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  • Modernization of electricity

    This article addresses the state of the electricity sector after the reform, are some statistics. The article makes recommendations for improving the efficiency of the industry.

    Keywords: Electricity, Industry, Reform, Investment, Power

      In the article are covered methodical basics and assessment principles of environment impact. Was carried the analysis of approaches of research of risk-systems.  Quality and quantitative assessment approaches of the risk applied in the sphere of environmental management was given. Were provided the practical methods of control agrarian resources on the foundation of a functional approach the qualitative and quantitative phytosanitary risks appraisal.

    Keywords: risk assessment, ecology, expert judgment, nature management, impact

      In clause by the author it is proved, that in an agriculture transition to intensive forms of reproduction means improvement of use of the ground as main means of production at maintenance of increase of feedback of a fixed capital, power capacities, labor and material resources, therefore the priority in intensity of use of the grounds consists in the maximal increase of economic fertility and productivity of each hectare on the basis of various improvements.

    Keywords: ground resources, rational use of the ground, a qualitative condition, increase of fertility of ground

      The authors Strakhova N.A. and Lebedinsky P.A. investigated the relevance of energy efficiency and energy conservation. On the basis of these data, the authors analyzed the efficiency of modern Russian law, examines the barriers to the implementation of measures, and it is suggested applicability of the measures regulated by the results of environmental audits.

    Keywords: еenergy efficiency, energy conservation, international experience, regulatory and legislative framework, energy, environment

  • Impact of the crisis on marketing activities and management of company

    In a crisis, the lack of market information, enterprise management deficiencies make weak, lacking immunity to environmental changes. Possession of full information about the market and carefully developed on the basis of this strategy becomes a kind of protection companies in any economic environment. Crisis opens visionary companies huge business prospects. He usually initiates redistribution of the market and here are the winners of which will be able to use the opportunities presented by the downturn. In these circumstances, the company purchased a flexible active marketing policy for a soft exit from the crisis or prevent it by adequate anti-crisis measures and effective management of the company.
    Keywords: crisis, a symptom, panic, excitement, diagnostics, monitoring the marketing environment, anti-crisis measures.


  • Prospects of development of the market of information services in the region

    The article deals with research problems, tendencies and directions of development of the market of information services in the context of a specific region, Stavropol territory. Expanded categorical apparatus of the sphere of services based on the impact of information services on the development of all kinds of activity in sphere of services. Designed on the basis of the situational approach, the mechanism of control of the market of information services, contributing to the transformation of external and internal to the subject of management of information and knowledge in information goods within the borders of its current or future needs, tactical, or strategic interests.

    Keywords: The scope of services, information services, information market, development, factors, prospects, tendencies, regularities.

  • Klasterny approach in regional policy

    In article the characteristic of a klasterny approach in economic policy is given and its application in realization of complex strategy of social and economic development of the north Caucasian federal district within two last years is considered. The main cluster in which large investments are carried out, became tourist and recreational. Actions of the main investors – the state and private business are considered. The problems arising during implementation of projects on development of a tourist and recreational cluster are revealed, and ways of their decision are designated.

    Keywords: cluster, klasterny approach, klasterny policy, tourist and recreational cluster of the north Caucasian federal district

  • The economic contents and characteristics of socially oriented activities of economic subjects (for example fundraising, charity, philanthropy and sponsorship) in the market of educational services

    The theoretical significance of the study is an attempt to decision actual theoretical and practical problems of the various forms of charitable activity: charity, sponsorship, philanthropy, fundraising in the education market, based on the effective inter-sectoral interaction of economic agents in Russia. Proposed comparative analysis of socio-oriented forms of university charity will improve relationships with all investors, educational innovation and will contribute to the innovation infrastructure of the university in the public interest.

    Keywords: The market of educational services, philanthropy, sponsorship, patronage, philanthropy, fundraising, social investment, attributive characteristics, the effectiveness of funding.

