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  • The determination of the dispersed composition of the solid ingredients’ particles in the work area air and evaluation of the dust concentration’s meanings at non-stationary sources of emissions into the atmosphere of an electric smelting shop

    At the present stage of increasing competition, the increased level of threats to the economic condition of business entities in any sector of the economy requires special attention. Enterprises of this industry annually emit aerosols of various composition and origin into the atmosphere: iron, vanadium, aluminum oxides, manganese oxides and other heavy metals. One of the components of safety is environmental safety and ensuring safe working conditions. The chemical composition of the dust-gas-air mixture of metallurgy enterprises is considered in the article, and the dispersed composition of aerosol emissions is determined. The data of the results of microscopic analysis of the fractional composition of dust based on the data of integral dependences of the density of distribution by equivalent sizes (diameters) D for the ingredients accepted for the study allowed us to determine the average median values of equivalent dust diameters.

    Keywords: metallurgy, aerosol, electric steelmaking shop, dust-gas-air mixture, dispersion analysis, average median diameter, dh 50

  • Options of wash water reuse for water treatment stations

    The article provides an analysis of technological schemes for the reuse of contaminated water obtained after washing the rapid filters of water treatment plants. The advantages and disadvantages of existing options for reuse and disposal of purified and untreated wash water are shown. A new water treatment technology has been proposed, which involves pre-treatment of wash water with an organic coagulant, followed by mixing it with river water and subsequent reagent purification of the resulting mixture by settling and filtration.

    Keywords: water treatment, filter wash water, coagulation, aluminum sulfate, organic coagulant, clarification

  • Permafrost: geocryological hazards and regional degradation of frozen soils

    Today, the problem of global climate change and the associated degradation of permafrost is a priority area of ​ ​ research. In the regions of the Far North, a change in temperature by half a degree contributes to the emergence of geocryological dangers: the appearance of ravines, thermokarst subsidence, heaving, the formation of residential ice and, as a result, the destruction of houses and infrastructure. In Russia, the permafrost zone occupies about 63-65% of its territory and extends for thousands of kilometers. Various engineering and geological impacts, including man-made ones, represent a serious geocryological hazard and can lead to degradation of frozen soils in various regions. Due to the rapid thawing of ice and climate change, collapses and voids form on frozen soils. Also, when thawing permafrost, a large amount of groundwater is formed and there is a risk of salinization of nearby water and coastal zones. This can lead to the loss of resources that are necessary for the life of the local population, as well as for the economy of the region. Despite the fact that there are numerous programs and studies on this topic, a huge amount of work has not yet been carried out in Russia to eliminate geocryological threats.

    Keywords: Geocryology, permafrost, ground, frozen soil degradation, thawing, monitoring, Yakutia, cryolithozone, geocryological hazard

  • Experimental study of the effectiveness of sorbents based on building binder mixtures and porous granular materials for cleaning supply air in buildings

    The effectiveness of air purification with the following sorbents has been studied: crushed expanded clay with granule sizes up to 2-3 mm, zeolite with granule sizes up to 1-3 mm, activated carbon with granules up to 3 mm, the natural mineral pyrolusite as a catalyst, Portland cement prepared using various methods: with the addition of a 6% solution of table salt, with soaking of granules in 26%, 31% and 36% solutions of diethanolamine. Studies have shown that the most effective (98%) use of pyrolusite granules, Portland cement granules obtained after mixing Portland cement with a 6% sodium chloride solution, soaked in 31% diethanolamine and then drying the granules at a temperature of 125 0C.

