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  • Classification of Micro-Expressions Based on Optical Flow Considering Gender Differences

    This study presents a method for recognizing and classifying micro-expressions using optical flow analysis and the YOLOv11 architecture. Unlike previous binary detection approaches, this research enables multi-class classification while considering gender differences, as facial expressions may vary between males and females. A novel optical flow algorithm and a discretization technique improve classification stability, while the Micro ROC-AUC metric addresses class imbalance. Experimental results show that the proposed method achieves competitive accuracy, with gender-specific models further enhancing performance. Future work will explore ethnic variations and advanced learning strategies for improved recognition.

    Keywords: microexpressions, pattern recognition, optical flow, YOLOv11

  • Programming using the actor model on the Akka platform: concepts, patterns, and implementation examples

    This article discusses the basic concepts and practical aspects of programming using the actor model on the Akka platform. The actor model is a powerful tool for creating parallel and distributed systems, providing high performance, fault tolerance and scalability. The article describes in detail the basic principles of how actors work, their lifecycle, and messaging mechanisms, as well as provides examples of typical patterns such as Master/Worker and Proxy. Special attention is paid to clustering and remote interaction of actors, which makes the article useful for developers working on distributed systems.

    Keywords: actor model, akka, parallel programming, distributed systems, messaging, clustering, fault tolerance, actor lifecycle, programming patterns, master worker, proxy actor, synchronization, asynchrony, scalability, error handling

  • Development of a digital twin model of a transport facility based on a process approach

    The article offers examples of simulated processes for creating a digital twin, a monitoring process, and a cargo transportation process. A theory is proposed for calculating a mathematical model based on Petri nets. Models for placing an order and its delivery are proposed, as well as a model of information flows using the example of developing models for the processes of transporting perishable products in a refrigerated container.

    Keywords: Business process, modeling, BPMN, IDEF1, DFD, Petri nets, mathematical model, intelligent 3D model

  • Improving the reliability of the subsystem for monitoring and controlling steam pressure in the steam curtain of a tubular furnace of a diesel fuel hydrotreating technological unit

    The paper presents the results of calculating reliability indicators and analyzing the fault tolerance of the subsystem for monitoring and controlling steam pressure in the steam curtain of a tubular furnace of a diesel fuel hydrotreating technological unit. The effectiveness of reserving critical elements to improve functional safety is substantiated.

    Keywords: reliability, fault tolerance, steam curtain, tubular furnace, hydrotreating, diesel fuel, redundancy, functional safety

  • Adaptation of the dynamic time warping algorithm for the problem of finding the distance between two time series with periods of low value variability

    The dynamic time warping algorithm (DTW) is designed to compare two time series by measuring the distance between them. DTW is widely used in medicine, speech recognition, financial market and gaze trajectories analysis. Considering the classic version of DTW, as well as its various modifications, it was found that in the tasks of analyzing the distance between gaze trajectories, they are not able to correctly take into account the duration of its fixations on visual stimuli. The problem has not attracted much attention so far, although its solution will improve the accuracy and interpretation of the results of many experimental studies, since assessing the time of visual focus on objects is an important factor in visual analysis. Hence the need to adapt DTW for such tasks. The goal of this work is to adapt the classic DTW to the problem of finding the distance between two time series with periods of low variability of values. During the demonstration of the developed algorithm, it was proven that the effect of a given minimum threshold of fixation duration on the result is significant. The proposed adaptation of DTW will improve the quality of visual data analysis and can be applied to understanding the mechanisms of human perception and decision-making in various fields of activity, such as psychology and marketing, as well as to developing effective methods for testing interfaces.

    Keywords: dynamic time warping algorithm, eye tracking, time series, gaze trajectory, gaze fixation duration

  • Comparative analysis of ResNet18 and ResNet50 neural network resilience to adversarial attacks on training sets

    This article is devoted to a comparative analysis of the resilience of ResNet18 and ResNet50 neural networks to adversarial attacks on training sets. The issue of the importance of ensuring the safety of learning sets is considered, taking into account the growing scope of artificial intelligence applications. The process of conducting an adversarial attack is described using the example of an animal recognition task. The results of two experiments are analyzed. The purpose of the first experiment was to identify the dependence of the number of epochs required for the successful execution of an adversarial attack on the training set on the neural network version of the ResNet architecture using the example of ResNet18 and ResNet50. The purpose of the second experiment was to get an answer to the question: how successful are attacks on one neural network using modified images of the second neural network. An analysis of the experimental results showed that ResNet50 is more resistant to competitive attacks, but further improvement is still necessary.