  • Comments to the article "Lean": concepts, principles, tools

    Lean manufacturing of the most of Russian enterprises has a number of characteristics. Firstly, Russian companies are aiming for a prompt effect from the implementation of Lean manufacturing tools, which would neither bring fundamental changes to the situation of the enterprise nor require changes at the company`s senior management level. Secondly, companies are ready to invest significant resources in technology and equipment, which, according to the senior management, can make a considerable breakthrough, while the continuous and gradual improvement is a long process with uncertain economic effect. Thirdly, Russian industrial companies rush to implement Lean manufacturing tools and underestimate the importance of Lean manufacturing philosophy.

    Keywords: lean manufacturing, kaizen.

  • Resource calls in the field of regional bio-energetics and a way of their overcoming

    The questions of regional bioenergetics development on the example of The Republic of Karelia are considered. The resource challenges in the field of harvesting and industrial use of energy wood and peat are described. The solutions to get over these challenges are identified.

    Keywords: Challenges, Regional Bioenergetics, Peat, Energy Wood.

  • Diagnosis evolution meso tier subregional postdepression PEST-based analysis of the development of the local grain-food market of the Eastern Donbass

    Development and improvement of local markets zernoprodovolstvennyh mining areas, as well as regional transaction sector agro-industrial complex of the Eastern Donbass centers contribute to the formation of institutional modernization of the regional economy. To identify the political, economic, social and technological factors in the external macro-environment that may significantly affect the business, structuring and formulation of the organization's strategy is an important analysis of institutional and market coordinates held in accessible form PEST-analysis.
    Keywords: region, local market, the institutional environment, PEST-analysis, macro environment, trade, protectionism, state support.


  • The integral estimation of a region sustainable development rate (on the example of Rostov region)

    The conceptual model of region sustainable development passport grounded on sustainable development concept and stakeholder’s theory is described in the article. The algorithm of region sustainable development rate estimation (on the example of Rostov region) is implemented in practice. The algorithm key steps are described on the base of proposed passport model.

    Keywords: sustainable development of a region; passport; region sustainable development indicators, composite index, integral index of region sustainable development.

  • Ways of improving the model of customs administration of the Russian Federation in view of global economic integration trends

    The article is devoted to the identification of key areas of modernization of customs administration of the Russian Federation, under the conditions of formation and development integration trends. Involvement in the integration process necessitates changes in the model of the customs administration of the state. This in turn should be a driving economic consolidation, including the regional. The paper identified a number of shortcomings of a functioning management system of foreign economic activity, identified ways to improve customs administration in the light of the integration process.

    Keywords: Economic integration, customs administration, the participants of foreign economic activity, customs, import, export.

  • Ways of development of mechanical engineering in the republic of Karelia: regional and federal aspects

    On an example of mechanical engineering of the Republic of Karelia some directions of its development are shown. It is shown that the cluster of wood mechanical engineering is capable to play the major infrastructure role in development of a wood cluster of the region and all wood complex of Russia.

    Keywords: cluster, wood complex, mechanical engineering, development.

  • Methods of tariff regulation in the field of electric power of natural monopolies (critique)

    The article analyzes the negative effects of electricity reform. The analysis methods applied regulation of natural monopolies, including the method of return on invested capital. The reasons strengthen the regulatory impact on the natural monopoly. 
    Keywords: economy of the region, a natural monopoly, management, development of the national economy, innovation, efficiency.


  • Ecological and socio-economic monitoring of Russian regions

    This article we study the influence of the mutual dependence of economic development due to their degree of human impact on the environment, and welfare of the population of Russia's regions.

    Keywords: ecological and socio-economic system, social and natural systems, monitoring, environmental and socio-economic monitoring.

  • Formation mechanism for improving the quality of information in the construction organization

    The article analyzes the problem of the formation mechanism to improve the quality of information in the construction organization. The possibility to improve product quality and production efficiency through a constructive process control of such a mechanism. The necessity of the use of information systems, methods and techniques for effective information management and quality management system. We propose an information mechanism to control the quality of work at all stages of production.
    Keywords: information quality improvement; efficient information management; quality management system; information systems, methods and technologies; processes of information security, improving the quality of the information system; quality of work performed.