    Keywords: crushed expanded clay, portland cement, purification, supply air, sulfur dioxide, carbon monoxide, formaldehyde, granules

  • Environment under the influence of motor transport in the coastal zone of the city of Volgograd

    The article provides overview information on the importance of ensuring the environmental safety of environmental sulfur, on factors designed to counter the adverse effects of pollutants on the urban environment, aimed at creating comfortable living conditions for the population, and protecting the living environment from the harmful effects of transport. Information is provided on trends in increasing the anthropogenic impact of greenhouse pollution on climate change, Decree of the President of the Russian Federation (dated October 26, 2023 No. 812) on the approval of the climate doctrine, which will be the direction for further research into greenhouse pollution from motor vehicles, data from background stations of the Russian Federation are presented on the increment of CO2 concentrations in the surface layer and in the atmosphere, on the volume of greenhouse gases from the transport flow. Motor transport is indicated as the most influential factor in urban environmental pollution and the negative impact of polluted air on public health in Volgograd. The results of field studies of the intensity of vehicle traffic along the newly commissioned highway “0-th Longitudinal” in Volgograd are presented, a trend of growth in overall intensity, starting from 2019, and an increase in the intensity of low-capacity public transport along newly designed routes are revealed. The directions of necessary research to reduce the environmental impact on the ecology of the coastal zone are shown.

    Keywords: diversification of management, production diversification, financial and economic purposes of a diversification, technological purposes of ensuring flexibility of production

  • Methods of architectural and ecological renovation of industrial buildings for a public function

    From the preservation of historical character to the introduction of environmental practices and the promotion of cultural adaptation, these methods together rethink the sustainable evolution of industrial buildings, illustrating their global prevalence and profound impact on the creation of functional, culturally resonant and visually attractive public spaces.

    Keywords: renovation of an industrial building, sustainable architecture, reconstruction, energy conservation, energy efficiency, environmental friendliness, green architecture, eco-friendly design, architectural and environmental renovation

  • Management of municipal solid waste and measures for sanitary cleaning of Lugansk

    This article is devoted to one of the most pressing problems of municipal solid waste (MSW) management in the city of Lugansk today. After all, the lack of a rational waste management system entails environmental pollution, which affects the entire biosphere of the planet. The article analyzes the main sources of waste, the total mass of accumulated hazardous and toxic waste, and ways of handling them. Particular attention is paid to the impact of mine dumps on the ecological state of the environment. The cities in which the largest areas are allocated for coal mining waste are given. The authors also examined in detail the issue of collecting solid municipal waste in the residential sector and its disposal. In conclusion, a conclusion is drawn about the main problems associated with organizing the collection and disposal of municipal solid waste.

    Keywords: municipal solid waste, environment, industrial waste, recycling, recycling, disposal

  • Analiz of hardware diagrams of design of inertial louver separators

    The intensification of technological processes in modern industries is accompanied by an increase in the volume of ventilation and technological emissions, which have an extremely adverse effect on the environment. As is known, wet dust and gas cleaning devices are widely and successfully used to solve this problem. However, the presence of a droplet dispersion of the working fluid in the purified air flow, which can pollute the atmosphere with components captured during the cleaning process, does not allow achieving the required degree of purification. The article presents designs of radial-inertial droplet eliminators, optimized for functional and energy characteristics, proposed for installation in intensive wet dust and gas purification devices for effective separation of droplet moisture.

    Keywords: gas-liquid flow, inertial louver separators, separation of droplet moisture, separating elements

  • The material balance of the system "waste of consumption – raw materials – new products"

    The subject of the research in the article is the system of solid municipal waste management, the choice of a method of sorting and recycling waste to obtain finished products based on the material balance method. For the analysis of production systems, the material balance method is proposed, which allows you to estimate the quantity (mass) waste involved in sorting, processing and receiving finished products and the amount of finished products received at each of the above stages of the waste management system. One of such indicators may be the coefficient of effective waste processing Ƞ (KEPO) in the production of new consumer goods (similar to the coefficient of efficiency), taking into account the economic cycle for the processing of MSW, including the collection, sorting, recycling of waste and the production of new goods in one economic cycle, and the coefficient of waste generation µ (KOO) in the same business cycle, determined by the method of material balance.

