In work area of application for quantitative metrics of databases are considered. Quality control of the database scheme is impossible without numerical indicators. Metrics of the database can be calculated it is automated that guarantees the accuracy and recurrence of such measurements. In article the model for assessment of complexity of the physical scheme for relational database based on metrics of the table of the database is offered. For the offered model by using the method of T. Saati, received coefficients which consider extent of influence of each metrics on complexity of the database. On the example of real projects for databases quantitative measurements of their metrics in MySQL are executed. The comparative analysis of the results obtained for the model of complexity estimates for various projects of physical schemes for databases and the amount of information contained in sql-scripts of these databases are described.
Keywords: evaluation of complexity, database, physical schema, model, SQL, entropy
This article is devoted to the issue of rational exploitation of space in cities with a large population. It is known that a sharp decrease in the area of land plots within the city limits accessible to public use leads to a decrease in the quality of life of citizens. The authors of this article are considering in detail the possibility of using roofs as additional public spaces. The article discusses such methods for using roofs as solar power generation, rainwater harvesting, apiaries and poultry farms, sports complexes, playgrounds, vegetable farms, etc. Particular attention is paid to the so-called ""green roofs"", their design, classification, application. The authors of this article talk about the numerous advantages of green roofs, such as the ability to manage wastewater, reduce the influence of “urban heat islands”, create new public spaces, create new jobs, increase energy efficiency, reduce noise, increase market value, etc. However, the authors of this article did not forget to show the disadvantages of green roofs. The main disadvantages of this project are the higher initial cost, the increased load on the foundation and walls, and the increased costs of operation. Nevertheless, the authors draw conclusions that the advantages of green roofs far exceed their disadvantages and the further development of this direction is very important and promising. 3. Installation of active seismic resistance monitoring systems (active method). Such an active feedback control system contains three main elements: a. Sensors for measuring external excitation; b. Computer hardware and software; c. Drives to provide the necessary control forces. At present, the most popular is the hybrid method of semi-active control, which combines the advantages of a seismoisolating basement with passive shock absorbers, which is much more economical in comparison with the active method.
Keywords: city, roof in operation, green roof, dense urban development, energy saving, ecology, green building, green building
The article discusses the results of the development of a pilot plant that allows for the process of purification of multicomponent wastewater containing organic impurities of the phenol series based on a combined method in a single apparatus, consistently combining the process of ozonation with the sorption post-treatment of oxidized wastewater, ensuring continuity of the process and allowing the reuse of residual ozone, which greatly increases the degree of wastewater treatment and eliminates the need bridge of ozone destruction. The degree of purification achieved in this way allows the treated wastewater to be directed to the circulating water supply.
Keywords: multicomponent wastewater, wastewater treatment from organic compounds of the phenol series, ozonation, sorption, adsorption, pilot plant
Innovative organizations have begun to use fixed-wing Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) for healthcare delivery since they can fly faster and provide a proper solution in locations with difficult access or unsafe to human life. Moreover, they assure greater utility and better cost effectiveness than manned aircraft. However, the wind affects both the longitudinal and the lateral variables of the fixed-wing UAV contributing to its nonlinear and due to such external disturbances the UAV can fail its mission. Therefore, this review paper discusses on effects of wind disturbances on navigation of fixed-wing UAV. Full nonlinear equations of motion by including the effects of the wind on the fixed-wing UAV performance are developed. Also an overview of different approaches is presented.
Keywords: Unmanned aerial vehicle, fixed-wing UAV, navigation control, wind disturbances
An optical sensor for measuring small displacements and rotation angles is described. Based on a non-contact principle of operation, which can be used to control small movements in installations to determine internal friction by the type of torsion pendulum. The main characteristics of the device are shown and the installation and connection diagram is shown by means of the ADC to the computer
Keywords: optical sensor, angle of rotation, displacement, internal friction, microcontroller, torsional pendulum, photoresistor, signal filtering, signal transmission, non-contact, ADC
“The article was published as part of the implementation of the program of the International Forum“ Victory May 1945 ”.The article deals with the problem of a reasonable redistribution of the pedestrian and transport space of the street, a balanced use of the territory in order to more efficiently regulate traffic and pedestrian flows, as well as to take into account statistical data on the use of street space, taking into account the time of day, the location and methods of using this space
Keywords: pedestrian space, sidewalk, transport space, pedestrian, parquet, design of architectural environment, urban scenario
In this paper we consider the problem of choosing an acceptable system of collection, transmission and display of information of the coastal control center of Autonomous uninhabited vehicles (ANPA) in the theory of decision-making. In the case of an exponential decision-making system, which provides a hypothesis about the acceptability of the system of collection, transmission and display of information, it is necessary to determine the total time of semantic identification of forest topology "A" - graph [1] (the principle of additivity). This requires additional test experiments or known data on the time of understanding the semantics in specific situations. If this time is less than the normative, or more precisely the time of compromise, then such a system of collection, transmission and display of information can be recommended for operation in an exponential decision-making system. Otherwise, such a system cannot be recommended to the decision-maker of the type under discussion.
