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  • Quick-hardening couplers based on gypsum-alumina expanding cement and Portland cement

    The possibility of obtaining fast-hardening levelers for the floor (monolithic screeds) with a compression strength of more than 20 MPa based on gypsum-alumina expanding cement modified by Portland cement (MGRC) is shown. It is established that the kinetics of the compressive strength is mainly determined by the ratio of HZ:G:PTS МGGRC in the composition, the superplasticizer (SP) and esters of methyl cellulose have a negative impact on the buildup of strength in the early period and the value of design strength, as silica fume does not affect the kinetics of strength in the early period and the project age. The ratio of the limits of tensile strength in bending and compression influence internal structural stresses caused by the mismatch between the extension and strength growth in time due to different additive effects of SP and cellulose ethers on the kinetics of formation of hydrocortamate and calcium hydrosilicates.

    Keywords: dry mortar, adhesion strength, gipsovoloknistyh expanding cement, glue quick fix

  • Analysis of aggressive behavior in the context of problem family violence

    This scientific research presents the results of a survey among a population of 18 to 64 years old, of which 18 men and 32 women. A total of 50 people were interviewed. The subject of the study is family violence, the subject is the aggressive behavior of respondents in the family. Objective: to analyze the aggressive behavior of respondents in the context of the problem of family violence through a sociological survey and data processing in the PSPP program. With the help of the semantic differential, we learned the level of emotional attitude to the friendly families without conflicts, to families with conflicts and to their real family. Respondents on the proposed grounds assessed their emotional attitude to different types of families. A semantic portrait was made and primary distances were found. Mostly, 68% of respondents believe that there is a problem of violence in families, 12% do not think that there is a problem, 10% do not know, 6% and 4% do not know and do not think about it. The majority of respondents - this is 76%, quarrels in the family are rare, 10% - often, 2% - very often and 12% never.

    Keywords: subjective perception, emotional states, questioning, distribution functions, comparative analysis, semantic differential, conjugacy tables

  • The internal structure of the affective components of family attitudes

    The work is devoted to one of the indicators of hidden family aggression – emotional components of family attitudes. The research is based on the pilot measurements carried out by the survey using the method of semantic differential. A total of 50 people were interviewed, including 18 men and 32 women, aged 18 to 64 years. The option with calibration was used, and respondents were asked to characterize on a semantic scale the real families and both ideal positive and negative ones. Images of ideal constructs defined in semantic space the scale and direction. In accordance with Coombs's "ideal point" approach, the level of emotional perception was estimated by us from the relative distances from the image of the real object to the images of ideal constructs. Analysis was performed for each respondent separately, and based on the results the distribution functions of emotional perception by respondents were built. They reflected the internal structure of the group for affective components. The calculations were performed in the linear approximation (for half-difference of the above-mentioned relative distances) and within the framework of the non-linear psychosemantic phenomenological model. In the last the levels of perception are given in the form of differential equations, which were solved by the Monte Carlo method with by AnyLogic multi-agent simulation package. The obtained results confirm the earlier estimates based on the averaged data. The average value of the level of emotional perception throughout the study audience is positive (0.33 on a scale from -1 to +1), which indicates the absence of aggressive behavior for the majority of respondents. A strongly negative level (from -0.5 to -1) showed only 6%, against this background, they can develop aggressive behavior. Another 6% are characterized by a slight emotional irritation in the family sphere (the level from -0.1 to -0.3), this is an intermediate group which under adverse conditions can develop into a risk group. For the rest of the study audience (88%) emotional relationships in the family are not aggressive, positive.

