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  • Multichannel OpAmp and JFET follower IC on radiation hardened array

    The features of circuit engineering and results of chip computer simulation which consists of 4-channel operational amplifier (op amp) and 2-channel electrometric voltage follower, designed for pre-processing of sensors signals in high-energy physics are considered. 
    The characteristic properties of designed op amp are the absence of current source in the input differential stage and the use of parallel high-frequency channel for increasing of the bandwidth and slew rate.
    The results of experimental research that have confirmed the low sensitivity of the parameters of designed integrated circuits created on the field programmable gate array "FGPA-1.3" without the horizontal p-n-p transistors to the influence of gamma-irradiation and electrons with energy of 4 MeV are given.  

    Keywords: operational amplifier, field programmable gate array, voltage follower, sensor, sensing element, radiation resistance.

  • Stabilographic functional diagnostics in elite sports

      The purpose of investigation is to examine the effect of adaptation to difficult-house physical stress on the regulation of the vertical posture of man. For the analysis of the ability to maintain a vertical position used stabilographic hardware-software complex "Stabilan-1-02" (JSK Rhythm ", Russia). The ability to maintain a vertical position was evaluated in two static positions: 1) the main stand (OS) in the presence and absence of visual information, and 2) dip (PP) in the presence of visual information. Revealed that an increase of physical performance ability to maintain balance in static positions, especially in the complicated conditions (deprivation of visual information and static muscle tension) increases.

    Keywords: Sports stabilometry, adaptation, vertical pose

  • Concrete on binding and small sand

    The influence of fine-dispersed mineral adds on the properties of cement stone and concrete has been investigated. The possibility of production of necessary strength concrete with small sand without increasing of standard expenditure of cement has been designed.

    Keywords: concrete, strength, small sand, add, mineral powder, cement, reduction, expenditure

  • Analysis of the conditions of biogas at the landfill for the disposal of solid waste consumption

    Submitted manufacturing operations performed at the landfill site TOP, their main types of negative impacts on the environment. The conditions of formation and emission of biogas generated in the interior of the landfill body and having a pronounced toxic effects. The dependence of the specific biogas yield for the period of his active stable generation.

    Keywords: Solid waste consumption, landfill disposal TOP, biogas, wet waste, environmental safety

  • Using agent-based modeling approach for social conflicts analysis ethnic groups

      This article presents an agent-based computational model of civil violence. In the model a central authority seeks to suppress communal violence between two warring ethnic groups. To describe model UML diagrams are presented. Article also shows a number of experiments with model which shows such benefits of model as guiding data collection, revealing dynamical analogies, discovering new questions and decision support in crisis situations.

    Keywords: Legitimacy, agent based modeling, simulation, risk aversion, jail, neighborhood patches, radius vision, expressed political tension, latent political tension

  • Methods of selecting the basic architecture of a reconfigurable computing system based on the methods of game-theoretic optimization

    Consideration of the formation method of choice underlying architecture of reconfigurable computing system minimal cost, providing the requirements for the probability of the task. The main mathematical tool used in the theory of decision making under uncertainty, as well as methods for game-theoretic optimization.

    Keywords: reconfigurable computing system, Markov processes, game-theoretic optimization, basic architecture, the uncertainties

  • The method of optimization of development transport and technological of forest resources

    Present the method for determining the optimal plan wood harvesting and hauling on logging enterprise. The method is recommended for use in enterprises applying cut-to-length logging. Optimization criterion is the minimum cost of harvesting and hauling wood. The method use will reduce costs and increase profitability for enterprise.

    Keywords: logging area, base of forest resources, natural factors of production, primary wood transport, network transportation, costs

  • Electronics module for avalanche photodiode signal readout

    Circuit features of the electronics module for avalanche photodiode signal read-out, created on a basis of the specialized analog IC, are considered. Measurement re-sults of characteristics and noise depending on signal source capacity are given.

    Keywords: avalanche photo diode, readout electronic, charge sensitive amplifier, shaper, electronics module

  • Electric method of the disinfection of farm crop seeds

    There is the information of the use of belt electrostatic grain cleaner for the pre-sowing seed treatment with the purpose of their disinfection in this artcicle. The results of the treatment of seed mixture in electric field at the different variants of work conditions are presented. The specific expenditure of electric power on the percent of seed mixture disinfection was calculated.