    Keywords: municipal waste, sorting, recycling, products, material balance, coefficient of effective waste recycling, coefficient of waste generation

  • A method for determining the elemental composition of sediment from waste from galvanic production

    The article presents the prerequisites for the relevance of the processing and disposal of galvanic sludge generated from industrial enterprises, which in turn occupies numerous areas of land for storage, which harms the environment. An overview of the methods of processing and disposal of electroplating waste, including physical, chemical and biological processes. Experimental studies of galvanic sludge sediment are presented. The precipitate is a mixture of crystalline CaCO3, SiO2 and an amorphous phase, which is not determined by phase analysis. Modern advanced technologies for the processing and disposal of galvanic sludge are presented.

    Keywords: galvanic sludge waste, automation, control, methods, sediment thermogram

  • Features of architectural renovation of industrial buildings in coastal areas

    Strengthening coastal industrial buildings during reconstruction is crucial in the field of sustainable development. This article discusses the key architectural methods of building improvement during renovation, including strengthening the foundation, improving the facade, installing shock-resistant windows and doors, structural modernization and the use of eco-friendly design. Renovation of coastal industrial buildings solves existing problems, mitigates coastal climatic hazards, and also increases the safety and sustainability of cities.

    Keywords: renovation of an industrial building, sustainable architecture, reconstruction, coastal area, facade modernization, energy saving, energy efficiency, foundation modernization, improvement of the building structure, environmental friendliness, green roof,

  • Possible potential of using various wastes to create biofertilizers

    The paper considers the possibility of using waste from the forest industry, construction waste and ash and slag waste from boiler heating as a basis for the creation of biofertilizers and components that improve the structure of heavy soils. The analysis of experience on the impact of crushed bricks, coniferous and leaf litter with the inclusion of wood components, and ash and slag waste of boiler heating on the growth functions of red clover and watercress over various time intervals is presented. The possibility of using the presented waste in the process of self-infestation of territories is considered. A number of experiments have been conducted to identify the phytotoxic effect, as well as the reaction of general inhibition or stimulation of growth indicators of higher plants when used as a substrate in pure form, or a mixture with natural soil, wood components, samples of ash and slag waste of various shelf life, brick fighting.

    Keywords: forest industry waste, construction waste, broken bricks, ash and slag waste, self-fouling, phytotoxicity, soil structure, morphological changes of plants

  • Experimental studies of biological wastewater treatment technology using electrical treatment and activated sludge aeration

    Experimental studies have been carried out to determine the sludge index of activated sludge used in the process of biological wastewater treatment on aerotanks at various doses of sludge. The possibility of changing the sedimentation properties of activated sludge when using its electrical treatment is analyzed. It is shown that the electrotreatment of returnable activated sludge together with aeration leads to a decrease in the value of the sludge index, as well as an improvement in the quality of the treated water after settling. pretreatment of activated sludge in an electrolyzer with aeration allows biological wastewater treatment in an aerotank with increased doses, as well as to increase the flocculating properties of sludge in relation to suspended solids.

    Keywords: household waste water, biological treatment, activated sludge, aerotank, sedimentation, sludge index, electrical treatment, aeration

  • Pyrolysis is an effective solution for waste disposal in the Lugansk People's Republic

    The problem of waste disposal is becoming increasingly relevant in the modern world. The huge volumes of solid and organic waste that accumulate every day require efficient and environmentally friendly methods of recycling. One of the most effective and promising solutions in this area is pyrolysis technology. The article discusses pyrolysis as a method of recycling solid municipal waste. It is noted that it is most effective when processing its organic component. Types of pyrolysis depending on temperature are considered.

