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  • Simulation model of silica biosensors for environmental studies

    The urgency and feasibility of application of biosensors with active biological layer for environmental studies was justified. A study of biosensors of various configurations to build a test system of environmental pollution control and determine the degree of aquatic toxicity was conducted. A simulation model of biosensor system was built. The selectivity of the biosensor was determined by theoretical experiments in which the analytical signal of the biosensor for biologically active layer without other biologically active substances was determined. The relationship between the type of transducer and biologically active substance was revealed. The software implementation of bisensor system was developed that reveals a number of pollutants and allows using not only different converters, but also different strains.

    Keywords: biosensor, strain, quartz crystal, simulation model, environmental studies, pollutants, toxicity, sensitivity

  • Оптимизация режима формования полимерных композитных конструкций на основе метода Парето

    Одним из важнейших факторов, исключающих возникновение дефектов типа пор, расслоений, участков с неполной полимеризацией связующего в формуемой высоконагруженной полимерной композитной конструкции, является управляемость процесса во всем объеме композита. Для обеспечения однородности процесса полимеризации связующего предложен метод многокритериальной оптимизации процесса на основе математической модели, связывающей процессы распространения тепла и кинетики полимеризации. Система связанных уравнений процесса, учитывающая экзотермическое тепло, выделяемое при полимеризации термореактивного связующего, изменение теплоемкости и теплопроводности композита при фазовых переходах от жидкого к гелеобразному и, далее, к твердому состоянию, точную геометрию технологической системы, включая прессформу, а также интенсивность тепловыделения независимо управляемых нагревателей, реализована в виде конечноэлементной модели. Предложенный метод синтеза закона оптимального управления нагревателями, использующий метод множеств Парето, проиллюстрирован на примере полимеризации разностенной композитной конструкции, формуемой из стеклопластика.

    Keywords: Композиционные материалы; Процесс полимеризации; Оптимальное управление; Кинетические уравнения; Уравнения в частных производных в задачах управления и оптимизации, Конечно-элементное моделирование, Фронт Парето

  • The analysis of ways to increase the competitiveness of energy biomass

    Following ways to increase the competitiveness of energy biomass are defined. The research of biomass as a raw material for logging and utilization, state encouragement of its industrial utilization, analysis and biomass supplier and customer market grouping, making of effective equipment for its logging, transportation and utilization, feasibility study of equipment parameters and modes of operations, energy biomass performance improvement.

    Keywords: alternative fuel,energy biomass, biofuel, logging, competition

  • Features of development of light self-compacting concrete on porous fillers

    Possibility of receiving lungs self compacting concrete is considered. The technique of a choice of components of a raw mix is offered and are brought physics - mechanical characteristics of a ready construction materia  

    Keywords: Self-compacting concrete, the supersoftener, knitting, filler.

  • New means for measurement of parameters of piezoelectric ceramic elements and materials

     An analysis of new methods and means for a mesurement of parameters of piezoelectric ceramic elements and materials is carried out. These methods and means are based on a digital principle of the construction of devices. An impuls with a linear frequncy modulation therein is used as an signal for exciting. Results of experimental studies on this subject are represented for discussion.     

    Keywords: piezo ceramic element, piezo, methods and means of measurement, digital signal processing

  • Hybrid algorithm of classification of text documents on the basis of the analysis of internal connectivity of the text

    Results of research in the field of methods of classification of badly structured collections of heterogeneous documents are provided. The method is offered and the hybrid algorithm of classification of text documents is developed. The theoretical assessment of complexity of the offered method is executed and the pilot study is made. In article it is considered: mathematical model of the offered hybrid method, its algorithm, theoretical assessment of computing complexity and the experimental comparing with other methods of classification of documents.

    Keywords: fuzzy logic, bayesian classification, classification of text documents.

  • Adaptive autonomous scripts for management of information resources of the enterprise

    We consider the problem of the use of adaptive autonomous scripts in the decision of problems of management of information resources of computer systems. Developed a conceptual model of adaptive autonomous script with use of frames and apparatus of finite automata, which expands the possibilities of automation of complex problems of information resources management  

    Keywords: adaptive autonomous scripts, theory of finite automata, frame, slot, management of distributed information resources.

