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  • The problems of energy saving in the housing stock of Russian cities

    The article analyzes the reasons for the energy intensity of the Russian economy, as well as the existing problems of energy saving in the housing stock of Russian cities as one of the element in the housing and communal services system. The authors proposed strategic directions of energy saving for all participants of the housing and utilities sector. Prospective directions of the solution of the problem of energy saving in this area are noted.

    Keywords: energy intensity of the economy, energy saving, energy efficiency improvement, housing and communal services, housing stock, participants in the housing and utilities sector

  • Increase in the efficiency of the process of obtaining a wood-fiber semi-finished product in a hydrodynamic medium

    The paper presents an analysis of the processes of formation and processing of vegetable waste. An assessment is given to the existing ways of processing woodworking wastes and their inefficiency is justified. A new kind of resource and energy-saving grinding set of disk mills is proposed. On the basis of the analysis of the results of experimental research, the effectiveness of the use of the proposed method for the production of wood fiber is substantiated.

    Keywords: abrasive set, grinding, efficiency, wood-fiber semi-finished product, specific fiber surface, wood pulp, defibrator, refiner, refiner, knife grinding

  • Optimization of heat transfer process of the heat exchange panel of the solar collector

    the article presents the ways of implementation of the strategy focused on the optimization of the process of heat transfer of solar installations, with the applied in their device combined heat exchange panel of aluminum profile elements tightly crimping copper tubes with coolant. Based on the comparative analysis of the two configurations of this device, the methods of heat transfer intensification from the absorbing surface to the working medium in flat-type solar collectors are proposed

    Keywords: energy saving, efficiency, optimization, heat transfer, heat capacity, heat exchange panel, heat exchange, solar installation, solar collector, alternative energy sources

  • Social immunity and ways to overcome social inequality

    The article deals with the problems of social inequality in society. The criteria for assessing social immunity, as well as ways to combat social inequality in modern Russian society.

    Keywords: society, social immunity, social inequality

  • Prospects for the use of nanostructured concrete in construction

    At present, progress in building materials science and the construction industry is gaining in importance. New technologies provide high quality products, its environmental safety, efficient use of raw materials, saving resources. The creation of high technologies is possible only with the use of the latest achievements in physics, chemistry and other basic sciences. To date, the most promising are nanotechnology.

    Keywords: nano-concrete, natural raw materials, additives, macro-reinforcement, fiber, nanostructure, crack resistance

  • Prospects for applying green standards and technologies in housing construction

    The article analyzes the problems and prospects for the development of green technologies and green construction in Russia and the world as as well. The author provides us the information about the outstanding examples of green buildings in the world. The dynamics of construction of green buildings for the period from 2000 to 2018 has been revealed in the article. It is also presented the advantages of introducing green technologies in the construction of buildings with respect to all participants in the construction process. By opinion of the author the important role in the part of stimulating the development of green construction plays the state, legislative initiatives. Factors restraining the growth of eco-sustainable construction in our country are revealed

    Keywords: green technology, ecological construction, sustainable development, green building, resource saving, green standards, energy efficiency

  • On the neutral loading of a disk under thermal and force influences

    A thin circular disk is considered, the material of which exhibits elastic and plastic properties under thermal and force influences. In the central part of the disk, the temperature field is uniform. At the boundary of the disk, pressure and a constant temperature are set. Approximation of a plane stress state is adopted. The additive form of the connection of full, elastic, plastic deformations and deformations under free thermal expansion is considered. Elastic deformations are expressed in terms of stresses according to Hooke's law. A linear approximation of the dependence of the plasticity limit on temperature is proposed. The possibility of neutral loading of the central region of the disk and its external boundary is shown. Especially distinguished is the condition for the plasticity of Tresca.

    Keywords: mathematical modeling, elastoplastic body, plane stress state, piecewise-linear plasticity conditions, plastic flow theory, thermoelastic plasticity

  • On the behavior of an elastoplastic disk under the action of a thermal source

    The steps of constructing an algorithm for calculating the stressed and strained state of a thin circular disk experiencing thermal and force effects are discussed. A homogeneous temperature field is created in the central part of the disk. Within the framework of the theory of the flow of an ideal elastoplastic body, conditions of general plasticity are considered. It is assumed that the plasticity limit for uniaxial tension is common for all plasticity conditions. Dependencies between the disk radius, the temperature of the central region of the disk and the external pressure, which determine the appearance of plastic regions, are established. For piecewise-linear plasticity conditions of general form, analogous dependences are defined, when singular plasticity regimes are realized at elastoplastic boundaries. For different values ​​of the input parameters of the problem, the stresses, equivalent stresses and the hodograph of the stress vector are given.

    Keywords: mathematical modeling, elastoplastic body, plane stress state, piecewise linear plasticity conditions, plastic flow theory, thermoelastic plasticity

  • Experimental study of heat transfer in a supercomputer immersion cooling system

    The article considers the experimental estimation of the heat transfer coefficient in a hybrid immersion cooling system with contact point cooling and dry zones. The change in the heat transfer coefficient is made through a change in the Reynolds number for the flow of the coolant in the immersion cooling system. The experimental investigation is carried out on the basis of a numerical simulation model of the process under study. As a result, the dependences of the thermal resistance of the processor-heat exchanger system on the heat transfer coefficient and on the Reynolds number of the turbulent flow were obtained, and the results with the simulation results were estimated. It is found that, with an increase in the Reynolds number, the heat transfer intensification is weaker than the theoretical one. The refinement coefficients for the case under consideration are found.