    Keywords: electric method, pre-sowing treatment, disinfection, electric field, belt electrostatic grain cleaner

  • Construction of a model of equiresistant multispan beams

    Method of successive approximations was used to solve the problem of optimization of multispan continuous beam. Cross section of a beam was a welded I-beam.  By the variation of the width of the shelf we ensured that the maximum equivalent stress for energy theory of strength in each section is the same throughout. The solution is made numerically using complex MatLab. Bearing capacity of beams with variable stiffness along the length increased in 2 times in comparison with the beam with constant stiffness and the same mass. The proposed method can be applied to frames, taking into account the contribution of longitudinal forces in the equal stresses. Another effective way to change stiffness is to change the height of the wall of I-beam. In practice curvilinear shape of beams or shelves are not used because of complexity of manufacturing. They are replaced by the discrete form of cross section.

    Keywords: multispan beams, work method, optimization, uniform strength, welded I-beam, variable stiffness

  • Mathematic modeling of ring dynamic on two bearings with application of basic functions

    The  researches results of possibility of  equations simplification of ring dynamic, which is based on two bearings with the help of task of special base functions system, in accordance with conditions of  zero transmissions in bearings points are represented. The calculation of the coefficients of the basis functions of a linear function and the polynomial of degree  two and three.

    Keywords: ring based on two bearings, zero displacement at points bearings, system of basis functions

  • A New Hybrid Table/Analytical Approach to MOSFET Modeling for Cryogenic Technologies

    In this paper, a new simple and accurate hybrid table/analytical model of the MOSFET drain current based on the interpolation of table parameters is proposed. This new hybrid table model has an accuracy similar to the pure table models but requires no complex parameter extraction. The drain current in the hybrid model is calculated as the product of the analytical model current and the correction factor approximated by two-dimensional series.

    Keywords: MOS-transistor, MOSFET parameters, cryogenic temperature, parametric identification

  • Analysis of time series with cig fractal processing

    Briefly discussed the theoretical model of the spectrum of RR intervals and its changes depending on the processes taking place. Made a device for measuring cardiointervalogramms (CIG). Obtained from the renting of data, of varying duration and frequency shall be recorded for further processing. The analysis revealed that the resulting spectrum satisfies the conditions considered in the theoretical model, and can be further analyzed with fractal characteristics. Such an analysis is of great importance in the diagnosis of the patient directly to the duration of the therapeutic procedure for the optimization of both time and intensity exerted influence.

    Keywords: CIG; fractal series; the spectrum of RR intervals

  • Functional hemodynamic test for endogenous factor influence investigations on the vessel occupancy

      The superposition conception of endogenous factors influence on the hem lymphatic occupancy in the organism vascular system is presented. The main influence factors creating the wave modulation on the pulse blood and lymph flows in the vessels and liquid’s moving in the around tissues are considered in the physical model. On the basis of the model is justified hemodynamic functional test with dosed compression effects on local areas of the body, in which the reaction is analyzed for changes in the spectrum of signals related to the changes exhibited by volume-dynamic changes in the vessels. Shows the functional scheme of the formation of the wave changes hem lymphatic, allowing planning of the study.

    Keywords: Hem lymphatic occupancy, endogenous factors, compression action, spectral analyzing of signals

  • Methods of determining the quality of a comprehensive assessment of complex technical systems in motor vehicles and material handling equipment

    The article describes one of the possible approaches to the investigation of a technique of definition of quality indicators of vehicles and lifting-transport machines, examines the concept - combining numerical estimate of single and complex indices into a single composite index.
    The following algorithms: the algorithm of finding the functional quality systems, represented by the linear form, with varying competence of experts, the algorithm modified method, allowing to make the transition from бифакторного distribution to мультифакторному, which is important when processing expert information; algorithm modified method, characterized by greater commonality and expanding the use of standard computer programmes at the decision of problems of estimation of quality systems on a computer.  

    Keywords: The level of quality of complex technical systems, decomposition methods of technical requirements, functional quality, modified method,algorithm