  • Formation exact self-similar solution of the problem of hydrodynamic thrust bearing calculation, which has a higher load capacity and damping properties, working on a two-layer lubrication in the transient regime of friction

    In this paper is presented a method of forming an exact self-similar solution of the problem of calculating the hydrodynamic thrust bearing with an adapted profile support surface and emfiruyuschimi properties in the transient regime of friction. Prepared and conducted evaluation of the main working characteristics: dimensionless load carrying capacity, dimensionless friction force and dimensionless costs. The optimal parameters for the main performance are gotten.

    Keywords: thrust bearing, two-layer lubrication, porous layer, the nonstationary problem

  • Being self-compacting concrete of the lowered density with application of a volcanic tufa

    Advantages of being self-сщьзсештп concrete of the lowered density (LSUB) before heavy and light concrete are shined, characteristics of components ЛСУБа and influence of their quantitative contents are provided in a mix on properties of the fresh and hardened concrete. The optimum mode of warmly moist processing is offered.

    Keywords: Self-compacting concrete, the supersoftener, knitting, filler, a volcanic tufa.

  • Algorithm for solving the problem of optimal allocation of energy resources of the region

    To solve the problem of choosing an algorithm of optimal allocation of resources to development of the energy producing industry, initially held the formalization of this task and the required payment ratio. The relationship led to the conclusion of one of the most effective methods for finding optimal solutions-dynamic programming method  

    Keywords: algorithm, еnergootrasl, distribution, development, function, script charts, dynamic programming

  • The justification for the use of geostatistical interpolation method of input data for the mass of cadastral valuation of land settlements on the example of Vsevolozhsk

    The problem of the current method of mass cadastral valuation of land settlements with the type of permitted use - for individual housing. This problem is that the regression analysis used in the present method does not include the cost depending land on their mutual position. A study of the source data proved that the market value of land depends on the degree of proximity of land from each other. On this basis, the work was proposed to use a new, more correct cadastral valuation method - the method of geostatistical interpolation (kriging).

    Keywords: cadastral value, geostatistics, regression, interpolation, kriging

  • Improving technology maintenance and engineering controls engine lubrication system

    We consider the improved design of the centrifugal oil filter with constant control of its cleaning power, allowing to change the technology system maintenance lubrication systems by separating operations replace crankcase oil filter and clean the rotor.

    Keywords: centrifugal oil filter, technology maintenance, lubrication system

  • Main methods of compound details irregular optimal packing on sheet material problem solving

    The paper deals with review of main methods of compound details irregular optimal packing on sheet material problem solving. Existing methods and approaches to solve compound details irregular optimal packing on sheet material problem were descibed. The classification of such methods and approaches was proposed. The most perspective approaches to solve irregular packing problem were identified

    Keywords: cutting-packing, irregular shaped cutting, classification, methods, approaches, complex form

  • Broadband differential attenuator with variable transfer factor

    A method of expanding the bandwidth and improve the performance of the differential voltage divider – attenuator (AT), which have parasitic capacitance on the outputs C01, C02. Wide range of transmission of the AT provided by introducing a compensation circuit C01, C02, which is achieving data quality indicators. Simulation results of desired are shown.

    Keywords: a resistive voltage divider, differential attenuator, the parasitic сapacitance load, speed, upper frequency limit, analog-to-digital converters.

  • Observability and controllability of system of stabilization of levels of the melted metal on continuous moulding of preparations machine

    The monitoring system of process of stabilization of levels of metal on continuous moulding of preparations machine, constructed useing the observer of a condition is considered. The developed nonlinear observer allows to increase the accuracy of an assessment of levels of the melted metal in the ladle with steel ,industrial ladle and crystallizers, and also makes continuous diagnostics of a condition of glasses of latches. The analysis made on the basis of linearized model, showed the observability and controllability of system on all interval of pouring.

    Keywords: Machine of continuous moulding preparations,the controllability, the observability, the observer of a condition, the level of metal