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  • Methodology to evaluate the feasibility and effectiveness of remediation of soils contaminated by oil and oil products, the biological indicators

    To evaluate the effectiveness of remediation of soils contaminated with petroleum or petroleum products, it is advisable to use the method for determining the integral indicator of biological condition (IPBS) of the soil, calculated on the most informative biological indicators. If, before reclaiming the difference between the IPBS contaminated and uncontaminated (background) soil is less than 10%, it is advisable not to carry out remediation. If the value of IPBS re-cultivated soil and uncontaminated soil IPBS value differ by less than 10%, then reclamation carried out efficiently.

    Keywords: pollution, soil, oil, oil products, remediation soil biological properties of the soil, the effectiveness of remediation

  • Use vegetative index in equipment for therapy hypertension

    The paper describes the principles of the use of audiovisual stimulation for the treatment of hypertension is shown. Proposed to increase the effectiveness of therapy to use feedback on the state of the patient , which controls the frequency of audio-visual stimuli , depending on the magnitude of blood pressure and the vegetation index.

    Keywords: hypertension, sensorineural therapy , feedback, vegetative index , blood pressure, pulse audio-visual stimuli

  • Broadband differential attenuator with variable transfer factor

    A method of expanding the bandwidth and improve the performance of the differential voltage divider – attenuator (AT), which have parasitic capacitance on the outputs C01, C02. Wide range of transmission of the AT provided by introducing a compensation circuit C01, C02, which is achieving data quality indicators. Simulation results of desired are shown.

    Keywords: a resistive voltage divider, differential attenuator, the parasitic сapacitance load, speed, upper frequency limit, analog-to-digital converters.

  • Models of adaptive management outlining of materials in electronic courses for e-learning

    In article the description of models of adaptive management outlining the content electronic courses. Model based on the analysis of factor run content element and the factor of time interacting with the content element CEMA (classifiers events - management analyzer) for calculating an objective indicator of course studying result of user to send a learning management system (LMS). A model of the DCG (dynamic content generation) to localize errors in the develop electronic courses and to the human factor in learning process. Proposed criteria and shown one model implementation AMLM (adaptive management e-learning materials). Results of the study found use in educational institutions and commercial enterprises involved in the introduction of new technologies and improve efficiency in e-learning. Organizations interested in the development of services provided by e-learning and stimulating economic benefits will find helpful many aspects of this work for planning strategies for education and training of personnel companies-customers, students and the public. 

    Keywords: education, e-learning, Learning Management System, electronic learning course, models of adaptive management outlining of content

  • Indicators of the quality of information and computing systems of railway transport

    There is considered the problem of structuring indicators of the quality of information-computing systems, including transport. For each quality indicator is determined by the number of corresponding criteria. An algorithm for analysis of subscriber delays.

    Keywords: quality, indicator of quality, quality criterion, computer information system of railway transport,subscriber delay

  • Logistic organization of integrated development of mass low-rise housing construction

    In the article the author considers the problematic aspects and empirical complexities of the modern process of institutionalization of the market of countryside low-rise housing construction. Basing on the results of his studies of the modern market practice of the development of mass low-rise housing construction the author substantiates the necessity of formation the logistic model of integrated and organized development of low-rise housing construction, implementation of which will allow to launch the process of institutionalization of the market of housing and communal services that will provide the extension of possibilities for integrated infrastructural preparation of the territories at the expense of deepening the institutional and operational integration of operators of the market of low-rise house building and the market of housing and communal services. From the author's point of view, the effective institutionalization of the process of the extended development of integrated low-rise housing construction can be ensured on the basis of the logistic linking of all parts of construction industry which are integrated into the model of public-private partnership on construction of engineering and communal infrastructure in the system of low-rise housing construction in the framework of the new technological and economic structure which provides the possibility for civilized development of the countryside cottage settlements, integrated development of which makes one of the basic conditions for formation of their long-term market attractiveness and also in future competition with the countryside multi-apartment housing. Low-rise housing construction, economy segment, logistics, integration, housing and communal services.

    Keywords: Low-rise housing construction, economy segment, logistics, integration, housing and communal services.

  • Technique of microinjection in axons of nerve cells, surrounded by dense glial sheath, using ultrasound vibration of microcapillary

    Intracellular microinjection - a method of direct introduction of cellular organelles and solutions of substances into living cells. The technique of microinjection into nerve cells by puncturing their processes - axons , which are often surrounded by a dense glial sheath, are described. To puncture the sheath a special injector transmitting microvibrations of ultrasonic frequency on the injection capillary was designed. The results of using the proposed microinjection technique for introducing fluorescent marker in large axons of model object - crayfish ventral nerve cord, to visualize the morphology of axons, were shown.