    Keywords: municipal solid waste, waste management methods, waste recycling, pyrolysis

  • Studies of air pollution by fine dust in park areas adjacent to motorways

    The purpose of author's researches - assessment of level of pollution by fine particles (PM10, PM5, PM2.5, PM1, PM0.5) of atmospheric air in territories of parks in Volgograd. Due to the fact that the parks operate year-round, research was carried out in the winter, spring-autumn and summer periods of the year. Research, in particular, was carried out in two parks located in the central part of Volgograd, where there are no industrial enterprises, and are adjacent to one of the largest city highways. Analysis of the particulate composition and mass concentration of fine dust in atmospheric air was performed using microscopic analysis and using Handheld 3016. At the same time, the temperature and relative humidity of the air, wind speed and atmospheric pressure were measured. Measurements were made in places with the largest concentration of visitors to the park at an altitude of 0.5 m, 1 m and 1.5 m, i.e. in the breathing zone of children, adolescents and adults. In the air environment on the territory of the surveyed park zones of Volgograd, there is no excess of the MPC in the atmospheric air for suspended matter RI2.5 observed, but there are cases of significant excess of the average annual and average daily MPC for RM10 particles.

    Keywords: atmospheric air, park area, fine dust, maximum permissible concentration (MAC), dispersed composition

  • Investigation of the dynamics of the decrease in the concentration of active chlorine over time during disinfection of water with sodium hypochlorite

    The article presents the results of experimental studies on the study of changes in the concentration of active chlorine in water treated with sodium hypochlorite when exposed to UV radiation and its contact with the concrete surface. The obtained research results are aimed at studying and solving the problem of the absence of residual active chlorine in the most remote points of water sampling in large cities with a large length of water distribution networks.

    Keywords: disinfection of water, sodium hypochlorite, chlorination, disinfection, residual active chlorine

  • Organization of a system for separate collection of solid municipal waste using the example of Lugansk

    The article is devoted to solving the problem of organizing the separate collection of municipal solid waste. The obstacles that arise in the implementation of separate waste collection are analyzed. The existing foundations of waste sorting, laid down in the cities of the Republic, are considered. Variants of a system for the separate collection of municipal solid waste, which can be used in the Luhansk region, are proposed. Particular attention is paid to sorting complexes, which act as an auxiliary facility for optimizing the collection of certain types of waste and the recycling of secondary materials. As a result of the study, it was proposed to use such a method of thermal processing of municipal solid waste as pyrolysis.

    Keywords: municipal solid waste, separate collection, sorting, heat treatment of waste

  • The possibility of using forest industry waste to create biofertilizers

    The paper considers the possibility of using forest industry waste as a basis for the creation of biofertilizers. Of the main types of waste, sawdust, wood chips and bark are the most discussed. Taking into account the minimal change in composition, they can be used for the production of biofuels, such as pellets or briquettes. In addition, they can be used for the production of compost and fertilizers. The review of patents with a brief description of the method of processing and use of wood waste in the field of biotechnology is given The most promising for today can be considered the use of these wastes for the production of biofertilizers (when enriched with microbiological crops, as well as in the mixed part with animal husbandry and crop production waste), as well as the possibility of recultivation of disturbed areas during logging.

    Keywords: sawdust, compost, biofertilizers, forest industry waste, patent search, woodworking, microorganisms

  • Monitoring of atmospheric air pollution by PM2.5 dust particles by NOVA SDS011 sensor

    The problem of atmospheric air pollution by dust particles, along with the formation of greenhouse gases, covers many countries of the world. To monitor the state of atmospheric air, expensive and cumbersome monitoring stations are traditionally used, for which state organizations are responsible. The use of inexpensive sensor particle sensors that will allow real-time measurements at the border of the sanitary protection zone of industrial enterprises and on the territory of the residential zone opens up new prospects in the field of atmospheric air research. Currently, about 10 thousand inexpensive sensors operate on the territory of 75 countries of the world, which causes the involvement of citizens in the collection of data on the state of atmospheric air. The presented technology for monitoring the concentration of fine particulate matter can replace the traditional measurement method, but the question remains of the value of the data obtained in terms of their accuracy. This article discusses the factor influencing the deviation of the readings of the inexpensive Nova SDS011 solid particle sensor. To do this, the sensor was tested in real environmental conditions, experimental dependences of the concentration of dust particles of no more than 2.5 micrometers depending on humidity were obtained.