    Keywords: processor, heat flow, thermal resistance, Laplace equation, turbulent flow, Reynolds number, heat transfer, immersion cooling system, immersion cooling system, cavitation

  • The procedure for diagnosing the status of electromechanical actuators for reactor plant control and protection systems

    The paper presents the development of a system for detecting the status of control and protection system drives (CPS) of a water-water power reactor by vibration signals using the frequency components method. Results of experimental researches at the "Izhorskiy Plant" PO are given. Spectral analysis is used to isolate the frequency ranges of the CPS diagnostic signal spectra, and to develop diagnostic standards. The work describes formation of reference diagnostic vectors (a set of diagnostic features in the form of a binary code) and their comparison with the current state. The developed standards formed the basis for the system of automatic recognition of the object state. The introduction of such a system will simplify the task of collecting, analyzing, comparing drives data during operation at nuclear power plants, as well as improving methods of testing and diagnosing CPS drives, which should positively affect the reliability and resource of equipment.

    Keywords: CPS drive, technical diagnostics, spectral analysis, diagnostic vector, state recognition

  • Modeling the coefficient of conversion of a heat pump in the supercomputer cooling system

    In this study, the task is to simulate the cooling system of supercomputers with a heat pump on the reverse Stirling cycle by numerical simulation of heat transfer processes in the object under study. The results of numerical simulation of heat transfer processes in the superheater processor cooling system with a heat pump on the reverse cycle are presented. A numerical model of the heat transfer process was investigated. As a result, the dependencies of the required thermal lift of the heat pump are obtained taking into account the thermal resistance of the system. The first liquid cooling circuit - the cold cylinder of the heat pump and the hot cylinder system - the second liquid cooling circuit, depending on the heat transfer coefficient of the heat pump.

    Keywords: processor, heat flow, thermal resistance, Laplace equation, heat pump, heat exchange, Stirling backflow, cooling system

  • Investigation of the possibility of controlling passenger traffic in a vehicle based on an ultrasonic distance sensor

    The work of the sensors of passenger traffic control in conditions of a dense stream of people in the controlled section of the doorway was conducted. The results showed the possibility of determining the direction of movement of a person due to a change in the distance between the sensor and the moving person. The interference due to the high density of passenger traffic, which, however, does not lead, however, to the development of the corresponding algorithms, to false alarms of the sensors is detected. However, additional field studies are required on the vehicle of the passenger counting device based on ultrasonic distance measurement sensors

    Keywords: passenger, ultrasound, passenger transport, road transport, distance sensor, Arduino, bus

  • Full-scale research of the device of the control of a passenger traffic in a trolley bus on the basis of ultrasonic distance sensors

    The field studies of the device in a controlled section of the doorway of the trolleybus were carried out. Studies have shown the operability of the device with the appropriate information processing algorithm, which allows to extract an information signal from short-term interference. It is necessary to carry out on the vehicle additional field studies of the passenger counting device based on ultrasonic proximity sensors aimed at eliminating the reflection of interference from the walls and, accordingly, improving the accuracy of counting the number of incoming and outgoing passengers.

    Keywords: passenger, ultrasound, passenger transport, road transport, distance sensor, Arduino, trolleybus

  • Mathematical model of the working process of a steam power plant for obtaining heat and electric energy.

    The article discusses the development of a mathematical model in the deterministic form of recording the main dependences that determine the process of vaporization in a steam power plant to produce heat and electricity when used as a source of biofuel energy. Theoretically, the parameters of the working process of the installation were calculated; thermal efficiency of the turbine; heat useful used in the boiler unit; the efficiency of the boiler; the percentage of heat loss with exhaust gases; the estimated hourly consumption of solid biofuel; the annual amount of heat obtained by burning the mass of crop residues; the theoretical combustion temperature of crop residues; the actual steam velocity in the Laval nozzle; the heat loss in the nozzle, etc.in the course of calculations with the help of a multi-factor experiment, the parameters and the shape of the turbine blade used in the installation were obtained. Using the presented mathematical model given in the article and the data of the Federal state statistics service, we obtain the numerical values of the working process of the installation working on biofuel. For convenience, all the summary theoretical data of the numerical values of the basic theoretical dependences of the mathematical model of the working process of the layout of the steam power plant for heat and electricity was included in the table. Thus, theoretical studies show the possibility of producing electricity of the required quality using straw to produce high-pressure steam.

    Keywords: mathematical model the working process of the pressure volume, a steam turbine,producing heat and electric energy, biofuels

  • Regulation of the moisture content of supply air in multizonal HVAC systems of public buildings

    A scheme of the HVAC system with local (zone) air handling units providing the possibility of heat and humidity treatment of air is developed to maintain the set temperature and relative humidity of the supply air. Features of regulation of moisture content of supply air in HVAC systems are considered and an analysis of air processing processes was carried out using the I-d diagram for the warm and cold periods of the year. A method for control the moisture content of the supply air is described, which allows more accurately to maintain the air parameters when the heat and humidity loads in the serviced rooms change.

    Keywords: multizonal HVAC system, local (zone) air handling units, heat and moisture exchange, I-d-diagram, regulation of moisture content