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  • Research of the influence of the development level of intelligent transport network on the efficiency of intermittent bus lane priority application

    The article discusses an innovative organizing method of the buses priority - a intermittent bus lane priority.

    Keywords: the organization of the bus lane priority, priority lane, intermittent bus lane priority, intelligent transportation system

  • Information content of the frequency characteristics of N-gram of the websites text fragments for search systems

      The work in the Internet is impossible without the use of search systems. The quality of the responses to user’s requests to a large extent depends on the keywords. However, due to some circumstances the user is not able to accurately enough to formulate a request and the number of received responses is great. In these situations, additional feature relevant answers selection can be text documents belonging to a particular implicit group. Implicitness group is shown in the fact that the text belongs to it is determined not by direct comparison with the reference (key) words, but by matching the semantic features, the wording of which is absent in the search text. Implementation of text classification can be made on the basis of the frequency characteristics of N-grams. The purpose of the work is to assess the possibility of using the frequency characteristics of N-gram of the websites text fragments to improve search engine based on a study of their information content. In this work designed a method based on the selection of informative indicators of N-gram with low computational requirements and with application of the correlation analysis. Based on its application has been shown that the frequency characteristics of N-grams have sufficient information content to improve search engines. The developed method has many common with systems of writing, because it relies not only on the alphabetic systems.  

    Keywords: N-gram, request, semantic features, search engine

  • Method of calculation of power characteristics of belt elastic element

    Currently actively developing direction of seismic protection, the identified using absorbing screens made in the form of sandwich structures with упругопластическими energy-absorbing elements. In this article, on the basis of the conducted research and analysis, the formulas for the calculation of power characteristics of belt elastic element.

    Keywords: Dynamic loading, uprugoplastichesky deformation, deformation chart, power absorption

  • The neural networks recognition of the classes in real time

    The work is devoted to the development of theoretical and practical basis for the use of intelligent technologies for productive extraction of knowledge from data sets for decision-making in real time.Developed the method  construction of the accelerating algorithm, while controlling for allowable adequacy model allows training neural network models in the rate of real-time within a given risk. Proposed accelerating algorithm and neural network models are built based on a standard emulator, providing the required efficiency in the processing of the input array. within the limits.

    Keywords: neyroemulyator speeding up the algorithm, cascade circuit training sample, gradient descent, back propagation of error

  • Simulation re-routing strategies for the CBD network of Rostov-on-Don.

    This paper presents the results obtained at simulation of various algorithms dynamic route guidance. A simulation experiments has been executed for the CBD network of Rostov-on-Don with using AIMSUN package. The main objectives of research are estimate routing strategy and relation between shape of the macroscopic fundamental diagram and traffic assignment on the network.

    Keywords: re-routing, rate, dynamic traffic assignment, traffic conditions

  • The model predictive control system simulation for the catalytic cracking process of oil

    The especially the functioning of fluid catalytic cracking plant are considered. A mathematical model of a catalytic cracking plant is presented here. Implemented model identification based on experimental data. The predictive controller based on predictive control method for dynamic processes is developed. Effectiveness of the approach is confirmed by the results of catalytic cracking plant simulation. 

    Keywords: catalytic cracking, modeling, model predictive control, multivariate control system, optimization

  • Estimation of efficiency of marketing research from the position of economic indicators

    In the article was discusses the problem of assessing the effectiveness of marketing research with the help of different methods; was done an attempt to identify the approaches to determining the effectiveness of marketing research based on their goals. Also was developed the formulas for quantitative evaluation of the effectiveness of marketing research.

    Keywords: the efficiency of marketing research, assessment of marketing researches, economic efficiency of marketing research

  • Evaluation of geological hazards and risks of the Eastern Donbass agglomeration

    To the East Donbass agglomeration has developed thematic maps of subsiding soils, indicating their capacity, groundwater levels, surface subsidence above mining, landslide and erosion hazards. Sources of information were the materials of the geological surveys, maps and literature data, and numerical modeling. For the purposes of industrial and civil construction built the final map of the cumulative effects of geological hazards.

    Keywords: geological hazard, modeling, geofiltration,subsidence, landslides, erosion, underflooding, agglomeration.

  • Organizational and economic aspects of the natural economic activities in urban areas

    The paper deals with the management of natural resources of the city with a practical definition of the right to the city natural objects. The role and tasks of monitoring the system of regional natural resource management to control functions

    Keywords: Natural resource management, information systems, natural resources, the cadastral valuation of natural resources, urban

  • The development of regression models for evaluation of terminal operations and traffic flow on adjacent road network

    Regression models for evaluation of terminal operations and traffic flow on adjacent road network are defined. By means of microsimulation, the processing time for each vehicle at the each gate set limits the maximum values of the input rate, which causes the average queue length not exceeding the value of 2.5 car.

    Keywords: microsimulation, maritime terminal, traffic flow, queue length, delays and waiting times

  • Determination of deflections of beams with corrugated web with the shear strain

    This article is devoted to the analytical determination of deflections of beams with corrugated web. The reduced shear modulus which must be considered when determining the components deflection from of the shear strain in the beam with corrugated web is defined. Applying the energy method in the form of the Ritz, the problem of determining deflections with considering of bending strain and shear strain is solved. This article, as an example, is considered simply supported beam on both sides of constant and variable cross-section and are given to the final formulas according with three kinds of loading. The results of the calculation of the numerical examples for the three main shapes of corrugated web are submitted. Numerical results with great accuracy are consistent with calculations based on the finite element method.

    Keywords: beams, corrugated web, energy, work, deflection, shear strain

  • Software for stereovisualization of FEM simulating results

    The presented work extends the state-of-art of visualization construction simulations in three dimensions (3D). Classical computer graphics methods can be used to instrument construction models to automatically generate dynamic visualizations of any construction models. The visualization problem of FEM analysis is considered. A description is presented of programs of convertation and visualization of results of finite element method analysis of geodesic domes.

    Keywords: simulation, computer graphics, geodesic domes, finite element method, convertation, visualization

  • The analysis of means of protection of a metalwork from corrosion

    The article provides an example evaluation of the technical condition of building and handling machines in terms of corrosion resistance. Using functional method of determining the weights estimated sufficiency compositions anticorrosion treatment building and handling machines.

    Keywords: The sufficiency condition, the generalized criterion, a metric multiplicative convolution operator on the set of individual criteria

  • The studying of oscillations of the corpulent cantilever rod model with a defect

    Defined criteria for identification of defect parameters, on the basis of the analysis of the different modes of own fluctuations, with the use of finite element modal calculation console corpulent model of a rod with a single defect. Developed finite element model of a universal complex . Considered corpulent (3-d) model on the basis of 3D finite element Solid92. When solving the problem considered on 26 oscillation modes depending on the size of the defect and its location.

    Keywords: Damaged, defective, swing, cantilever, frequency

  • Modelling of rods with defects with different types of fastening

    The task of identification of defects in rods with different variants of fastening. In the basis of lies method parameter identification based on an analysis of the frequencies and parameters of natural modes of the structure. Built model of the rod design has defects fluctuations, using finite element of the complex 

    Keywords: Defect, damage, rod, the oscillations of the cantilever rod