    Keywords: semantic differential, subjective perception, latent variables, psychosemantic phenomenological model, emotional perception, multi-agent modeling, distribution function

  • Physical properties of light-emitting sold solutions, isoperiodic gallium antimonide

    The paper contains an analysis of the results of experiments on obtaining radiative structures based on gallium antimonide, formed by the method of thermal melt migration in a semiconductor matrix. The epitaxial process modes within the selected range were optimized for such parameters as the wavelength corresponding to the fundamental transition, a small lattice discrepancy, a small discrepancy in the coefficients of thermal expansion of the growing TP and the matrix. An original effect is described - an increase in the solubility of the Bi content in solid solutions, isoperiodic binary compounds A3B5 under conditions of a gradient temperature field. This effect allows a wide variation in the optical parameters of the element base of instruments based on solid solutions of GaSbBi / GaSb. The mechanisms of the generation of dislocations in a crystallized solid solution and the features of electrophysical and photoelectric parameters are analyzed. A structural solution of a light-emitting diode with strip geometry is proposed.

    Keywords: thermomigration, solid solutions, gradient epitaxy, diode with fine mes, gallium antimonide, fundamental transition, photoluminescence spectra

  • Disinfection of sewage at a meat-processing enterprise of a meat cluster

    the development of the best available technologies, in particular, the disinfection of waste water from meat processing plants is possible in meat clusters, of which the universities are an indispensable element. Disinfection of waste water from meat-processing plants from sanitary-indicative microorganisms, pathogenic enterobacteria and helminth eggs during the electroflotocoagulation method was investigated. The effect of disinfection from E. coli, eterobacteria and salmonella averaged 99%.

    Keywords: meat-processing enterprises, sewage, disinfection, electro-flotocoagulation

  • Increase the efficiency of underground construction by introducing progressive methods of organization

    The problem of increasing the efficiency of underground construction through the use of progressive methods of labor organization is being studied. It is proposed to improve the work, by shortening the terms, modernizing production

    Keywords: organization of construction; underground construction; efficiency of work organization

  • The results of the calculation of altitude profile of the temperature of the electrons in the region E of the ionosphere of the Earth

    The technique of calculation of high-altitude temperature profile of electrons in the region E of the ionosphere of the Earth consided. Presented examples of the calculation of the profile of the electron temperature at altitudes of 100 - 170 km, depending on solar Zenith angle given. Discusses the problems of the heat balance of the ionospheric electrons of Earth.

    Keywords: ionosphere electron temperature, concentration, heat balance, the heating rate, solar radiation, collisions of electrons, high-altitude temperature profile, probe measurements

  • Organizational culture as a tool for improving staff motivation

    This article analyzes the role of organizational culture as an important tool for increasing staff motivation. There are revealed peculiarities of interaction of enterprise culture and corporate system of motivation and the substantial party culture from a position of strategic resource of the enterprise in the management of the personnel motivation.

    Keywords: organizational culture, motivation, staff, culture, motivation, motivational policy of the enterprise, corporate incentive system

  • Proposals for the classification of technical heat-saving methods in the operation of residential and public buildings

    The article substantiates the expediency of classification of technical heat-saving methods in the operation of residential and public buildings. The results of the study of the physical nature, efficiency and rational application of these methods were used in the classification according to their main function. The proposed classification of heat-saving methods is recommended for use in the integrated assessment of heat efficiency of residential and public buildings, and in determination of sources of heat savings during their operation.

    Keywords: Operation of buildings, heat-saving methods, enclosing structures, heating system, hot water supply, ventilation

  • The calculation of the heat influx to the electron gas on the heights of E region ionosphere of the Earth

    The method of calculating the heat flow to the ionospheric electrons from photoelectrons resulting from ionization of the neutral atmospheric components by solar radiation in region E of the ionosphere of the Earth is considered . Examples of the calculation of the spectra of photoelectrons and the rate of heat influx to the electron gas at an altitude of 130 km, depending on solar Zenith angle.

    Keywords: solar radiation spectra of photoelectrons, the zenith angle of the sun, the collision of electrons, the ionization potential, secondary ionization, effective absorption cross section

  • Reduction of exhalation of radon daughter products from construction materials into the indoor air of residential buildings

    The paper considers the issue of the reduction of radon daughter products exhalation from construction materials into the indoor air of residential buildings. The characteristics of materials obtained through the use of radiation technologies are given.