    Keywords: artificial intelligence, computer vision, Reset, ResNet18, ResNet50, adversarial attacks, learning set, learning set security, neural networks, comparative analysis

  • Technical science. Building and architecture

  • Features of modeling composite reinforced concrete structures taking into account the reduced shear modulus

    The article discusses the features of modeling composite reinforced concrete beams from various (B25 and B65) concrete strength classes. The basic principles of the theory of composite rods were applied in the modeling process. The section of the reinforced concrete beam was divided by boundary layers with a reduced shear coefficient. The stresses and the nature of the distribution of deformations over the height of the beam section were evaluated before and after the introduction of a different number of boundary layers. During the extended analysis, options for introducing vertically arranged boundary layers along the length of the beam were considered. Based on the results obtained, it was possible to evaluate the specifics of the operation of bent structures with a different number of boundary layers.

    Keywords: contact zone, contact characteristic, shear modulus, shear calculation, composite structure, reinforced concrete beam made of high-strength concrete

  • Fibro gypsum-Peplocement concrete composites with polydisperse reinforcement

    The results of studies of the strength properties of polydisperse reinforced composites based on gypsum fiber cement binders are presented. The increase in compressive strength due to dispersed reinforcement reaches 16% at the age of 2 hours and 19% at the age of 28 days, with bending by 69% and 75%, respectively. The compressive strength level of at least 90% of the maximum strength value occurs with an l/d ratio in the range from 1100 to 1800. When bending, at least 90% of the maximum strength value occurs at any l/d ratio with a reinforcement coefficient of μ = 1.3%. When reinforced with basalt fiber in combination with polypropylene fiber, the compressive strength is 1.67 times. The increase in bending strength ranges from 2.17 times after 2 hours to 2.3 times after 28 days.

    Keywords: gypsum cement binders, polydisperse reinforcement, composites, compressive and bending strength

  • Study of the thermal performance of plate heat exchangers operating in a hot water supply circuit under conditions of combined operation with a storage tank

    The article discusses the issues associated with the preparation of hot water in individual apartment heating systems that use a secondary plate heat exchanger of the boiler. The drawbacks of this approach are highlighted, including delays in hot water supply, the need to drain water from the pipeline, the inability to regulate temperature and flow rate, as well as the lack of recirculation capabilities. As an alternative, a system with a storage tank and a plate heat exchanger is proposed, which ensures stable water temperature, adjustable flow rate, resource savings, and the possibility of recirculation. Based on experimental studies, the heat transfer coefficient for heat exchangers with profiled and flat plates has been determined. Calculations of the required heat exchanger area are provided, depending on the type of plates, the volume of the storage tank, and its charging time, which allows for the optimization of hot water supply system design.

    Keywords: plate heat exchanger, storage tank, heat transfer coefficient

  • Modular construction. Prospects for the development of modular housing construction technology in Russia

    The article is devoted to the development of modular construction in Russia and related problems. Given the ongoing shortage of living space and the need to modernize the housing stock, modular construction is a promising solution for the rapid construction of affordable housing. Despite the advantages such as faster implementation times, high flexibility and adaptability to various needs, and the ability to quickly dismantle and expand buildings, the technology faces serious challenges in Russia. The lack of a unified regulatory framework and certification brings additional difficulties with financing and lack of infrastructure, which significantly limits the mass use of modular structures. These factors slow down the process of integrating modular construction into domestic construction practice. At the same time, international experience and successful examples of the implementation of such projects, such as the Habitat 67 residential complex in Canada and the high-rise building "Naikagin Capsule Tower" in Japan, demonstrate the possibilities of modular construction in various sectors. Russia continues to actively work on the adaptation of modular technologies, which opens up prospects for solving housing problems and the rapid construction of social facilities. In the country modular construction can play an important role in solving housing problems, especially in regions where traditional construction methods are economically impractical. Despite the existing problems, the implementation of this technology continues to evolve, which opens up prospects for future growth and improvement of the construction industry in Russia.

