The article describes the process of developing and optimizing a Telegram bot for remote server management. As part of the study, an application was developed, implemented in Python using the Telegram API and using the PostgreSQL DBMS to store data as part of the workflow. The system is designed to optimize the workflow in the field of administration, providing users with an easy way to manage servers via Telegram. With the help of the created bot, users will be able to control servers, execute the necessary commands remotely, receive up-to-date information and monitor the status of servers in real time. The development of the bot included several stages, from architecture design to testing and implementation. Particular attention was paid to data security and system reliability to ensure stable operation and protection from unauthorized access. As a result, a functional and convenient tool was created that significantly simplifies administration tasks and increases the efficiency of server management.
Keywords: python, ssh, it-service, telegram-api, postgresql, psycopg2, aiogram, sql, bot, administration, remote control