    Keywords: radon, exhalation, equivalent dose, volume activity, radon emanation, penetration, polymers, construction materials, gamma background, radon, radionuclides, alpha particles

  • Data mining in terms of university staff clusterization based on scientometric indicators

    Data mining methods were used to analyze publication activity of the university staff on the example of the Petrozavodsk State University (hereinafter referred to as PetrSU). In order to identify employees groups with similar indicators of scientific activity, they were clustered. As a result, teaching staff was divided into eight clusters, three of which included employees representing both present and future of science at Petrozavodsk State University, and others that would strive to get into these groups. The presented results of indicators’ statistical processing can be useful for university self-analysis. The university management could draw a conclusion on a current state of scientific activity, both of an individual employee and of the organization as a whole. This will allow to make scientifically-based management decisions in order to improve scientific performance of the organization.

    Keywords: university permormance, scientific activity, data mining, clustering, scientometric indicators, h-index, RSCI

  • The intensity index of patenting of results of intellectual activity by a scientific group

    The estimation of intensity of patenting of results of intellectual activity by a scientific group is offered in the article. An example of its calculation is given following the analysis of Petrozavodsk State University data

    Keywords: index of intensity of patenting, research group, university, h-index, RSCI

  • Probabilistic model of intrapersonal conflict

    The models of resolution of the main types of intrapersonal conflict are given. They are all connected with the choice of the object or action (equal or different valence) of two equiprobable (still attractive). The models were built in the discrete event approximation. It is based on the assumption that the opinion of the subjects about the usefulness of the objects undergoing random fluctuations at each step. Their attraction is the same only average. The second basic hypothesis is that the subject intuitively changes its assessment of the probability of selection after the change of the attractiveness. The transformation probability is modeled using Bayesian theory of decision-making. Numerical experiments showed the viability of such model. It is obtained that in the end, the situation with the choice of is permitted in one direction or another (equiprobable at the level of the final decision). The time resolution is inversely proportional to the width of the fluctuation of attraction. In the work it is also investigated the influence of evaluation by the subject of the significance of the objects. Obtained as a very low evaluation, and Vice versa, too high, hinder the resolution of conflict. The minimum completion time is achieved a little distant relation of the subject to the object (process) conflict. The results are as purely situational, specific significance, and the overall methodological. The presented models allow for an easy generalization to more complex cases involving a variety of factors influence and can serve as a basis for such studies.

    Keywords: conflict, intrapersonal, simulation, discrete-event approximation, the fluctuations of attraction, the choice situation, probability assessment, Bayesian theory, decision-making, perception of the significance of the objects of the conflict

  • Model analysis of the social aspects of intrapersonal conflict

    In the paper there are examined intrapersonal conflicts associated with the mandatory selection of one option from two, equal their relative attractiveness. To study the effect of social environment we combined two models. The first was the previously developed model based on the theory of Bayesian model intrapersonal conflict one subject. Second was the model the spread of the epidemic presented in the base package of the agent-based modeling AnyLogic. In the numerical experiments it is studied as a manifestation on the intrapersonal level, social aspects of the environment, and Vice versa, the impact of these conflicts on the society. Found that the level of this impact strongly depends on the social value of objects of choice. If this objects important only for the individual, the near social neighbours can only shift the final probability of selection and to reduce the resolution time of the problem. The opposite effect is small. If the conflict causing problem is socially significant both for the subject and its environment, the picture changes dramatically. An association of individuals with the same choice as the conflict and the formation of clusters of two types are started with the development of the conflict in the study community. There is growth of these clusters and their absorption of each other. It was studied several scenarios final solution to the problem, such as the transformation of intrapersonal conflict in intergroup one and confrontation of the formed sub-groups, or complete absorption of one type of cluster other with the winning one of the variant. The obtained results point to the need for the study of social conflicts to pay attention to intrapersonal and the possibility of escalating into intergroup.

    Keywords: conflict, intrapersonal, social environment, simulation, fluctuations of the appeal, a multi-agent approach, probability assessment, Bayesian theory, clustering of individuals, inter-group conflict