    Keywords: atmospheric air, PM2.5, Nova SDS011 sensor, dust particle concentration, monitoring stations, relative humidity

  • Obtaining synthetic paraffins with improved environmental characteristics

    The article presents the technological aspects of obtaining solid synthetic hydrocarbons (paraffins) used to obtain and improve building materials. It is shown that a promising alternative to petroleum paraffins is the production of synthetic hydrocarbons from non-oil, including renewable carbon-containing raw materials. The main reaction conditions, synthesis catalysts, promoters that contribute to the maximum yield of a solid product, the prospects for the use of biomass, carbon-containing wastes, and carbon dioxide in the technology for producing synthetic hydrocarbons are considered.

    Keywords: synthetic hydrocarbons, catalysts, promoters, building materials, modifiers

  • Influence of the hydrogen index of the medium on the iron-catalytic oxidation of hydrogen sulfide in natural waters

    The article presents the results of experimental studies to study the effect of the hydrogen index of the medium on the iron-catalytic oxidation of hydrogen sulfide with air oxygen in a reactor with an ultrafiltration separator in the pH range from 6.0 to 10.0 at Fe(OH) catalyst doses3 – 100, 500 and 1000 mg/dm3. The results obtained make it possible to optimize the operation of one of the modern technological solutions in the field of preparation of ground hydrogen sulfide waters based on the method of iron-catalytic oxidation and ultrafiltration.

    Keywords: hydrogen sulfide, iron-catalytic oxidation, air oxygen, iron hydroxide, membrane separation, ultrafiltration

  • Features of monitoring of atmospheric air pollution in linear and compact cities on the example of Volgograd and Stavropol

    The article considers examples of atmospheric air monitoring in linear and compact cities. The issues of atmospheric air pollution are considered, examples of components of pollutants coming from stationary and mobile sources are given. The analysis of the monitoring system of cities with different urban planning is carried out.

    Keywords: linear city, compact city, highway, pollution, monitoring, monitoring posts, motor transport, gas pollution, exhaust gases

  • On the features of the work of thin-sheet steel structures in aggressive environments

    The features of the functioning of steel structures in an aggressive environment are considered, the results of a qualitative and quantitative assessment of the nature of damage to a profiled sheet are given.

    Keywords: steel structures, building structures, corrosion, aggressive environment, zinc coating, corrosion rate

  • Disposal of sewage sludge from the production of chemical fibers

    The article deals with the problem of disposal of the sludge formed after the treatment of wastewater at the production of chemical fibers. Sludge after sedimentation is stored in storages and pollutes the environment. We carried out a comparative analysis of existing methods of disposal of sewage sludge from chemical production, which showed that the most environmentally friendly way is pyrolysis. We have analyzed the chemical and fractional composition of ash sludge after pyrolysis. The analysis revealed that the resulting ash waste is similar to ash from coal-fired power plants, which makes it possible to use it as a microfill for paving roads or sidewalks. By selling the ash waste it is possible to reduce the payback period of the pyrolysis unit installation and reduce the ecological load on the environment.

    Keywords: pyrolysis, sludge, sediment, ash, disposal

  • Disinfection of water by complex electrochemical treatment using hydrogen peroxide

    The paper presents the results of experimental studies on the effectiveness of complex electrochemical treatment using hydrogen peroxide for water disinfection. The effectiveness of the method for sanitary-indicative microorganisms has been confirmed. The most significant parameters for the disinfection process have been identified and a mathematical model has been developed based on them, which makes it possible to design industrial disinfection devices that are separate modules.

    Keywords: disinfection of water, electrochemical methods, hydrogen peroxide, bactericidal effect, disinfection