    Keywords: intracellular microinjection, neuron, axon, glial sheath, ultrasound vibration, piezoelectric transducer

  • Software tools and biological databases for building hypothesis on protein-protein interactions after proteomics profiling

    The authors suggest two approaches to constructing hypotheses about the interactions of proteins on the basis of the results of tracking the changes in their levels during the studied biological process. The first approach is based on the use of machine mining of biological texts, which are freely available on the Internet. The second is related to the execution of database queries on binary protein-protein interactions . To specify the experimental context in obtained protein networks, filtering of the protein entities on the basis of needed ontology from database Gene Ontology was used.

    Keywords: text mining, data base, protein-protein interaction, protein networks

  • Kinematic investigation of the mechanism of the ladle turning of the rope excavator

    The research devoted to the kinematic mechanism for turning rope of ladle excavator, in the article considered the part of the trajectory of the work process: this process make the turning of the grip relatively to the arrow with the same time turning ladle relatively to the grip. The ladle turning is made because of additional kinematic connection between the ladle and grip and / jr the arrow and implementing internal forces due to the mutual position of the corresponding arrow and grip.

    Keywords: the rope excavator, the ladle turning, kinematics, the analitical investigation

  • The impact of point source on an anisotropic poroelastic plane

    The dynamic problem  of an anisotropic poroelastic plane under an influence of point source in the steady-state oscillation mode is studied. An analytical solution of the problem as a single integrals over a finite interval is given. Numerical experiments on the construction of solutions are made and the results are compared with the known classical solutions.

    Keywords: poroelasticity, vibrations, anisotropy

  • Conceptual desing of innovative working parts of the rope excavators

    The article devoted to the development of a conceptual desing methodology applied to the working parts of the rope excavator. As notation for the  representation of models used the Unified Modeling Language (UML). Integration method diagram of target classes (DTC), the diagram of class equipment (DCE)and the diagram of functional target classes (DFTC) obtained the model system of management of the work equipment. A result of the conceptual constructing developed a basic invariant of the object architecture, implemented in innovative desing of the woring body.

    Keywords: the target analysis, the conceptual construction, innovation, the working parts, the rope excavator

  • Channeling of X-ray fluorescence excited in hollow microcapillaries.

    The possibility of channeling X-ray fluorescence inside the hollow microvascular at the energy of the exciting radiation in the vicinity SiL2, 3 - absorption edge has been researched. Theoretically obtained the angular distribution of the field passing through the microchannels. The calculation model of inhomogeneous waveguide layer with the generation of X-ray fluorescence inside the walls of the microchannels shows the possibility of escape of radiation at large angles.

    Keywords: channeling of X-ray fluorescence, microchannel plates, focusing of X-ray radiation

  • Capitalization industrial enterprise resource in the cluster in innovative development strategies

    The problems of finding and implementing provisions increasing the competitiveness of domestic production due to the effective capitalization of resources , which is a set of multi-level institutional processes and management actions to ensure efficient binding of economic resources for the modernization of innovation based on the reproduction processes in the enterprise. Shows a conceptual view of the process of strategy formation capitalization resource industries in the cluster. A scheme of structure-function relationships of subjects clustered relations conditional capitalization of resources.

    Keywords: capitalization of resources, institutional bondage, clustering relationships, competitive potential, enterprise, innovation development

  • The development of toolkit of cognitive modelling for research of difficult systems

    In the article the approach to modelling and the analysis of functioning of difficult systems based on indistinct cognitive maps is described. The theoretical part of the article is devoted description of modern family cognitive maps, the short characteristic and the analysis of following groups is given: Cognitive Maps, Fuzzy Cognitive Maps, Fuzzy Cognitive Maps by Silov, Rules Based Fuzzy Cognitive Maps, Generalized Rules Based Fuzzy Cognitive Maps, Relational Fuzzy Cognitive Maps, Neutrosophic Relational Maps, Dynamic cognitive networks. The concept of fuzzy way is entered for the development of mathematical toolkit and the model of fuzzy pulse process is offered. The practical component of the article is directed on the description of examples of the decision of separate problems of cognitive modelling with application of the device fuzzy directed graph of the 1st kind. The offered approach will allow to develop forecast scenarios of development of difficult system taking into account its reaction on external influences.

    Keywords: difficult system, fuzzy model, fuzzy cognitive map, fuzzy way

  • Engineering breakthrough in the social simulation

    In the article it is shown that the engineering professional abilities proved to be claimed, also, in the especially humanitarian divisions of the science: history, sociology, politologii, konfliktologii and other Which makes it possible to speak about the convergence of engineering methods and professional scopes of the specialists of humanitarian profile. The illustrations of the tendency of this change in the southern federal university are given. Are examined the most interesting aspects of the advance of engineering methods and tools in the humanitarian formation, in scientific studies and developments, conducted with the participation of scientists, specialists and the students of the North-Caucasian scientific center of southern federal university.

    Keywords: convergence, simulation, methodology, social simulation, information set of instruments, agent base modeling, system dynamics, the discrete- event-related models