  • Regional sports complex as to diagnosis

    Despite the improvement in the overall situation in the Russian sport, its position in the subsidized provincial regions remains difficult. The main reasons lie in the absence of a clear, well thought-out sports policy of the local authorities, preferring the development of professional sports to the detriment of the mass, as well as accessible and complete information about available resources and opportunities (potential) regional sports complex. The article deals with the theoretical issues of system diagnosis of a sports complex in the region, the disclosure of the content of the basic concepts and its economic diagnosis.
    Keywords: regional sports complex, resources, opportunities, potential, economic diagnosis.


  • Monitoring as instrument of regulation sustainable development of the region

    The short analysis of treatments of the concepts "monitoring", «social monitoring», «economic monitoring», "environmental monitoring" is provided in article. Consideration of complex system of ekologo-sotsoi-economic monitoring is offered, making elements of this system, and as its paramount tasks are defined.

    Keywords: monitoring, environmental monitoring, social monitoring, economic monitoring, complex system ekologo-sotsoi-economic monitoring.

  • Development of forms of organization of production in the context of the formation of business entities Industry

    This article analyzes the main trends in the development of forms of organization of production - concentration, specialization, cooperation, combining - in the system of economic entities. Addresses the issues of interdependence and interpenetration of forms of organization of production, as well as their relationship with the development of logistics development as a specific form of organization of production.
    Keywords: Forms of organization of production, concentration, specialization, cooperation, combining, economic education, and logistics.


  • Development of strategy of management by the region: conceptual approach

    The directions of development of strategy of management are formulated by the region. The characteristic of a conceptual approach is given and the analysis of problems of strategic management by economy at regional level is carried out. Questions of an assessment of capacity of the region as spatial system are considered. The mechanism of development of regional strategy taking into account methods and realization tools is defined.

    Keywords: analysis of problems, conceptual approach, capacity of the region, attributes of strategy of development.

  • Manpower in the "man-production": identification, casting, intellectualization of competency-based approach

    The article deals with human resources in terms of competence-based approach, which includes: organizational capital, capital labor, intellectualization of labor in modern society. 
    Keywords: Human resources, organizational capital, capital labor, human capital, the intellectualization of labor resources.


  • Renovation of labor as a tool to improve the efficiency of labor

    The article describes the issues of reproduction of labor resources through their renovation, which serves as a tool to improve efficiency. The necessity of effective organization of health and leisure facilities, social protection for the workforce through the use of Redevelopment services. 
    Keywords: Manpower, renovation, the efficiency of labor, health, enterprise, social protection.


  • Resourcing - the basis of economic security organizations of the agrarian sector

    The paper disclosed definition "resource potential," "resourcing" and their differences in concepts, the relationship between the security of the enterprise resources and their economic security, proposed a system of indicators forming the economic security of agricultural organizations on the basis of resource supply, defined tools organizational-economic mechanism of formation of effective resource supply system, aimed at improving the safety of the enterprises of the agrarian sector of the economy.
    Keywords: resources, security, safety, efficiency, agriculture, multifactorial, risks, technical equipment, investment, innovation


  • Problems of socio-environmental and economic efficiency of interaction between society and nature

    Examines the need to find new ways and approaches to solving environmental problems to assess the socio-economic and ecological impact of the economic entities and determines the importance of the theory of efficiency, as one of the priority areas of conceptual and methodological research.
    Key category when considering this issue is nature, a set of economic relations, the productive forces associated with the primary assignment of elements of the environment, their transformation and adaptation to meet a variety of social needs.
    Successful solution of socio-economic objectives of nature protection, rational use and reproduction of natural resources is inextricably linked with the solution of scientific and technical and technological problems in the field of environmental protection.
    Keywords: Socio-ecological and economic efficiency, sustainable development, protection of nature, environment.