    Keywords: modular construction, energy efficiency, prefabricated buildings, regulatory and technical documentation, block modules, modular systems, frame buildings, modular buildings, modular construction technology

  • The socio-cultural importance of preserving historical buildings in Syria for local communities

    The article is devoted to the importance of preserving historical buildings in Syria for local communities in the face of modern challenges. The article analyzes the role of architectural monuments in the formation of cultural identity, social integration and reconstruction of the country after the conflict. The problems of restoration of facilities and its impact on the morale of the population are considered. Using the example of existing projects, the importance of heritage as a symbol of memory and national unity is shown. Finally, recommendations are proposed to improve the preservation of cultural heritage.

    Keywords: syria, historical buildings, architectural heritage, socio-cultural significance, restoration, post-conflict reconstruction, social cohesion, local communities

  • Assessment of radiation changes in concrete of various nuclear facilities under the influence of gamma radiation

    The effect of gamma radiation on concretes of nuclear facilities and their components has been studied less than the effect of neutron radiation. In this regard, the purpose of this work was to assess radiation changes in concrete structures of various nuclear facilities under the influence of gamma radiation. The work presents computational studies of radiation changes in volume and compressive strength under the influence of gamma radiation in concrete structures of various premises of nuclear facilities. The calculations were performed using methods developed for the analytical determination of radiation changes in concretes and their components under neutron irradiation and heating. The rationale for their use was considered earlier. The calculations were based on the methods previously developed by the author for predicting radiation changes in fillers and cement stone under the influence of gamma radiation. It was found that under the influence of gamma radiation, significant radiation changes, especially in strength, occur and will occur in concrete structures of the considered premises of various nuclear facilities in most cases. Gamma radiation causes a decrease in volume and a decrease in strength, but it is different for concrete in different rooms depending on the absorbed dose rate. Radiation changes increase with an increase in the dose rate and the duration of operation. The calculated radiation changes in concrete under the influence of gamma radiation should be taken into account in the design, operation and especially when extending the operation of nuclear power facilities. However, the change in strength can be partially compensated by additional hydration and especially by an increase in strength due to carbonization. However, this is not taken into account in the calculations, since it has not yet been sufficiently studied. In this regard, the obtained results show the possible maximum effect of gamma radiation. Upon receipt of specific data on the effect of carbonization, the presented results can be adjusted.

    Keywords: concrete, nuclear power facilities, nuclear power plants, gamma radiation effects, radiation changes in concrete, volume change, radiation changes in strength

  • Engineering protection design for landslide-prone sections of the Sochi highway

    When designing engineering protection, it is necessary to use modern and progressive technologies. The technical decisions made must comply with the fundamentals of design - economic and operational efficiency. This article discusses the methods and principles of operation necessary for hazard assessment and the development of effective measures to prevent and reduce risks in the design, selection of optimal solutions and recommendations for the development of engineering protection projects. A section of a public highway of local significance in the Krasnodar Territory was selected during the survey. The materials of engineering and geological studies of the slope were used as initial data, which included reconnaissance route observations, engineering and geological workings with soil sampling, and determination of the physico-mechanical characteristics of the soils.

    Keywords: engineering protection, surveys, design, stability, reconstruction, soil, landslide slope

  • On the issue of monitoring monolithic reinforced concrete foundations of machines with dynamic loads from increasing vibration levels of equipment

    The presented program for operation/monitoring of the mill foundation includes monitoring the development of crack width by installing beacons, monitoring the foundation vibration by means of sensors installed in the equipment structure and geodetic monitoring of foundation settlement by means of an electronic tacheometer and a level. Monitoring was performed due to an increase in the vibration level of the equipment installed on the foundation and the detection of foundation defects in the form of cracks and concrete chips.

