A programming method based on the ESC pattern is presented. The relevance of the work is due to the fact that the object-oriented approach is one of the most popular and sought-after ways to develop an information product due to a huge regularly updated selection of various methods, templates and ways of its implementation. The most significant of them is Entity System Component (ESC). This method of implementing OOP allows you to make the software product flexible and extensible. The ESC pattern is based on the reactive programming method and divides the entire code architecture into three components: entity, system, component. The tool package that implements the ESC pattern is the ESC DOTS package, designed for the Unity3D environment. The built-in Jobs System package provides the ability to work with multi-threaded programming in Unity. This package distributes threads created at runtime into groups of a certain type, which have a strictly limited execution time. Thus, the task of enumerating an array of several hundred elements goes into a Temp type thread, which runs for one frame in Unity, and the enumeration of a million polygons of the Unity landscape is placed in a Persistent type thread, which has an unlimited time limit.

    Keywords: object-oriented programming, Unity framework, ESC pattern, multi-threaded programming, reactive programming, extensible architecture, package manager

  • Development of a self-learning companion bot with the ability to calculate an arithmetic expression

    The algorithm and code listing of the developed self-learning chatbot are presented. Able to maintain a conversation with the user, switch to training mode in the absence of the necessary information, analyze the context of the conversation for "forbidden" words. The Trim function is used, which removes extraneous characters represented in the tr property. And also an additional option "Solve arithmetic problems" is implemented in case of a request from the user. When implementing the latter option, a recursive descent algorithm based on three nested recursive functions was used, while the binary tree is filled in. A function has been developed to divide the incoming string into tokens. The chatbot code is developed in C++/C# based on the principles of object-oriented programming with the development of classes.

    Keywords: artificial intelligence, machine learning, voice assistant chatbot, learning mode, tokens, recursive descent, binary tree

  • Architectural techniques in the development of software dependent on the user interface

    The article describes the architectural techniques used in the process of developing case studies for assessing the professional skills of students, implemented as part of the educational process of the RSTU. The decision to use the interface as the center of architecture is justified. Possible problems in the process of developing the interface of the specified software are described, and ways of solving them are also presented. Thanks to the presented methods of building the project architecture, you can get rid of the main drawbacks associated with the dependence of the program code of the implemented product on the user interface. Increase the scalability and reliability of the application, while maintaining the overall quality and functionality.

    Keywords: interface, user interface, architectural solution, loaded interface, software, pattern, messagebroker, coroutine, pseudo-stream, case

  • Dynamic norms of random and directed mutations in the genetic algorithm

    The virtual simulator of the car inspector is considered. A distinctive feature of this project is that a visual programming editor was developed specifically for this simulator with a set of necessary functionality for developing other virtual simulators. The editor is designed for the Unity3D engine . The editor's functionality has been scaled and expanded, and new vertexes have been added to the developed system. The animation processing algorithm was used and new classes were created. The resulting vertexes are combined into a chain and their performance is checked.

    Keywords: virtual simulator, visual programming editor, car inspector, Unity3D engine, Collider

  • Features of the application development for the calculation and formation of the cargo plan

    An algorithm for generating and calculating a cargo plan for the Annenkov ferry is described. On the basis of data from the automated control system for the operation of the Caucasus station of the North Caucasian Railway, a software application is being developed that allows to automate the process of drawing up a freight plan. It is proposed to upgrade the existing process of sorting in the process of following the composition in the cargo port

    Keywords: cargo plan, Annenkov ferry, port of Kavkaz, algorithm for forming rail carriages, mobile application, cargo transportation, rail-ferry service

  • Effective organization of service requests using the example of a unified user support service for JSCo "RZD"

    Describes the process of processing applications single user support services (UPCS), jsco «RZD», presented the objectives of the project. Are the standard time for work performed in the UPS. A model for evaluating the timeliness of processing applications, UPS created users software package. Assess the appropriateness and timeliness of information from UPCS users. The smallest probability of timely information UPS during the day will be observed from 8.00-9.00 am on Monday and from 17.00-19.00 p.m. on Friday. The optimal number of service channels for the stated criteria for timeliness of processing applications is 7

    Keywords: information technology, UPS, ITSM, treatment, timeliness, processing, registration, circulation model UPS, channel services, ITC

  • Methods for increasing the efficiency of an automated system of operational control in railway transport

    Set out the main stages of development of the automated system of operational control in railway transport, the issue of the effectiveness of this system. Describes methods to improve efficiency, a model of the processing of information flows

    Keywords: automated system of operational control in railway transport, road-network database, a table of the current status information message, the transport system, thematic table, efficiency, rail transport

  • Indicators of the quality of information and computing systems of railway transport

    There is considered the problem of structuring indicators of the quality of information-computing systems, including transport. For each quality indicator is determined by the number of corresponding criteria. An algorithm for analysis of subscriber delays.

    Keywords: quality, indicator of quality, quality criterion, computer information system of railway transport,subscriber delay