Keywords: the system of collection, transmission and display of information (TDI) of the communication center of the coastal control center (as CCCCC) Autonomous uninhabited devices (AUD), decision-maker (DM), cognitive function of DM
Despite numerous advantages, green construction has not yet acquired significant proportions, since modern environmental technologies in construction lead to increased costs, and legislation is also not being adapted to new certification systems. This article outlined the main objectives of "green" construction. Considered the most important principles on which it is based. Analyzed the modern "green" standards for environmental performance of buildings, discussed in detail the methods for determining the rating of a building on specific scales. The advantages and disadvantages of environmental standards were also noted, groups of organizations in the field of “green” construction in Russia were considered.
Keywords: environmental technology, green building, green standards, energy saving, energy efficiency, energy consumption, green building, renewable energy sources
The possibility of using an effective insulation of rigid slabs of non-combustible basalt insulation ROCKWOOL not only to ensure the thermal properties of the outer walls, but also to improve the plasticity of the facades of buildings, due to the device protruding on the facade of vertical pilasters, horizontal belts, volumetric geometric patterns using the facade system ROCKFACADE. According to the results of the study on this topic, the conclusions are given.
Keywords: effective insulation, non-combustible mineral wool ROCKWOOL insulation, outer wall, plastic, building facade, pilasters, belt, ROCKFACADE
The article proposes a classification of buildings in the territories of cottages and gardening in Novosibirsk at three spatial levels of consideration of the object of study: gardening, a plot, a house. The study revealed typological characteristics at each level, marked the modern architectural trends of low-rise individual housing in the territories of cottages and gardening, which allows to systematize the volume-spatial and architectural planning solutions for further search for optimal housing models in these planning zones of the city.
Keywords: architectural and typological structure, housing, country house, gardening, individual buildings, spatial organization, architectural and planning solutions, functional and technological processes, Novosibirsk
The experience of using blast furnace slag as an artificial foundation of the building foundation is considered. In the process of construction and installation works, the displacement of the columnar foundations was revealed due to changes in the initial properties of the blast-furnace slag. The chemical composition of the slag belonged to the group of inert materials. In fact, after layer-by-layer compaction, the process of disintegration of its initial properties began. The analysis of the conducted studies showed that in the regulatory and scientific literature there are no unambiguous recommendations on the use of this material as the base of buildings and structures. The recommendations that are available relate exclusively to its use in road foundations. From experience it follows: the use of slag in construction is possible, subject to confirmation of its compliance with specific construction conditions.
Keywords: blast-furnace slag, artificial base, layer-by-layer compaction of the soil, hydraulic activity and inertness, modulus of basicity, calcium oxides, manganese oxides, particle size distribution, inert material, chemical decomposition
The problem of energy saving is one of the most pressing problems of our time. In the Russian Federation, especially in the northern part of the country, the task of energy saving is one of the first places. As you know, the main reason for the increased energy consumption for heating and ventilation of buildings is the low level of thermal insulation of the building envelope. The most vulnerable element for heat loss in buildings are translucent structures, through which more than half of the heat supplied to the building is lost. Thus, to solve this problem, it is necessary to look for ways to increase the resistance to heat transfer of window structures and increase their thermal characteristics. One of the solutions for improving the thermal characteristics of translucent structures is the use of protective and heating films. In this work, we carried out experimental studies of the effect of the heating element on the thermal characteristics of window constructions compared to a window without a heating element.
Keywords: translucent structures, plastic film, window, flow, temperature, heat transfer, experiment, resistance, loss, air layer
Made of a priori ranking factors allowing prediction of thermal protection of objects, represented a formalized scheme of the multifactor experiment, the effects of the determining factors for the thermal protection of the object with a different response function.
Keywords: energy saving, energy efficiency, thermal protection of buildings, multifactorial experiment, ranking factors
This article presents a set of measures for the reconstruction of the local space of apartment buildings in the framework of the program "Formation of the modern urban environment of the city of Rostov-on-don". The stages and criteria for assessing the local area for the inclusion of the yard area in the improvement project are also considered. A systematic approach to the reconstruction of the local area on the example of an apartment building located in the city is shown. Rostov-on-don, the list of works on improvement of the yard territories allowing to receive the multipurpose modern environment adapted for different layers of the population is allocated, and also the example of implementation of the program which shows how its execution allows to improve the sanitary and esthetic condition of house adjoining territories in the city of Rostov-on-don, and also to create comfortable conditions of stay of citizens
Keywords: house territory, yard, landscaping, reconstruction, landscaping, quality of the urban environment
In article the main stages of creation of control systems of construction processes are analyzed. Features on the basis of modern technologies come to light. The multistage concept of management with a possibility of carrying out research and development in the field of the new systems of the leadership in construction processes and also more exact assessment of the performed works of each functional level is built.
Keywords: multistage system, construction process, class of subsystems, stages of management, control system, functional purpose