    Keywords: monitoring, bearing capacity, foundation, dynamic load, concrete, reinforcement

  • Medieval firing technologies of air and hydraulic lime binders

    For the effective preservation of cultural heritage sites (CHS), it is necessary to carry out a set of engineering, technical and scientific measures already at the stage of their registration and conservation. Proposed work on the repair, restoration and renovation of CHS is subject to a comprehensive study. The approach to the preservation of CHS should be systemic, including digital volumetric-spatial and planning solutions, technology and organization of repair, restoration and renovation, development of new repair and renovation binders and materials, soils, bases and foundations, calculations of dynamic and seismic impacts, etc. To develop modern repair and renovation binders and compositions, it is necessary to study traditional or so-called handicraft technologies that were used in the old days - in the late period and the Middle Ages. Knowledge of handicraft technologies allows us to develop binders and compositions that are as close as possible to the original (parent) ones. From the point of view of a natural study of handicraft technologies for the production of lime binders, the following are of interest: those found in the Shoan tower complex. Guli, Dzheyrakh district, Republic of Ingushetia, fragments of kilns, the study and research of which is the subject of this article.

    Keywords: historical and cultural monuments, cultural heritage sites, handicraft technologies, furnaces, kilns, X-ray phase analysis

  • Study of the strength of a wooden element of a spacer structure with reinforcement of the side surfaces with fiberglass

    The article proposes to strengthen the upper chord of the triangular spacer system with fiberglass. The material used for strengthening shows high efficiency in increasing the strength of the wooden element for the 1st group of limit states. The material proposed for strengthening does not lead to a change in the original decorative expressiveness of wooden structures, and maintains the service life.

    Keywords: spacer structure, upper chord, glued laminated board element, modulus of elasticity, volumetric weight, geometric characteristics, bending moment, longitudinal compressive force, structural reinforcement, composite material

  • Structural solutions for exterior walls: problems, defects and prospects for the use of single-layer enclosing structures

    Numerical studies of the temperature and humidity properties of three types of enclosing exterior walls have been performed using gas-silicate autoclave hardening blocks as the base, and a comparative analysis of the results of the study with the results of research by other authors has been carried out. The design features affecting the condensation of moisture in multilayer walls are revealed. It has been found that multilayer walls have a number of disadvantages that affect their performance and durability, in particular, the presence of materials with different vapor permeability and moisture absorption, which leads to the accumulation of moisture inside the wall. The prospects of using single-layer structures and the importance of choosing the right material for the finishing layer are shown. An example of the use of a finishing material based on acrylic and marble chips is given, and the need for further research of this material is shown.

    Keywords: gas silicate block, condensation zone, plaster facade, finishing material, acrylic, marble chips

  • Filtration calculation of heterogeneous earth dams on impermeable foundation

    In the practice of hydraulic engineering construction, especially in mountainous and foothill areas, quite often there are conditions under which it is economically advantageous to build a dam reservoir from heterogeneous local materials with different filtration characteristics. As a rule, in such areas near the site of the future dam there is not enough homogeneous construction soil that meets all the requirements. However, it is possible to find soils that differ in water permeability, but in sufficient quantity for the construction of the body of this dam.

    Keywords: reservoir, dam, filtration, soil, section, pool, anti-seepage core, flow, slope

  • Study of acidic impurities in the atmospheric air of the Orthodox settlement of Otrada (Volgograd), March-October, 2024

    A study of acidic impurities in the atmospheric air of the Orthodox settlement of Otrada (Volgograd) in March-October 2024 was conducted based on the preparation of aerosol suspensions by washing particles from plant leaves with distilled water. The leaves of elm (Ulmus pumila L.) with aerosol particles were used as the research material. In the settlement of Otrada, we took samples of elm leaves (Ulmus pumila L.) at 10 study points. Sampling, including the preparation of aerosol suspensions, was correlated with well-known proven international methods. The value of the acidity index was measured on electrochemical equipment (S220-Kit pH meter complete with InLab Expert Pro-ISM electrode, China). Statistical analyses of the data obtained were performed in the R program (version 3.6.1, R Core Team 2020), statistical hypotheses were tested at a=0.05. The average values of the acidity index, where the pH value is.= 5.39+0.01, which indicates the presence of acidic impurities in the atmospheric air during the specified period in the settlement of Otrada and indicates the acidity of precipitation in the study area as a crisis zone ((pH=5.0-4.5), according to Svistov P.F. et al., 2012).

    Keywords: dispersion, aerosols; surface density of particles; PM2.5; PM10; green infrastructure; natural pollution

  • Concepts of sustainable architecture: innovations and their implementation

    This study examines innovative approaches to sustainable architecture, which are classified according to the use of building materials and modern creative concepts that contribute to the creation of environmentally friendly and energy-efficient buildings. Particular attention is paid to the fact that sustainable development in architecture is becoming increasingly relevant in the context of global climate change and growing urbanization. The authors of the study analyze modern technologies and methods that help reduce the negative impact on the environment. Various categories of building materials are systematized and investigated, as well as their impact on the environmental sustainability of buildings. In addition, creative architectural concepts that integrate natural elements are considered.The study analyzes successful examples of the implementation of sustainable architectural projects around the world, demonstrating how a creative approach can lead to a harmonious combination of functionality, aesthetics and environmental responsibility. Special attention is paid to the integration of nature into architectural solutions, as well as the importance of community involvement in the design process.The authors of the study emphasize the importance of an interdisciplinary approach in architectural practice, as well as the importance of education and awareness for creating a sustainable future. The obtained research results can be useful for both practical architects and students who want to integrate sustainable methods into their work.

    Keywords: sustainable architecture, building material, environmental sustainability, energy efficiency, creative concept, recycled resource, natural material, renewable source, solar panel, rainwater harvesting system, interdisciplinary approach

  • Evolution of Architectural Design Technologies

    The article examines the evolution of architectural design technologies from antiquity to the present. It describes the key methods of measurement, drafting, and visualization, the transition from empirical methods to systematic approaches, the development of descriptive geometry, and the implementation of mechanized and digital tools (CAD, BIM). The impact of technological transformations on the accuracy, aesthetics, and functionality of architectural solutions is analyzed, as well as the prospects of parametric design, generative design, and artificial intelligence. This work is relevant for both professionals and a wide audience interested in the history and future of design.

    Keywords: architecture, design, drafting, digitization, cad, bim, parametrization, generative design, artificial intelligence

  • The influence of environmental factors on the formation of urban residential development in Yemen

    The article examines the influence of environmental factors on the formation of residential development in Yemen. The climatic and geographical conditions of the region are analyzed. Traditional and modern architectural approaches adapted to the region's extreme natural conditions are considered. Particular attention is paid to sustainable design focused on the rational use of natural resources. The study highlights the importance of integrating "green" technologies and environmentally sustainable construction methods into urban planning.

    Keywords: Yemen, residential development, environmental factors, sustainable development, climatic conditions, architecture, urban planning

  • Database of wooden architecture objects of Karelia

    The article considers the issues of developing a database of wooden architecture objects in Karelia. The database includes 1009 attributed photographs obtained as part of the comprehensive expedition of the Ministry of Culture of Karelia in 1979-1980 and the comprehensive expedition to Syamozerye in 2000-2001. The expedition research was carried out by specialists and students of Petrozavodsk State University under the supervision of Academician Vyacheslav Petrovich Orfinsky. The database was developed in the MySQL database management system. The database scheme is provided, the tables are described, and an example of a photograph with attributes is presented. The database allows storing and editing materials from historical and architectural expeditions and research by employees of Petrozavodsk State University, as well as searching for photographs of wooden architecture objects in Karelia by various criteria, including date, location, type of object, and author.

    Keywords: wooden architecture, database, expeditions, MySQL DBMS, photographs of wooden architecture objects

  • Development of fine heat-insulating concrete mix on granulated foam glass

    Toughening of requirements to buildings’ power efficiency enables development and implementation of modern lightweight concretes on efficient porous aggregates into building industry. The key demands to both lightweight heat-insulating and to fine concretes are ensuring low density index and thus low thermal conduction with high durability provided. There has been developed a lightweight heat-insulating fine concrete mix with the use of three fractions of granulated foam glass. To conduct the research there has been used a central composite design, which helped determine optimal consumption of separate fractions of granulated foam glass, and acquire a lightweight heat-insulating fine concrete with the lowest density. On the basis of obtained research results there has been carried out a calculation of thermal conduction ratio with the use of empirical formulae. The research results have been analyzed, and their descriptive statistics have been presented as diagrams and graphs. On the basis of the analysis of the research results there have been obtained regression equations and established influence degree of separate fractions of granulated foam glass on the density and thermal conduction ratio. There has been carried out an optimization of the material mix and the correlation between fine aggregate fractions calculated to provide the lowest average density.

    Keywords: fine concrete, granulated foam-glass, thermal conduction ratio, average density, durability, experiment design, regression, mix optimization